Article Title Author(s) Publication Date
As, Sb, and Fe removal from industrial copper electrolyte by solvent displacement crystallisation techniqueJalil Vahdati Khaki0-11
The mechanism of lacy cover formation in pittingMohammad Hadi Moayed1997-6
Melting temperature, Transformation and Metastable phase diagram of rapidly solidified Ag-Cu alloysMohsen Haddad Sabzevar1998-2
Metastable Pitting and the Critical Pitting TemperatureMohammad Hadi Moayed1998-8
the effect of carbon on the restoration phenomena during hot deformation of carbon steelsSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2001-1
Hybrid pp-EpR-GF composites. part II: fracture MechanismsSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2001-3
A high temperature deformation mechanism map for the high performance Ni-base superalloy GTD-111Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2001-6
investigation of deformation mechanism in polyproylene/Glass fober CompositeSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2002-1
Study of microstructure and mechanical properties of high performance Ni-base superalloy GTD-111Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2002-1
analysis of current transients and morphology of metastable and stable pltting on stainless steel abMohammad Hadi Moayed2002-12
Fracture behaviour of isotactic polypropylene under static loading conditionSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2003-1
Hot corrosion mechanisms of magnesite-chromite refractories used at reverberatory furnances in Iran's sarcheshmeh copper complex and development of Iranian refractory productionsAli Davoodi2003-1
dependence of the critical pitting temperature on surface roughnessMohammad Hadi Moayed2003-2
Dilatational shear bands in rubber modified isotacticSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2003-3
Modelling of metal flow during hot forging with regard to microstructurol aspectsSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2003-3
Dislocation network formation during creep in Ni-base superalloy GTD-111Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2003-6
Influence of Filler Particles on Deformation and Fracture Mechanism of Isotactic PolypropyleneSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2004-2
Effect of composition and mns addotionAli Haerian Ardekani2004-3
Microstructure evaluation of Al-Al2O3 composite produced by mechanical alloying methodSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2004-3
EIS examination of mill scale on mild steel with polyester-epoxy powder coatingMohammad Hadi Moayed2004-3
Tensile Deformation Mechanisms at Different Temperatures in the Ni-Base Superalloy GTD-111Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2004-3
Oxidation behaviour of Al-alloyed ductile cast irons at elevated temperatureAli Reza Kiani Rashid2004-6
the influence of glass fider on fracture behavior of isotactic polypropyleneSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2004-12
Theory of hot carack formationMohsen Haddad Sabzevar2005-2
Deterioration of pitting corrosion of 316 Stainless steel by sensitization heat treatmentMohammad Hadi Moayed2005-2
Impression creep of Sn–40Pb–2.5Sb peritectic solder alloyAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2005-2
Using pit solution chemistry for Evaluation of metastable pitting stability of Austenitic stainless steelMohammad Hadi Moayed2005-2
Filler toughening of plastics. Part 1-The effect of surface interactions on physico-mechanical propeSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2005-3
An investigation on the effect of bleaching environment on pitting corrosion and transpassive dissolMohammad Hadi Moayed2005-3
Investigation on the effect of various surface preparations on corrosion performance of powder coateMohammad Hadi Moayed2005-3
Superplastic indentation creep of Sn–Pb–Sb peritecticAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2005-5
The Bainitic Phase Transformation in Aluminium Containing Ductile Irons After Short time of AustemperingAli Reza Kiani Rashid2005-5
Deformation and Stress Analysis of Circumferentially Fiber-Reinforced Composite DisksSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2005-6
In Situ Investigation of Localized Corrosion of Aluminum Alloys in Chloride Solution Using Integrated EC-AFM/SECM TechniquesAli Davoodi2005-8
Deterioration in critical pitting temperature of 904L stainless steel by addition of Sulfate ionsMohammad Hadi Moayed2006-2
Evaluation of Current Transients and Morphology of Metastable and Stable Pitting on Stainless Steel Above Pitting PotentialMohammad Hadi Moayed2006-2
Hot crack formation in pure Cu and Cu-30%Zn alloy during in situ solidificationMohsen Haddad Sabzevar2006-2
The effect of different additives in electrolyte of AGM batteries on self-dischargeMohammad Hadi Moayed2006-2
The relationship between pit Chemistry and pit geometry near the critical pitting temperatureMohammad Hadi Moayed2006-2
Modification of fracture toughness of isotactic polypropylene with a combination of EPR and CaCO3 paSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2006-3
Microstructure evolution of high-performance Ni-base superalloy GTD-111 with heat treatment parameteSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2006-3
Probing of local dissolution of Al-alloys in chloride solutions by AFM and SECMAli Davoodi2006-5
A New Approach for the Analysis of Functionally Graded BeamsSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2006-6
Carbide Precipitation in the Microstructures of Austempered Ductile Irons Containing 0.48% and 4.88% AlAli Reza Kiani Rashid2006-6
A study on thermal behavior of HDPE/CaCO3 nanocompositesSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2006-7
Study of fracture mechanisms of a Ni-Base superalloy at different temperaturesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2006-9
Deformation Behaviour of Martensite in a Low-Carbon Dual-Phase SteelMohammad Mazinani2007-2
Dependency of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Mechanical Alloyed Al-Al2O3 Composite on Milling TimeSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2007-2
Effect of both uncoated and coated calcium carbonate on fracture toughness of HDPE/CaCO3 nanocompositesSamaneh Sahebian,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2007-2
Effect of Martensite Plasticity on the Deformation Behavior of a Low-Carbon Dual-Phase SteelMohammad Mazinani2007-2
Isothermal transformation of austenite to bainite in high carbon steelsSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2007-2
Investigation of the effect of matrix volume fraction on fiber stress distribution in polypropylene fiber composite using a simulation methodSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2007-3
On the sensitivity of dimensional stability of high density polyethylene on heating rateSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2007-3
In-body corrosion fatigue failure of a stainless steel orthopaedic implant with a rare collection of different damage mechanismsMohammad Reza Yusefsani2007-3
Investigation of the dependences of the mechanical characteristics of an alloyed steel on both the strain rate and the microstructureSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2007-3
Simulation of thixoformability of A356 aluminum alloy using finite volume methodSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2007-3
An Investigation on the Performance of an Imidazoline based commercial Corrosion Inhibitor on CO2 Corrosion of Mild SteelMohammad Hadi Moayed2007-6
An Investigation on the performance Of an imidazoline based commercial Corrosion inhibitor on CO2 corrosion Of gas-well tubing steel by EIS techniqueMohammad Hadi Moayed2007-6
Impression creep behavior of cast Pb–Sb alloysAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2007-6
Investigation of stress exponent in the room-temperature creep of Sn–40Pb–2.5Sb solder alloyAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2007-6
Impression creep behavior of lead-free Sn–5Sb solder alloyAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2007-7
Superplastic power-law creep of Sn–40%Pb–2.5%Sb peritectic alloyAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2007-7
Biomimetic synthesis and mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite/poly (vinyl alcohol) nanocompositesSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2007-8
Integrated AFM and SECM for in situ studies of localized corrosion of Al alloysAli Davoodi2007-10
In situ synthesis and characterization of nano-size hydroxyapatite in poly(vinyl alcohol) matrixSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2007-12
Influence of nano sized silicon carbide on dimensional stability of Al/SiC nanocompositeSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,ebrahim zohourvahid karimi2008-1
Multianalytical and in situ studies of localized corrosion of EN AW-3003 alloy - Influence of intermetallic particlesAli Davoodi2008-1
The effects of volume percent and aspect ratio of carbon fiber onSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2008-1
Effects of Cooling Rate on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Ni-Base Superalloy UDIMET 500Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2008-2
Prediction of hardness at different points of JominySeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2008-2
Effects of pre-strain on microstructure of Ni-Ti orthodontic archwiresSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2008-3
On the strain rate sensitivity of HDPE/CaCO3 nanocompositesSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2008-3
Copper Leaching from Nanoparticles of Chalcopyrite ConcentrateJalil Vahdati Khaki2008-4
Phase Transformation Study of Aluminium Containing Ductile irons by DilatometryAli Reza Kiani Rashid2008-5
The Role of Intermetallic Particles in Localized Corrosion of an Aluminum Alloy Studied by SKPFM and Integrated AFM/SECMAli Davoodi2008-5
Incorporation of new technique for processing of Al/SiCp composites based on Evaporative Pattern Casting (EPC) methodMahin Houshiar Sadeghian2008-7
Developing an AFM-Based SECM System; Instrumental Setup, SECM Simulation, Characterization, and CalibrationAli Davoodi2008-8
Effect of heat treatment, lubricant and sintering temperature on dry sliding wear behavior of medium alloyed chromium PM steelsAbolfazl Babakhani2008-8
Prediction of nanoparticles’ size-dependent melting temperature using mean coordination number conceptMostafa Mirjalili,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2008-8
Thermodynamical computations for Removal of alkali halides and lead oxide from electric arc furnace dustAhad Zabett2008-9
Thermodynamic Simulation of Gas Carburizing of SteelsMehrdad Kashefi Torbati,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2008-10
An Investigation on the Reduction of Iron Ore Pellets in Fixed Bed of Domestic Non-Coking CoalsJalil Vahdati Khaki2008-11
Combustion wave stability in diluted TiO2/Al/C system in atmospheric airJalil Vahdati Khaki,Ali Haerian Ardekani2008-12
The effect of nano-sized calcium carbonate on thermodynamic parameters of HDPESamaneh Sahebian,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Jalil Vahdati Khaki,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2009-1
Fabrication of NiO/SiO2 nanocomposites using sol–gel method and optimization of gelation time using Taguchi robust design methodAta Kamyabi-Gol,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2009-2
Influence of Austenitising Conditions and Aluminium Content on Microstructure and Properties ofAli Reza Kiani Rashid2009-2
The change in the chemical composition and toughness of API 5L-X70 welds by addition of titaniumBehrooz Beidokhti2009-2
Effect of copper content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of multipass MMA, low alloy steel weld metal depositsMohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Ali Haerian Ardekani2009-3
Graphitization in CK 45 SteelAli Reza Kiani Rashid2009-3
Influences of titanium and manganese on high strength low alloy SAW weld metal propertiesBehrooz Beidokhti2009-3
A stochastic model for austenite phase formationMohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Ali Haerian Ardekani2009-4
A study on the effect of synthesis parameters on the size of nickel particles in sol–gel derived Ni–SiO2–Al2O3 nanocompositesAta Kamyabi-Gol,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2009-4
Effect of chromium content on the microstructure and mechanicalMohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Ali Haerian Ardekani2009-4
Effect of titanium addition on the microstructure and inclusion formation in submerged arc welded HSLA pipeline steelBehrooz Beidokhti2009-4
The bainite transformation and the carbide precipitation of 4.88% aluminium austempered ductile iron investigated using electron microscopyAli Reza Kiani Rashid2009-4
Effects of alloying elements and microstructure on the susceptibility of the welded HSLA steel to hydrogen-induced cracking and sulfide stress crackingBehrooz Beidokhti2009-5
Microstructural characteristics of Al-alloyed austempered ductile ironsAli Reza Kiani Rashid2009-5
On role of stearic acid on morphology ofA-Sic composite powders produced bymechanical aloying methodlSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2009-5
The Effect of Conformation Method and Sintering Technique on the Densification and Grain Growth of Nanocrystalline 8 mol% Yttria‐Stabilized ZirconiaSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2009-5
The influence of annealing temperature on the graphitisation of CK 45 SteelAli Reza Kiani Rashid2009-5
Effect of the aluminum content on the behavior of mechanochemical reactions in theWO3–C–Al systemJalil Vahdati Khaki2009-7
The effect of aluminothermic reaction on the progress of carbothermic reaction in simultaneous mechanochemical reduction of CuO and ZnOJalil Vahdati Khaki2009-8
On the role of nano-size SiC on lattice strain and grain size of Al/SiC nanocompositeSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2009-9
Application of eddy current nondestructive method for determination of surface carbon content in carburized steelsMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2009-10
Crystallinity Behavior of MDPE-Clay Nanocomposites Fabricated using Ball Milling MethodSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2009-10
Development of a mathematical expression for the variation of amorphization phenomenon during intensive milling of mineralsJalil Vahdati Khaki2009-10
Effect of alkaline electrolysis conditions on current efficiency, and morphology of zinc powderJalil Vahdati Khaki2009-10
Implementation of Combined Mechanical Activation and Thermal Analysis for Identification of Combustion Synthesis Mechanism in TiO2-Al -C SystemJalil Vahdati Khaki2009-10
Thermodynamic properties of the mixtures of some ionic liquids with alcohols usingSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2009-10
An assessment of the process of Self-propagating High-Temperature Synthesisfor the fabrication of porous copper compositeJalil Vahdati Khaki,Abolfazl Babakhani2009-11
Coating of Al substrate by metallic Ni through mechanical alloyingJalil Vahdati Khaki2009-11
Control of carbon loss during synthesis of WC powder through ball milling of WO3-C-2Al mixtureJalil Vahdati Khaki2009-11
Nanocasting Synthesis of Ultrafine WO3 Nanoparticles for Gas Sensing ApplicationsElham Kamali Heidari2009-11
Optimizing the ignition behavior of microwave-combustion synthesizedAl2O3/TiC composite using Taguchi robust design methodSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2009-11
Study of Pitting Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Stell by Nitrite in Concrete Pore Solution by Polarization and Zero Resistance Ammetery TechniquesMohammad Hadi Moayed,Mahin Houshiar Sadeghian2009-12
Investigation on the effects of hot forging parameters on the austenite grain size of vanadium microalloyed forging steel-30MSV6Abolfazl Babakhani,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid2010-1
Development and verification of a mathematical model for variations of the specific surface area of mineral powders during intensive grindingJalil Vahdati Khaki2010-1
Effect of die temperature on mechanical properties of hot pressed P/MAbolfazl Babakhani2010-1
Formation and Growth of Titanium Aluminide Layer at the Surface of Titanium Sheets Immersed in Molten AluminumMostafa Mirjalili2010-1
Production of nano leaded brass alloy by oxide materialsJalil Vahdati Khaki2010-1
Tensile properties of orthodontic elastomeric ligaturesSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2010-2
Thermal Properties and Crystallization Behavior of Co67Fe4Cr7Si8B14Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Samaneh Sahebian2010-2
WO3-based NO2 sensors fabricated through low frequency AC electrophoretic depositionElham Kamali Heidari2010-2
Influence of hot deformation strain rate on the mechanical properties and microstructure of K310 cold work tool steelSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2010-3
Study of the Morphology and Granulometry ofPolyethylene–Clay Nanocomposite PowdersSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2010-3
The influence of different heat treatment cycles on controlled surface graphitization in CK45 steelAli Reza Kiani Rashid2010-3
A novel method for manufacturing of aluminum foam sandwich panelsJalil Vahdati Khaki2010-4
Effects of multiwall carbon nanotubes on the thermal and mechanical properties of medium density polyethylene matrix nanocomposites produced by a mechanical milling methodSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2010-4
Spheroidizing kinetics and optimization of heat treatment parameters in CK60 steel using taguchi robust designAta Kamyabi-Gol2010-4
An investigation on the variations occurring during Ni3Al powder formation by mechanical alloying techniqueSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2010-5
The effect of homogenization on microstructure and hot ductility behaviour of AZ91 magnesium alloyAli Davoodi2010-5
Evolution of manufacturing parameters in Al/Ni3Al composite powder formation using blending and mechanical milling processesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2010-6
Microstructural and mechanical properties (hardness) investigations of Al-alloyed ductile cast ironAli Reza Kiani Rashid2010-6
Tuning DOS measuring parameters based on double-loop EPR in H2SO4 containing KSCN by Taguchi methodMohammad Hadi Moayed,Ali Davoodi2010-6
Incorporating Aspect Ratio in a New Modeling Approach for Strengthening of MMCs and its Extension from Micro to Nano ScaleSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2010-7
manufacturing of aluminum foam sandwich panels:comparison of a novel method with two different conventional methodsJalil Vahdati Khaki2010-7
Evolution of graphite phase morphology during graphitization process in hypereutectoid steelsAli Reza Kiani Rashid2010-8
Fabrication,characterizationandmeasurementof thermal conductivityofFe3O4 nanofluidsSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2010-8
Production of carbon nanotubes using mechanical milling in the presence of an exothermic reactionSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2010-8
Role of Nano-Size SiO2 Additive on the Thermal Behavior of Cyanoacrylate NanocompositeMehrdad Kashefi Torbati,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2010-8
Role of nano-size TiO2 particles on the crystallite size of microwave—Combustion synthesized Al2O3/TiC compositeSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2010-8
Synthesis of alumina reinforced nanostructured -brass by mechanochemicalJalil Vahdati Khaki2010-8
The effect of aluminium content on morphology, size, volume fraction, and number of graphite nodules in ductile cast ironAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Mohammad Reza Yusefsani2010-8
On the Dependence of Avrami Indexes of MDPE on Milling TimeSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Jalil Vahdati Khaki,Samaneh Sahebian2010-9
Role of Surface Active Agent on Dimensional Stability of HDPE/CaCO3 NanocompositesSamaneh Sahebian,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2010-9
Fabrication, characterization, and measurement of viscosity of α-Fe2O3-glycerol nanofluidsSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2011-1
Improving the corrosion behaviour of powder metallurgical 316L alloy by prepassivation in 20% nitric acidMohammad Hadi Moayed,Abolfazl Babakhani,Ali Davoodi2011-1
Non-Isothermal Crystallization of Al2O3/HDPE CompositeSamaneh Sahebian2011-1
Preyssler Heteropolyacid Supported on Nano-SiO2: A Green and Reusable Catalyst in Selective Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohols to BenzaldehydesSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2011-1
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanoparticles and Nanocomposite of ZnO and MgO by Sonochemical Method and their Application for Zinc Polycarboxylate Dental Cement PreparationSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2011-1
A comparative H2S corrosion study of 304L and 316L stainless steels in acidic mediaAli Davoodi2011-2
Hardness profile plotting using multi-frequency multi-output sensorMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2011-2
Correlation between critical pitting temperature and degree of sensitisationon alloy 2205 duplex stainless steelMohammad Hadi Moayed,Ali Davoodi2011-2
Effect of thermomechanical parameters on dynamically recrystallized grain size of AZ91 magnesium alloyAli Davoodi2011-2
Investigation on Perforation Mechanism of Medium Density PolyethyleneSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Mohammad Mazinani2011-2
Minuscule device for hydrogen generation/electrical energy collection system on aluminum alloy surfaceAli Davoodi2011-2
A Novel Process on Production of Thin Wall Austempered Ductile Iron Heat-treated in the MoldAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Abolfazl Babakhani2011-3
Critical pitting temperature (CPT) assessment of 2205 duplex stainless stell in 0.1 M NaCl at various molybdate concentrationslMohammad Hadi Moayed,Ali Davoodi2011-3
Effects of a simulated oral environment and sterilization on load deflection properties of superelastic nickel titanium based orthodontic wiersSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2011-3
Inhibitive effect of synthesized 2-(3-pyridyl)-3,4-dihydro-4-quinazolinone as a corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in hydrochloric acidMohammad Hadi Moayed,Ali Davoodi2011-3
Microstructural and mechanical properties of friction stir welded Cu–30Zn brass alloy at various feed speeds: Influence of stir bandsMohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Ali Davoodi2011-3
Microstructural study in graphitised hypereutectoid cast and commercial steelsAli Reza Kiani Rashid2011-3
Post-weld heat treatment influence on galvanic corrosion of GTAW of 17-4PH stainless steel in 3/5%NaClMohammad Hadi Moayed,Ali Davoodi2011-3
Quantitative measuring of pearlite in carbon steels using electromagnetic sensorMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2011-3
The effect of quenching media and annealing temperature on graphitization transformation kinetic of CK 100 tool steelAli Reza Kiani Rashid2011-3
The New Methods of Graphite Nodules Detection in Ductile Cast IronAli Reza Kiani Rashid2011-3
Calculation of forming limit diagrams using Hill's 1993 yield criterionAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2011-4
Catalytic Performance of Nano-SiO2-Supported Preyssler Heteropolyacid in Esterification of Salicylic Acid with Aliphatic and Benzylic AlcoholsSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2011-4
Critical pitting temperature dependence of 2205 duplex stainless steel on dichromate ion concentration in chloride mediumMohammad Hadi Moayed,Ali Davoodi2011-4
Effect of electrolysis condition of zinc powder production on zinc–silver oxide battery operationJalil Vahdati Khaki2011-4
Galvanic corrosion of gas tungsten arc repair welds in 17-4 PH stainless steel in 3/5% NaCl solutionrMohammad Hadi Moayed,Ali Davoodi2011-4
Graphitization transformation acceleration in CK45 steel during heat treatment processAli Reza Kiani Rashid,ebrahim zohourvahid karimi2011-4
Investigation of Variables Affecting Impedance Plane in Eddy Current Testing of Carburized SteelsMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2011-4
One-step fabrication of Cu–Al2O3 nanocomposite via solution combustion synthesis routeJalil Vahdati Khaki,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2011-4
Influence of Nano-Size Al2O3 Weight Percent on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-Matrix NanocompositeSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2011-5
Magnetic NDT Technology for characterization of decarburizing depthMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2011-5
Tensile Creep Behavior of Medium-Density PolyethyleneSamaneh Sahebian2011-5
Thermal degradation of nano hydroxapatite/PMMA compositeSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2011-7
A Study on Mechanical Properties of PMMA/Hydroxyapatite NanocompositeSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2011-7
Effect of aluminum on stability of retaine austenite in bainitic malleable cast ironAli Reza Kiani Rashid2011-7
Effect of Mechanical Milling on the Thermal Behavior of Polyethylene Reinforcedwith Nano-sized AluminaSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2011-7
Formation of metal matrix composite reinforced withNano sized Al2O3 + Ni-Al intermetallics during coating of Al substrate via Combustion synthesisJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2011-7
Investigation and Optimization of Sn/Gr Lubricants Effects on Cold Extrudability of Fe-TiC Nanocomposite Using Taguchi Robust Design MethodSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2011-7
Theoretical and electrochemical assessment of inhibitive behavior of some thiophenol derivatives on mild steel in HClMohammad Hadi Moayed,Ali Davoodi2011-7
A Study on Graphitization Acceleration during Annealing of Martensitic Hypereutectoid SteelAli Reza Kiani Rashid2011-8
Study of mechanical deformation of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 bulk metallic glass through instrumented indentationAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2011-8
A novel electrochemical approach on the effect of alloying elements on self-discharge and discharge delivered current density of Pb–Ca–Ag lead-acid battery platesMohammad Hadi Moayed2011-9
Dynamic recrystallization behavior of a superaustenitic stainless steel containing 16%Cr and 25%NiMohammad Mazinani2011-9
Effect of both nano-size alumina particles and severe deformation on polyethylene crystallinity indexSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2011-9
Evaluation of Characteristics of Interfacial Phases Produced in Al/Ni3Al Composite during ManufacturingSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2011-9
Modeling of microstructure and mechanical behavior of ultra fine grained aluminum produced by accumulative roll-bondingAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2011-9
Enhancing the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanocrystalline thin film by doping with SiO2Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2011-10
Microstructure evolution in hypereutectoid graphitic steelAli Reza Kiani Rashid2011-10
Effect of aluminum on stability of retained austenite in bainitic ductile cast ironAli Reza Kiani Rashid2011-11
Effects of lubricant and temperature on friction coefficient during hot forging of Nimonic 115 superalloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2011-11
Improving pore morphology of PM 316L stainless steels by prealloyed powder prepassivation in 20% nitric acidAbolfazl Babakhani,Mohammad Hadi Moayed2011-12
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al–Al2O3 Micro and Nano Composites fabricated by Stir castingSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2011-12
An investigation on the coarsening behavior of γ precipitate in GTD-111 Ni-base superalloySeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2012-1
Comparing thermal and mechanochemical decomposition of ammonium paratungstate (APT)Jalil Vahdati Khaki,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2012-1
Comparison of microstructure and mechanical properties of A356 aluminum alloy/Al2O3 Composites fabricated by stir and compo-casting processesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2012-1
Establishing a New Solution Based on Hydrochloric Acid/Sodium Thiosulfate for Detecting and Measuring Degree of Sensitization of Stainless Steels Using Double-Loop Electrochemical Potentiodynamic Reactivation MethodMohammad Hadi Moayed2012-1
Fabrication and wear behavior investigation of the carbon/epoxycomposites based on wood using artificial neural networksSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2012-1
Fabrication of A356 composite reinforced with micro and nano Al2O3 particles by a developed compocasting method and study of its propertiesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2012-1
Fuzzy Logic Modeling of Porous Carbon Body Fabrication from Cellulose Based MaterialsSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2012-1
Influence of Alumina Particles on Thermal Behavior of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)Samaneh Sahebian2012-1
Mechanochemical Synthesis and Characterization of FeNi-Al2O3 NanocompositesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2012-1
Modeling of mechanical behavior of ultra fine grained aluminum produced by multiple compressions in a channel dieAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2012-1
Modelling the Flow Behaviour of Dual-Phase Steels with Different Martensite Volume Fractions by Finite Element MethodAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz,Mohammad Mazinani2012-1
Non-isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Co67Fe4Cr7Si8B14 Amorphous AlloyMohsen Haddad Sabzevar2012-1
Pain reduction after initial archwire placement in orthodontic patients: A randomized clinical trialSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2012-1
The effect of graphite shape on vacuum-free diffusion bonding of ST37 steel and nodular cast ironAli Reza Kiani Rashid2012-1
Fabrication of Fe/Al2O3 composite foam via combination of combustion synthesis and spark plasma sintering techniquesAbolfazl Babakhani2012-2
Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and passivity of Cu–30Zn–1Sn alloy in buffer solution containing chloride ionsAli Davoodi,Mohammad Hadi Moayed2012-2
The Effect of Cooling Rate on Bainite Phase Formation in Austempered Nickel-Molybdenum Gray Cast IronAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Abolfazl Babakhani2012-2
The Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hot Forged Vanadium Microalloyed SteelAbolfazl Babakhani,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid2012-2
A comparative study of critical pitting temperature (CPT) of stainless steels by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), potentiodynamic and potentiostatic techniquesMohammad Hadi Moayed2012-3
Effect of Copper Content on Compressive Strength and Microstructure of Dental AmalgamsSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2012-3
TiAl3 Formation in the Titanium-Aluminum Diffusion CoupleMostafa Mirjalili2012-3
Modeling the electroless nickel deposition on aluminum nanoparticlesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2012-4
Simulation of induction tempering process of carbon steel using finite element methodAhad Zabett2012-4
The Assessment of Work Hardening Behaviour of Dual Phase Steels with Coarse Martensite IslandsMohammad Mazinani2012-4
Welding of aluminum alloys through thermite like reactions in Al–CuO–Ni systemJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2012-4
Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of 13%Cr Martensitic Stainless Steel under Hot Working ConditionGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2012-5
On the Wear Behavior of Cyanoacrylate in Presence of Nano-Sized SiO2Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Mehrdad Kashefi Torbati2012-5
Corrosion Behavior of a Fe-25at%Sn Supersaturated Solid Solution in H3PO4 SolutionMohammad Hadi Moayed,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2012-6
Formation of nanocrystalline h-AlN during mechanochemical decomposition of melamine in the presence of metallic aluminumAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2012-6
Inhibitive Assesment of Stearamide as a Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in HCl SolutionMohammad Hadi Moayed2012-6
Prediction of mechanical properties of a warm compacted molybdenum prealloy using artificial neural network and adaptive neuro-fuzzy modelsJalil Vahdati Khaki2012-6
On the Relationship of Magnetic Response toMicrostructure in Cast Iron and Steel PartsMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2012-7
The Effect of Isothermal Heat Treatment Time on the Microstructure and Properties of 2.11% Al Austempered Ductile IronAli Reza Kiani Rashid2012-7
Tribological properties of multilayer nanostructure TiO2 thin film doped by SiO2Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2012-7
Carburising behaviour of low carbon steel with nanocrystalline surface layer induced by ball millingJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2012-8
Dynamic recrystallization and precipitation in low carbon low alloy steel 26NiCrMoV 14-5GHolam Reza Ebrahimi2012-8
Fabrication of FeNi–Al2O3 nanocomposites and optimization of mechanical properties using Taguchi methodSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2012-8
FEM modeling of the flow curves and failure modes of dual phase steels with different martensite volume fractions using actual microstructure as the representative volumeMohammad Mazinani,Abolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2012-8
Hot deformation and processing maps of K310 cold work tool steelSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar,GHolam Reza Ebrahimi2012-8
Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of Al-alloyed ductile iron upon casting and annealingAli Reza Kiani Rashid2012-9
An optimization analysis on electroless deposition of Al2O3/Cu core-shell nanostructuresSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2012-10
Deformation Behavior of 6061 Aluminum Alloy Through Tube Channel Pressing: Severe Plastic DeformationMohammad Hassan Farshidi2012-10
Magnetic nondestructive technology for detection of tempered martensite embrittlementMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2012-11
Role of fuel/oxidizer ratio on the synthesis conditions of Cu–Al2O3 nanocomposite prepared through solution combustion synthesisJalil Vahdati Khaki,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2012-11
The Effects of Heat Treatment and Cold Working on the Microstructure of Aluminum Alloys Welded by Friction Stir Welding (FSW) TechniqueMohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Mohammad Mazinani2012-11
Thermomechanical Processing of a Nb-Microalloyed Steel in a Controlled-Forging TreatmentMohammad Mazinani2012-11
Water-base acrylic terpolymer as a corrosion inhibitor for SAE1018 in simulated sour petroleum solution in stagnant and hydrodynamic conditionsAli Davoodi2012-11
Controlled Forging of a Nb Containing Microalloyed Steel for Automotive ApplicationsMohammad Mazinani2012-12
Hydrometallurgical Extraction of Vanadium from Mechanically Milled Oil-Fired Fly Ash: Analytical Process Optimization by Using Taguchi Design MethodJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mohammad Hadi Moayed2012-12
Improving Pitting Corrosion of 304 Stainless Steel by Electropolishing TechniqueMohammad Hadi Moayed2012-12
A Study on the Role of Ethylene Glycol/Alcohol Ratio on Synthesis of Nano-Size SnO2Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2013-1
Comparative study on corrosion behaviour of Nitinol and stainless steel orthodontic wires in simulated saliva solution in presence of fluoride ionsMostafa Mirjalili,Mohammad Hadi Moayed2013-1
Conversion of W2C to WC phase during mechano-chemical synthesis of nano-size WC–Al2O3 powder using WO3–2Al–(1+x)C mixturesJalil Vahdati Khaki2013-1
Decorating and Filling of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with TiO2 Nanoparticles via Wet Chemical MethodSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2013-1
Impact toughness and microstructure of continuous medium carbon steel-bar reinforced cast iron compositeAli Reza Kiani Rashid2013-1
In situ inhibitor synthesis from admixture of benzaldehyde and benzene-1,2-diamine along with FeCl3 catalyst as a new corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 0.5 M sulphuric acidMohammad Hadi Moayed2013-1
Microstructural Evolution in Partially Homogenized AZ91 Alloy during Hot Rolling and Interpass AnnealingMohammad Mazinani2013-1
Multi-stage thermomechanical behavior of AISI410 martensitic steelMohammad Mazinani2013-1
On the kinetics of TiAl3 intermetallic layer formation in the titanium and aluminum diffusion coupleMostafa Mirjalili2013-1
Mechanochemical synthesis of tungsten carbide nano particles by using WO3/Zn/C powder mixtureJalil Vahdati Khaki2013-2
Severe plastic deformation of 6061 aluminum alloy tube with pre and post heat treatmentsMohammad Hassan Farshidi2013-2
The role of TiO2, ZrO2, BaO and SiO2on the mechanical properties and crystallization behavior offluorapatite–mullite glass–ceramicsSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2013-2
A comparative study on the effect of type of reinforcement on the scratch behavior of a polyacrylic-based nanocomposite coatingSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2013-3
Air-exposed combustion synthesis of Al2O3 nanofibers in Al/TiO2/C systemJalil Vahdati Khaki2013-3
An insight into the influence of morphological and compositional heterogeneity of an individual intermetallic particle on aluminium alloy corrosion initiationAli Davoodi2013-3
Morphology evolution of y- precipitates in GTD-111 Ni-based superalloy with heat treatment parametersSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2013-3
New High-Resolution Solution for Measuring Degree of Sensitization of Duplex Stainless Steel 2205 Using Double-Loop Electrochemical Potentiodynamic Reactivation TechniqueAli Davoodi,Mohammad Hadi Moayed2013-3
Synthesis of nanostructured AlN by solid state reaction of Al and diaminomaleonitrileAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2013-3
Dual-Frequency Approach to Assess Surface Hardened Layer Using NDE TechnologyMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2013-4
Improvement of Quench Factor Analysis in Phase and Hardness Prediction of a Quenched SteelSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2013-4
Inhibitive assessment of 1-(7-methyl-5-morpholin-4-ylthiazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)-hydrazine as a corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in sulfuric acid solutionMohammad Hadi Moayed2013-4
The Influence of Cooling Rate on the Microstructure and Microsegregation in Al–30Sn Binary AlloyAli Reza Kiani Rashid2013-4
Microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded Al/Al2O3 composites fabricated by stir-casting processSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2013-5
A new equation proposed for evaluation of IR drop on buried pipelinesMohammad Hadi Moayed2013-6
Role of Nano-Sized TiO2 on Mechanical and Thermal Behavior of Starch/Poly (vinyl alcohol) Blend FilmsSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2013-6
Scaffolds derived from cancellous bovine bone support mesenchymal stem cells maintenance and growthSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2013-6
The Effect of Base Metal Conditions on the Final Microstructure and Hardness of 2024 Aluminum Alloy Friction-Stir WeldsMohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Mohammad Mazinani2013-6
Imitating seasonal temperature fluctuations for the H2S corrosion of 304L and 316L austenitic stainless steelsAli Davoodi2013-7
Investigation on the Effect of Atmosphere on the Pores of Sintered Astaloy CrM SteelMohsen Haddad Sabzevar2013-7
Synthesis and characterisation of dental composite materials reinforced with fluoroapatite–mullite glass–ceramic particlesSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2013-7
Determination of presence of undesirable carbides at surface of cast iron parts using differential eddy current techniqueMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2013-8
Microstructure and mechanical properties evolution of 6061 aluminum alloy formed by forward thixoextrusion processSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2013-8
Characterization of Rod-like High-purity Fluorapatite Nanopowders Obtained by Sol-gel MethodSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2013-9
Eddy current nondestructive evaluation of dual phase steelMehrdad Kashefi Torbati,Mohammad Mazinani2013-9
Effect of heat treatment of nanodiamonds on the scratch behavior of polyacrylic/nanodiamond nanocomposite clear coatsSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2013-9
Intelligent modeling using fuzzy rule-based technique for evaluating wood carbonization process parametersSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2013-9
On the natural aging behavior of Aluminum 6061 alloy after severe plastic deformationMohammad Hassan Farshidi2013-9
Studies on the Applicability of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in Evaluation of Photocatalytic Performance of TiO2 thin Film Doped by SiO2Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2013-9
The Layered Reduction of Hematite (Iron Oxide) Ore by Non-Coking Coal: The Effect of Calcium Carbonate on ReductionJalil Vahdati Khaki,Ahad Zabett2013-9
Biodegradable Starch/Poly (vinyl alcohol) Film Reinforced with TiO2 NanoparticlesSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2013-10
Shear bond strength and antibacterial effects of orthodontic composite containing TiO2 nanoparticlesSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2013-10
Dielectrophoretic trapping of selenium nanorods for use in device applicationsElham Kamali Heidari2013-11
Synthesis of nano-structure molybdenum disilicide from primary mixture of MoO3 + Si + Al through mechanochemical reactionsJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2013-11
Use of Eddy-Current Method for Determining the Thickness of Induction-Hardened Layer in Cast IronMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2013-11
Corrosion Inhibitive Evaluation of an Environmentally Friendly Water-Base Acrylic Terpolymer on Mild Steel in Hydrochloric Acid MediaAli Davoodi2013-12
In Situ Synthesis of 2-Phenylbenzimidazole as an Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion Inhibitor of Carbon SteelMohammad Hadi Moayed2013-12
Influence of strain rate on the toughening effect of CaCO3 in polypropylene/CaCO3 compositesSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2013-12
Nanocrystallization in Co67Cr7Fe4Si8B14 Amorphous Alloy RibbonsMohsen Haddad Sabzevar2013-12
The Effects of Volatile Materials of Non-coking Coal on the Reduction of HematiteJalil Vahdati Khaki2013-12
Controllable one-step synthesis of ZnO nanostructures using molybdophosphoric acidSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2014-1
Creep Characterization of Ni-Based Superalloy IN-792 Using the 4 and 6-h Projection MethodSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2014-1
Effects of hot rolling and inter-stage annealing on the microstructure and texture evolution in a partially homogenized AZ91 magnesium alloyMohammad Mazinani2014-1
Establishing a correlation between interfacial microstructures and corrosion initiation sites in Al/Cu joints by SEM–EDS and AFM–SKPFMAli Davoodi,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2014-1
Evaluation of process behavior and crystallite specifications of mechano-chemically synthesized WC–Al2O3 nano-compositesEvaluation of process behavior and crystallite specifications of mechano-chemically synthesized WC–Al2O3 nano-compositesJalil Vahdati Khaki2014-1
Investigation of microstructural and mechanical properties of austempered steel bar-reinforced ductile cast iron compositeAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Abolfazl Babakhani2014-1
Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of Al6061-nanocomposite fabricated by stir castingSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2014-1
Microstructure and corrosion behaviour of plain carbon steel–B4C composite produced by GTAW method in 3?5 wt-%NaCl solutionAli Davoodi2014-1
Nanocomposite Catalysts Obtaining by Mechanochemical Technique for Synthesizing Carbon Nanotubesebrahim zohourvahid karimi,Jalil Vahdati Khaki,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2014-1
Synthesis and characterization of permalloy-reinforced Al2O3 nanocomposite powders by mechanical alloyingSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2014-1
Welding processes for wear resistant overlaysAta Kamyabi-Gol2014-1
EIS assessment of critical pitting temperature of 2205 duplex stainless steel in acidified ferric chloride solutionMohammad Hadi Moayed,Ali Davoodi2014-2
Electrochemical and quantum chemical assessment of two organic compounds from pyridine derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in HCl solution under stagnant condition and hydrodynamic flowMohammad Hadi Moayed,Ali Davoodi2014-2
Pitting corrosion of cold rolled solution treated 17-4 PH stainless steelMohammad Hadi Moayed2014-2
Strain-dependent constitutive modelling of AZ80 magnesium alloy containing 0.5 wt% rare earth elements and evaluation of its validation using finite element methodMohammad Mazinani2014-2
The effect of Al 2 O 3 and CaO presence on the kinetics of mechanochemical reduction of MoS 2 by ZnJalil Vahdati Khaki2014-2
Comparative Evaluation of Crystallization Behavior, Micro Structure Properties and Biocompatibility of Fluorapatite-Mullite Glass-CeramicsSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2014-3
Corrosion evaluation of multi-pass welded nickel–aluminum bronze alloy in 3.5% sodium chloride solution: A restorative application of gas tungsten arc welding processAli Davoodi,Mohammad Hadi Moayed2014-3
Direct solid state synthesis ofW–Al2O3 nanostructured composite using ammonium paratungstate (APT) and Al powder mixtureJalil Vahdati Khaki,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2014-3
Effect of nanodiamond surface functionalization using oleylamine on the scratch behavior of polyacrylic/nanodiamond nanocompositeSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2014-3
Microstructural analysis and mechanical properties of aluminum matrix nanocomposites reinforced with uncoated and Cu-coated alumina particlesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2014-3
Sandwich-structured graphene–NiFe2O4–carbon nanocomposite anodes with exceptional electrochemical performance for Li ion batteriesElham Kamali Heidari2014-3
Study and Simulation of Shot peening Effect on Fatigue Life of a Powder Forged Connecting rodAbolfazl Babakhani,Ali Haerian Ardekani2014-3
Comparative study of eddy current and Barkhausen noise nondestructive testing methods in microstructural examination of ferrite–martensite dual-phase steelMehrdad Kashefi Torbati,Mohammad Mazinani2014-4
Investigation of work softening mechanisms and texture in a hot deformed 6061 aluminum alloy at high temperatureMohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2014-4
The role of constituent phases on corrosion initiation of NiAl bronze in acidic media studied by SEM–EDS, AFM and SKPFMAli Davoodi2014-4
A comprehensive study on the microstructure of high strength low alloy pipeline weldsBehrooz Beidokhti2014-5
The effect of grid configurations on potential and current densitydistributions in positive plate of lead–acid battery vianumerical modelingAli Davoodi2014-5
An investigation of the tensile and compressive properties of Al6061 and its nanocomposites in as-cast state and in extruded conditionSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2014-6
Application of Response Surface Methodology to Assess the Combined Effect of Operating Variables on the Direct Reduction of Fe2O3 by Coal VolatilesJalil Vahdati Khaki,Ahad Zabett2014-6
Nondestructive characterization of microstructure and mechanical properties of intercritically annealed dual-phase steel by magnetic Barkhausen noise techniqueMehrdad Kashefi Torbati,Mohammad Mazinani2014-6
On the microsegregation of Al–Mg alloys by thermal analysis and numerical modelingMohsen Haddad Sabzevar2014-6
Investigation on the effect of nitrate ion on the critical pitting temperature of 2205 duplex stainless steel along a mechanistic approach using pencil electrodeMohammad Hadi Moayed2014-7
Modelling of austenite grain growth kinetics in a microalloyed steel (30MSV6) in the presence of carbonitride precipitatesAhad Zabett2014-7
Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of polyethylene–clay nanocomposites prepared by high-energy ball millingSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2014-7
A novel method for fabrication of Fe catalyst used for the synthesis of carbon nanotubesJalil Vahdati Khaki,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2014-8
Comparative study of eddy current and Barkhausen noise methods in microstructural assessment of heat treated steel partsMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2014-8
Effect of forsterite nanoparticles on mechanical properties of glass ionomer cements Fatemehsadat Sayyedan2014-8
Effects of Fe additions on self propagating high temperature synthesis characteristics of TiO2–Al–C systemJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2014-8
Investigation of in-situ synthesis and consolidation of NiAl–Al2O3 composites by reactive spark plasma sintering process using mechanically activated reactionAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Mehrdad Kashefi Torbati,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2014-8
Characterization and nanomechanical properties of novel dental implant coatings containing copper decorated-carbon nanotubesJalil Vahdati Khaki,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2014-9
Nanocavity-engineered Si/multi-functional carbon nanofiber composite anodes with exceptional high-rate capacities†Elham Kamali Heidari2014-9
Effect of partition coefficient on microsegregation during solidification of aluminium alloysMohsen Haddad Sabzevar2014-10
Investigation of nano-SiO2 impact on mechanical and biocompatibility properties of cyanoacryalate based nanocomposites for dental applicationMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2014-10
Microstructural evolution of aluminum 6061 alloy through tube channel pressingMohammad Hassan Farshidi2014-10
Selective Acidic Leaching of Spent Zinc- Carbon Batteries Followed by Zinc ElectrowinningHossein Shalchian,Jalil Vahdati Khaki,Abolfazl Babakhani2014-10
Statistical analysis of thermal conductivity of nanofluid containingdecorated multi-walled carbon nanotubes with TiOSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2014-10
Use of grey relational analysis for multi-objective optimisation of NiTiCu shape memory alloy produced by powder metallurgy processAbolfazl Babakhani,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2014-10
On the Role of Stearic Acid on the Surface Properties of Carbon NanotubesSamaneh Sahebian,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2014-11
Process Control Strategies for Dual-Phase Steel Manufacturing Using ANN and ANFISMohammad Mazinani2014-11
Synthesis of mullite–MoSi2 nano-composite through a mechanochemical processingJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2014-11
Cooling Curve Analysis of Heat Treating Oils and Correlation With Hardness and Microstructure of a Low Carbon SteelAhad Zabett2014-12
NiFe2O4/graphene nanocomposites with tunable magnetic propertiesElham Kamali Heidari2014-12
An Investigation on Devolatilization of Non-coking Coal and Non-isothermal Reduction of Iron OxideJalil Vahdati Khaki,Ahad Zabett2015-1
Cooling Curve Analysis as an Alternative to Dilatometry in Continuous Cooling TransformationsAta Kamyabi-Gol2015-1
Design of an expert system based on neuro-fuzzy inference analyzer for on-line microstructural characterization using magnetic NDT methodMehrdad Kashefi Torbati,Mohammad Mazinani2015-1
Effect of Fluoride on Nickel-Titanium and Stainless Steel Orthodontic Archwires: An In-Vitro StudyMohammad Hadi Moayed2015-1
Effect of Thiosulfate on Pitting Corrosion of 316SSMohammad Hadi Moayed,Mohammad Hadi Moayed2015-1
Fast Prepared Ni-Al2O3 Nanocomposi te Thro ugh Solution Combustion SynthesisJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2015-1
Influence of spark plasma sintering and subsequent hot rolling on microstructure and flexural behavior of in-situ TiB and TiC reinforced Ti-6Al-4V compositeSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2015-1
Microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties of Al-2024 alloy processed via a rheocasting routeMohsen Haddad Sabzevar2015-1
The effect of dichromate ion on the pitting corrosion of AISI 316 stainless steel. Part I: Critical pitting temperatureMohammad Hadi Moayed2015-1
The effect of preliminary mechanical activation on the zinc loss control in combustive reduction of MoO3 by ZnJalil Vahdati Khaki2015-1
What tools can we use to track and predict the response of steels to welding?Ata Kamyabi-Gol2015-1
Applications of Impedance Plane and Magnetic Differential Permeability in Microstructural Characterization of AISI D2 Tool SteelMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2015-2
Correlation between sensitisation and pitting corrosion of AISI 403 martensitic stainless steelMohammad Hadi Moayed,Mostafa Mirjalili2015-2
Effect of grain size on pitting corrosion of 304L austenitic stainless steelMohammad Hadi Moayed,Mohammad Mazinani2015-2
Evaluation of fracture behavior of polyethylene/CaCO3 nanocomposite using essential work of fracture (EWF) approachMohammad Mazinani,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2015-2
The Evolution of the Fraction of Individual Phases During a Simultaneous Multiphase Transformation from Time–Temperature DataAta Kamyabi-Gol2015-2
Theoretical and experimental investigations on corrosion control of65Cu–35Zn brass in nitric acid by two thiophenol derivativesMMohammad Hadi Moayed2015-2
A statistical study on the effect of annealing temperature on pitting corrosion resistance of 2205 duplex stainless steelMohammad Hadi Moayed2015-3
Assessment of Retained Austenite in AISI D2 Tool Steel Using Magnetic Hysteresis and Barkhausen Noise ParametersMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2015-3
Investigation of the effect of solution annealing temperature on critical pitting temperature of 2205 duplex stainless steel by measuring pit solution chemistryMohammad Hadi Moayed2015-3
The Response Surface Method as an Experimental Design Technique to Explore and Model the Performance of Corrosion InhibitorsAli Davoodi,Mohammad Hadi Moayed2015-3
A Numerical Approach to the Prediction of Hardness at Different Points of a Heat-Treated SteelSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2015-4
A Study on the Effect of Nano Alumina Particles on Fracture Behavior of PMMASeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2015-4
Effect of heat absorbing alumina addition on mechanochemical synthesis of WC–Al2O3 nanocompositesJalil Vahdati Khaki2015-4
The effect of dichromate ion on the pitting corrosion of AISI 316 stainless steel Part II: Pit initiation and transition to stabilityMohammad Hadi Moayed2015-4
A mechanistic study on the production of nanosized Mo in microwave assisted combustive reduction of MoO3 by ZnJalil Vahdati Khaki2015-5
Electrochemical and quantum chemical study of Thiazolo-pyrimidine derivatives as corrosion inhibitors on mild steel in 1 M H2SO4Mohammad Hadi Moayed,Ali Davoodi2015-5
Electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation of tempering processin AISI D2 tool steelMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2015-5
Hydrogen failure sensitivity of A516-Gr70 and API 5L-X70 steels in sour environmentsBehrooz Beidokhti2015-5
Mechanical Properties of a High Si and Mn Steel Heat Treated by One-Step Quenching and PartitioningAli Reza Kiani Rashid2015-5
Microstructural aspects of in-situ TiB reinforced Ti6Al4V composite processed by spark plasma sinteringAbolfazl Babakhani,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2015-5
An investigation on the energy absorption of aluminum foam core sandwich panel via quasi-static perforation testAbolfazl Babakhani,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2015-6
Electrospun Carbon Nanofibers with in Situ Encapsulated Co3O4 Nanoparticles as Electrodes for High-Performance SupercapacitorsElham Kamali Heidari2015-6
Facile synthesis of copper oxide nanoparticles using copper hydroxide by m echanochemical processJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2015-6
In-situ synthesis of nanostructured NiAl-Al2O3 composite coatings on cast iron substrates by spark plasma sintering of mechanically activated powdersMehrdad Kashefi Torbati,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2015-6
A study on the dependence of structure of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on acid treatmentSamaneh Sahebian,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2015-7
An investigation into the applicability of Barkhausen noise technique in evaluation of machining properties of high carbon steel parts with different degrees of spheroidizationMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2015-7
Controlled synthesis of cobalt carbonate/graphene composites with excellent supercapacitive performance and pseudocapacitive characteristics†Elham Kamali Heidari2015-7
Effect of powder reactivity on fabrication and properties of NiAl/Al2O3composite coated on cast iron using spark plasma sinteringAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Mehrdad Kashefi Torbati,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2015-7
Evaluation of corrosion resistance of polypyrrole/functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite coatings on 60Cu–40Zn brass alloyAli Davoodi2015-7
In-situ TEM examinationandexceptionallong-termcyclicstabilityof ultrafine Fe3O4 nanocrystal/carbonnanofiber compositeelectrodesElham Kamali Heidari2015-7
Electrochemical corrosion behavior of Pb-Ca-Sn -Sm grid alloy in H2 SO4 solutionAli Davoodi2015-8
Electrochemical corrosion behavior of Pb-Ca-Sn-Sm grid alloy in H2SO4solutionAli Davoodi2015-8
Microstructure and mechanical properties of an Al–Mg–Si tube processed by severe plastic deformation and subsequent annealingMohammad Hassan Farshidi2015-8
On the formation of Mo2C nanocrystals by a novel system through microwave assisted combustion synthesisJalil Vahdati Khaki2015-8
A Novel, Simple and Cost Effective Al A356/Al2O3 Nano-composite Manufacturing Route with Uniform Distribution of NanoparticlesMahin Houshiar Sadeghian2015-9
Beeswax-Colophony Blend: A Novel Green Organic Coating for Protection of Steel Drinking Water Storage TanksMohammad Hadi Moayed,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2015-9
Microstructural and mechanical properties of Al-SiO2 nanocomposite foams produced by ultrasonic techniqueAbolfazl Babakhani2015-9
Microstructural Characterization of Quenched AISI D2 Tool Steel Using Magnetic/Electromagnetic Nondestructive TechniquesMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2015-9
Physically Based Model of the Yield Strength for an Al-Mg-Si-Cu-Zn AlloyMohammad Mazinani,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2015-9
Quality control of precipitation hardened alloy parts via eddy-current nondestructive evaluationMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2015-9
The effect of volatile matter of non-coking coal on the reduction of iron oxide at non-isothermal conditionJalil Vahdati Khaki,Ahad Zabett2015-9
Thermal stability and non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Ti41.5Cu42.5Ni7.5Zr2.5Hf5Si1 bulk metallic glassMohsen Haddad Sabzevar2015-9
Damage mechanisms in aluminum-matrix composites reinforced with nano-alumina particlesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2015-10
Effect of aging treatment on the crushing behavior of aluminum 6061 alloy tubeMohammad Hassan Farshidi2015-10
Effect of Filler Metal on Mechanical Properties of HSLA WeldsBehrooz Beidokhti2015-10
Fabrication of in situ Al2O3 reinforced nanostructure 304 stainless steel matrix composite by self-propagating high temperature synthesis processJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2015-11
Low-temperature hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO nanorods: Effects of zinc salt concentration, various solvents and alkaline mineralizersJalil Vahdati Khaki,Seyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2015-11
The effect of aqueous media on the mechanicalproperties of fluorapatite–mullite glass–ceramicsSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2015-11
Comparison of polyethylene glycol effect on hydroxyapatite morphology produced into different methods: sol–gel and precipitationJalil Vahdati Khaki2015-12
FE modelling of the compressive behavior of porous copper-matrix nanocompositesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2015-12
Investigation on decomposition behavior of austenite under continuous cooling in vanadium microalloyed steel (30MSV6)Ahad Zabett2015-12
Mechanochemical Reduction of MoS2 by Zn in Presence of Lime to Produce Nano-CaMoO4 and -ZnS SimultaneouslyJalil Vahdati Khaki2015-12
The effect of Al2O3-nanoparticles as the reinforcement additive on the hot deformation behavior of 7075 aluminum alloySeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2015-12
A comparison of common and new methods to determine martensite start temperature using a dilatometerAta Kamyabi-Gol2016-1
Effect of milling time and clay content on the thermal stability of polyethylene‐clay nanocompositeSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2016-1
Fabrication of nanocrystalline TiC coating on AISI D2 steel substrate via high-energy mechanical alloying of Ti and CJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2016-1
Microstructure and wear resistance of in-situ TiC – Al2O3 particles reinforced Fe-based coatings produced by gas tungsten arc claddingJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2016-1
Physical and mechanical properties of porous copper nanocomposite produced by powder metallurgySeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2016-1
Quantification of evolution of multiple simultaneous phase transformations using dilation curve analysis (DCA)Ata Kamyabi-Gol2016-1
Study of lithiation mechanisms of high performance carbon-coated Si anodesby in-situ microscopyElham Kamali Heidari2016-1
Study of the microstructure evolution of heat treated Ti-rich NiTi shape memory alloyMohammad Mazinani2016-1
Synthesis and Characterization of Au NPs/ Molybdophosphoric Acid/CNT Tricomponent NanohybridSeyed Mojtaba Zebarjad2016-1
Applying FeAl coating on the low carbon steel substrate through selfpropagation high temperature synthesis (SHS) processJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2016-2
Fabrication of Fe–TiC–Al2O3 composites on the surface of steel using a TiO2–Al–C–Fe combustion reaction induced by gas tungsten arc claddingJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2016-2
Microstructure and corrosion characterization of the interfacial region in dissimilar friction stir welded AA5083 to AA7023Ali Davoodi2016-2
Pulsed current field assisted surface modification of carbon nanotubes with nanocrystalline titanium carbideSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2016-2
The effects of die geometry in tube channel pressing: Severe plastic deformationMohammad Hassan Farshidi2016-2
Enhanced protective properties of epoxy/polyaniline-camphorsulfonate nanocomposite coating on an ultrafine-grained metallic surfaceAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Abolfazl Babakhani,Ali Davoodi2016-3
Pit Transition Potential and Repassivation Potential of Stainless Steel in Thiosulfate SolutionMohammad Hadi Moayed2016-3
The effect of annealing on themechanical properties and microstructural evolution of Ti-rich NiTi shape memory alloyMohammad Mazinani2016-3
Thermodynamic analysis of the carbothermic reduction of electric arc furnace dust in the presence of ferrosiliconAhad Zabett2016-3
Three- dimensional atom probe analysis and magnetic properties of Fe85Cu1Si2B8P4 melt spun ribbonsSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2016-3
A novel method for enhancing interface strength of TiC coated layer/Ti substrateSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2016-4
Effects of copper content on the shell characteristics of hollow steel spheres manufactured using an advanced powder metallurgy techniqueAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2016-4
Effects of sphere size on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ductile iron–steel hollow sphere syntactic foamsAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2016-4
High temperature cyclic oxidation behavior of ferritic stainless steel with addition of alloying elements Nb and Ti for use in SOFCs interconnectGhasem Barati Darband2016-4
Hot deformation processing map and microstructural evaluation of the Ni-based superalloy IN-738LCSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2016-4
Mechanochemical leaching of chalcopyrite concentrate by sulfuric acidJalil Vahdati Khaki,Abolfazl Babakhani2016-4
Microstructure characterization and mechanical properties of Ti-based bulk metallic glass joints prepared with friction stir spot welding processMohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2016-4
On the fabrication of functional graded 3Y-PSZ/316L materials by SPS: Process optimization and characterization of the obtained productsSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2016-4
Hot deformation behavior and dynamic recrystallization kinetics of AZ61 and AZ61 + Sr magnesium alloysGHolam Reza Ebrahimi,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid2016-5
Microstructure, mechanical analysis and optimal selection of 7075 aluminum alloy based composite reinforced with alumina nanoparticlesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,GHolam Reza Ebrahimi2016-5
Modeling and optimization of effective parameters on the size of synthesized Fe3O4 superparamagnetic nanoparticles by coprecipitation technique using response surface methodologyMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2016-5
Perspective of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Role in Biomedical ApplicationsMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2016-5
Examination of Barkhausen noise parameters for characterisation of strain-induced martensitic transformation in AISI 304 stainless steelMohammad Mazinani,Mehrdad Kashefi Torbati2016-6
Texture evaluation in warm deformation of an extruded Mg–6Al–3Zn alloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2016-6
Thermal behavior and non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of (Ti41Zr25Be28Fe6)93Cu7 bulk metallic glassMohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2016-6
Effect of alumina percentage on size and superparamagnetic properties of Ni-Al2O3 nanocomposite synthesized by solution combustionJalil Vahdati Khaki2016-7
Electrochemical Characterization of Natural Chalcopyrite Dissolution in Sulfuric Acid Solution in Presence of PeroxydisulfateAli Davoodi2016-7
Investigation of stabilization mechanism and size controlling of Fe3O4 nanoparticles using anionic chelating agentsMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2016-7
On the yield point phenomenon in low-carbon steels with ferrite-cementite microstructureMohammad Mazinani2016-7
Optimizing and modeling of effective parameters on the structural and magnetic properties of Fe3O4 nanoparticles synthesized by coprecipitation technique using response surface methodologyMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2016-7
Formation mechanism of TiC–Al2O3–Fe3Al composites during self-propagating hightemperature synthesis of TiO2–Al–C–Fe systemJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2016-8
Mechanochemical synthesis of CaMoO4 nanoparticles: kinetics and characterizationJalil Vahdati Khaki2016-8
Mechanochemical route to the synthesis of nanostructured Aluminium nitrideAli Reza Kiani Rashid2016-9
Recovery of iron from low-grade hematite ore using coal-based direct reduction followed by magnetic separationHossein Shalchian,Jalil Vahdati Khaki,Abolfazl Babakhani2016-9
The decoration of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with nickel oxide nanoparticles using chemical methodSamaneh Sahebian,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2016-9
Characterization of PEO nanocomposite coatings on titanium formed in electrolyte containing atenololGhasem Barati Darband2016-10
New Geometry for TCP: Severe Plastic Deformation of TubesMohammad Hassan Farshidi2016-10
The influence of cold plastic deformation on passivity of Ti-6Al-4V alloy studied by electrochemical and local probing techniquesAli Davoodi2016-10
Tribological properties of PEO nanocomposite coatings on titanium formed in electrolyte containing ketoconazoleGhasem Barati Darband2016-10
Ceria embedded nanocomposite coating fabricated by plasma electrolytic oxidation on titaniumGhasem Barati Darband2016-11
Improved corrosion inhibition of 3-amino-1,2,4- triazole on mild steel electrode in HCl solution using surface nanocrystallizationAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Abolfazl Babakhani2016-11
Pitting corrosion of martensitic stainless steel in halide bearing solutionsMohammad Hadi Moayed,Sahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2016-11
Zn–Ni Electrophosphating on galvanized steel using cathodic and anodic electrochemical methodsGhasem Barati Darband2016-11
Analysis of phase diagram and diffusion coefficient for modeling of microsegregationMohsen Haddad Sabzevar2016-12
Effect of Self-etch Adhesives on Self-sealing Ability of High-Copper AmalgamsMohammad Hadi Moayed2016-12
Effect of treatment time and temperature on microstructure and corrosion behavior of Zn-Ni electrophosphate coatingGhasem Barati Darband2016-12
Microstructure and flow behavior of cast 2304 duplex stainless steel at elevated temperaturesGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2016-12
بررسی نقش دوقلویی‌ها بر تغییرات بافت آلیاژ منیزیم AZ63 حین کار گرمGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2016-12
Analytical and experimental investigation of the effect of SPS and hot rolling on the microstructure and flexural behavior of Ti6Al4V matrix reinforced with in-situ TiB and TiCSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2017-1
Effect of different stages of deformation on the microstructure evolution of Ti-rich NiTi shape memory alloyMohammad Mazinani2017-1
Effect of precipitation on the warm deformation behavior of AA2024 alloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2017-1
Evaluation of alumina nanoparticles concentration and stirring rate on wear and corrosion behavior of nanocomposite PEO coating on AZ31 magnesium alloyGhasem Barati Darband2017-1
Fabrication and Morphological Characterization of Polyurethane Foam Reinforced with TiO2 NanoparticlesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2017-1
Formation mechanism of nano titanium carbide on multi-walled carbon nanotube and influence of the nanocarbides on the load-bearing contribution of the nanotubes inner-walls in aluminum-matrix compositesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2017-1
Mechanical and microstructure properties of deformed Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite at elevated temperatureSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2017-1
Microemulsion synthesis and magnetic properties of FexNi(1-x) alloy nanoparticlesAbolfazl Babakhani2017-1
Synthesis of TiC coating on Ti substrate using pulsed laser deposition and mechanical milling techniques along with statistical modeling of the process by response surface methodologySeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2017-1
Finite Element Simulation of Mechanical Behavior of TRIP800 Steel Under Different Loading Conditions Using an Advanced Microstructure-Based ModelAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz,Mohammad Mazinani2017-2
Inhibitive Effect of Nitrate on Pitting Corrosion of 17-4PH Stainless SteelMostafa Mirjalili,Mohammad Hadi Moayed2017-2
Effect of filler metal on microstructure and mechanical properties of manganese− aluminum bronze repair weldsBehrooz Beidokhti,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2017-3
Mechanical and microstructure properties of deformed Al–Al2O3 nanocomposite at elevated temperatureSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,GHolam Reza Ebrahimi2017-3
Plasma electrolytic oxidation of magnesium and its alloys: Mechanism, properties and applicationsGhasem Barati Darband2017-3
Achieving extraordinary combination of strength and elongation of AZ80-0.5Ca alloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2017-4
Control of hydrogen cracking in the welded steel using microstructural trapsBehrooz Beidokhti2017-4
Characterization of AISI 304/AISI 409 stainless steel joints using different filler materialsBehrooz Beidokhti2017-5
Microstructure evaluations and mechanical properties of rheo-cast AZ80/Ca/Al 2 O 3 nanocomposite after extrusion processGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2017-5
Nickel nanocones as efficient and stable catalyst for electrochemical hydrogen evolution reactionGhasem Barati Darband2017-5
Optimum selection of A356/Al2O3 nano/microcomposites fabricated with different conditions based on mathematical methodSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,GHolam Reza Ebrahimi2017-5
A novel method for direct fabrication of ferromolybde num using molybdenite via self-p ropag ation high temperature synthesisJalil Vahdati Khaki,Abolfazl Babakhani2017-6
Corrosion and wettability of PEO coatings on magnesium by addition of potassium stearateGhasem Barati Darband2017-6
Evolution of the size distribution of Al–B4C nano-composite powders during mechanical milling: a comparison of experimental results with artificial neural networks and multiple linear regression modelsAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2017-6
Processing map and microstructure evaluation of AA6061/Al 2 O 3 nanocomposite at different temperaturesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar,GHolam Reza Ebrahimi2017-6
Processing Map and Microstructure Evaluations of AA6061-Al2O3 Nanocomposite at Different TemperaturesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar,GHolam Reza Ebrahimi2017-6
Statistical approach of synthesize CoFe2O4 nanoparticles to optimizetheir characteristics using response surface methodologyMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2017-6
The effect of particles size on work hardening behavior of a low carbon steel with a composite-type microstructureMohammad Mazinani2017-6
On the mechanism of molybdenite exfoliation during mechanical millingHossein Shalchian,Jalil Vahdati Khaki,Abolfazl Babakhani2017-7
Surface nanocrystallization and gradient microstructural evolutions in the surface layers of 321 stainless steel alloy treated via severe shot peeningAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Abolfazl Babakhani2017-7
The Role of Lug Preheating, Melt Pool Temperature, and Lug Entrance Delay on the Cast-on-Strap Joining ProcessMostafa Mirjalili2017-7
Effects of SiC Nanoparticles on the Properties of Titanium-Matrix Foams Processed by Powder MetallurgySeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2017-8
Flow curves, dynamic recrystallization and precipitation in a medium carbon low alloy steelGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2017-8
Fractography of 3YPSZ/316L functionally graded composite subjected to indentation and flexural bending testsSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2017-8
Microstructure And Mechanical Properties Of Ti-6Al-4V Welds Using α, Near-α And α+β Filler AlloysBehrooz Beidokhti,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2017-8
Solidification and Re-melting Phenomena During Slurry Preparation Using the RheoMetal™ ProcessMohsen Haddad Sabzevar2017-8
Design and fabrication of multifunctional temperature-sensitive magnetoliposomal nanostructuresMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2017-9
Evaluation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Bainitic Cast Iron Using an Electromagnetic SensorMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2017-9
Evaluation of the Kinetics of Dynamic Recovery in AISI 321 Austenitic Stainless Steel Using Hot Flow CurvesGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2017-9
Formation of precipitates in parallel arrays on LPSO structures during hot deformation of GZ41K magnesium alloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2017-9
Kinetics and critical conditions for initiation of dynamic recrystallization during hot compression deformation of AISI 321 austenitic stainless steelGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2017-9
Optimizing and investigating influence of manufacturing techniques on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ80-0.5Ca-1.5Al2O3 nanocompositeGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2017-9
Determination of martensite start temperature using an electromagnetic nondestructive technologyMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2017-10
Thermal stability of nanocrystalline surface layer of AISI 321 stainless steelAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Abolfazl Babakhani2017-10
Twin-assisted precipitation during hot compression of an Mg-Gd-Zn-Zr magnesium alloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2017-10
Wettability and Corrosion Behavior of Chemically Modified Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Nanocomposite CoatingGhasem Barati Darband2017-10
Dependence of the Electrochemical and Passive Behavior of the Lead-Acid Battery Positive Grid on Electrode Surface RoughnessMohammad Hadi Moayed2017-11
Effect of Cu 2+ ion on biological performance of nanostructured uorapatite doped with copperJalil Vahdati Khaki2017-12
خواص مکانیکی و ریزساختاری نانو کامپوزیت هیبریدی Al/CNT-Al2O3 تولید شده توسط فرآیند اتصال نورد انباشتیGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2017-12
An enhanced dissolution rate of molybdenite and variable activation energyHossein Shalchian,Jalil Vahdati Khaki,Abolfazl Babakhani2018-1
Characterization of screw dislocation-driven growth in nickel micro-nanostructure electrodeposition process by AFMAli Davoodi,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid2018-1
Correlation between the surface coverage of severe shot peening and surface microstructural evolutions in AISI 321: A TEM, FE-SEM and GI-XRD studyAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Abolfazl Babakhani2018-1
Effect of alumina particles on structural changes in MoS 2 during a ball milling processJalil Vahdati Khaki2018-1
Effect of bonding time and homogenization heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the transient liquid phase bonded dissimilar GTD-111/FSX-414 TLP superalloysBehrooz Beidokhti,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2018-1
Effect of delat ferrite on the mechanical properties of dissimilar ferritic-austenitic stainless steel weldsBehrooz Beidokhti2018-1
High mechanical performance of similar Al joints produced by a novel spot friction welding techniqueGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2018-1
Magnetic properties of crystalline nickel and low phosphorus amorphous Ni1-XPx nanoparticlesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2018-1
Modeling the viscoplastic behavior and grain size in a hot worked Nb-bearing high-Mn steelGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2018-1
Shape evolution of water and saline droplets during icing/melting cycles on superhydrophobic surfaceAli Davoodi,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid2018-1
Copper-alumina nanocomposite coating on copper substrate through solution combustionJalil Vahdati Khaki2018-2
Correlation between the histogram and power spectral density analysis of AFM and SKPFM images in an AA7023/AA5083 FSW jointAli Davoodi2018-2
Effect of metal coating of reinforcements on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Al2O3 nanocompositesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2018-2
In-situ synthesis and characterization of nano-structured NiAl-Al2O3 composite during high energy ball millingJalil Vahdati Khaki,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid,Mehrdad Kashefi Torbati2018-2
Manufacturing of Al-Al2O3-Mg multilayered nanocomposite by ARB process and study of its microstructure, tensile and bending propertiesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2018-2
Microstructural evolution of a superaustenitic stainless steel during a two-step deformation processGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2018-2
Nondestructive examination of decarburised layer of steels using eddy current and magnetic Barkhausen noise testing techniquesMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2018-2
Nondestructive examination of recovery stage during annealing of a cold-rolled low-carbon steel using eddy current testing techniqueMohammad Mazinani,Mehrdad Kashefi Torbati2018-2
Rietveld structure refinement to optimize the correlation between cations disordering and magnetic features of CoFe2O4 nanoparticlesMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2018-2
The effect of interlayer thickness, bonding temperature and atmosphere on transient liquid phase bonding of GTD-111 to FSX-414Behrooz Beidokhti,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2018-2
بررسی و مقایسه‌ی خواص مکانیکی و ریزساختار کامپوزیت Al/CNT و کامپوزیت هیبریدی Al/CNT/Al2O3 تولید شده توسط فرایند نورد اتصال انباشتی ترکیبیGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2018-2
Severe shot peening of AISI 321 with 1000% and 1 300% coverages: A comparative study on the surface nanocrystallization, phase transformation, sub-surface microcracks, and microhardnessAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Abolfazl Babakhani2018-3
The effect of TiC:CNT mixing ratio and CNT content on the mechanical and tribological behaviors of TiC modified CNT-reinforced Al-matrix nanocompositesMohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2018-3
TiO2/Cu2O coupled oxide films in Cl ion containing solution: Volta potential and electronic properties characterization by scanning probe microscopyAli Davoodi2018-3
تولید فاز آمورف در سیستمAl80Fe20به روش آلیاژسازی مکانیکی و بررسی پایداری حرارتی آنJalil Vahdati Khaki2018-3
An investigation on the mechanism and reaction sequence of scheelite-magnesium mixtures during mechanical millingAbolfazl Babakhani2018-4
Analysis of internal cracks in Type 304 austenitic stainless steel cladding wall of regenerator column in amine treating unitAli Davoodi2018-4
Core-shell structured Ni3S2 nanorods grown on interconnected Ni-graphene foam for symmetric supercapacitorsElham Kamali Heidari2018-4
Deformation behavior and processing maps of Mg-Zn-Y alloy containing I phase at elevated temperaturesGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2018-4
Enhanced corrosion protection of mild steel by the synergetic effect of zinc aluminum polyphosphate and 2-mercaptobenzimidazole inhibitors incorporated in epoxy-polyamide coatingsMohammad Hadi Moayed2018-4
Morphology modification of electrodeposited superhydrophobic nickel coating for enhanced corrosion performance studied by AFM, SEM-EDS and electrochemical measurementsAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Ali Davoodi2018-4
Optimization of Die Geometry for Tube Channel PressingMohammad Hassan Farshidi2018-4
Recovery of iron from a high-sulfur and low-grade iron oreJalil Vahdati Khaki,Hossein Shalchian2018-4
The role of TLP process variables in improvement of microstructure and mechanical properties in TLP joints of GTD-111/Ni-Cr-Fe-B-Si/GTD-111 systemSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Ata Kamyabi-Gol2018-4
Development of processing map for InX-750 superalloy using hyperbolic sinus equation and ANN modelGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2018-5
Hydroxyapatite coating containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes on AZ31 magnesium: Mechanical-electrochemical degradation in a physiological environmentAli Reza Kiani Rashid2018-5
Microstructure, mechanical properties and failure behaviour of protrusion friction stir spot welded 2024 aluminium alloy sheetsGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2018-5
TiC-modified carbon nanotubes, TiC nanotubes and TiC nanorods: Synthesis and characterizationSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2018-5
Development of electro-co-deposited Ni–Fe(Ti,W)C nanocomposite coatings Fatemehsadat Sayyedan2018-6
Effect of quenching after solidification on hardness and electrochemical behavior of a Pb-0.09%Ca-1.23%Sn alloyMohammad Hadi Moayed2018-6
Electrode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries: A ReviewElham Kamali Heidari,Ata Kamyabi-Gol2018-6
ForMatIon MechanISM oF Fe-Mo MaSter alloy By aluMInotherMIc reductIon oF MoS 2-Fe2o3 In the preSence oF lIMeJalil Vahdati Khaki,Abolfazl Babakhani2018-6
Modeling of hot deformation behavior and prediction of flow stress in a magnesium alloy using constitutive equation and artificial neural network (ANN) modelGHolam Reza Ebrahimi,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid2018-6
Surface chemistry of as-synthesized and air-oxidized PbS quantum dotsSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2018-6
مطالعه تجربی رفتار خزشی کامپوزیت Al2024/SiC تولید شده به روش اتصال نورد تجمعیGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2018-6
A study on carbon nanotubes/nanofibers production via SHS method in C-Al-Fe2O3 systemJalil Vahdati Khaki2018-7
Correlation of surface Volta potential with galvanic corrosion initiation sites in solid-state welded Ti-Cu bimetal using AFM-SKPFMAli Davoodi2018-7
Effect of Micro‐Alloy Elements on Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of a High‐Manganese SteelGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2018-7
In-situ fabrication of Al(Zn)-Al2O3 graded composite using aluminothermic reaction during hot pressingSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2018-7
Mechanical Properties and Interface Evaluation of Al/AZ31 Multilayer Composites Produced by ARB at Different Rolling TemperaturesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2018-7
Crystallization Behavior and Mechanical Properties of In-situ Alumina-Zirconia Composite BodiesSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid2018-8
Effect of sample initial magnetic field on the metal magnetic memory NDT resultMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2018-8
Halide, hybrid and perovskite functionalized light absorbing quantum materials of p-i-n heterojunction solar cellsSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2018-8
Low-temperature pressureless sintering of Al 2 O 3 -SiC-Ni nanocermets in air environmentSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2018-8
Carbide Fragmentation and Dissolution in a High-Carbon High-Chromium Steel Using Hot Rolling Process: Microstructure Evolution, Wear, High-Temperature Oxidation, and Chloride-Induced Corrosion PropertiesAli Reza Kiani Rashid2018-9
Formation of Micro Shear Bands During Severe Plastic Deformation of BCC AlloysMohammad Hassan Farshidi2018-9
Insights into Galvanic Corrosion Behavior of Ti-Cu Dissimilar Joint: Effect of Microstructure and Volta PotentialAli Davoodi2018-9
تاثیر زمان نگهداری و قطر شانه ابزار بر استحکام و رفتار شکست فرآیند جوشکاری اصطکاکی اغتشاشی نقطه‌ای زائده‌ای آلیاژآلومینیوم 2024GHolam Reza Ebrahimi2018-9
A New Approach in Solid State Steelmaking from Thin Cast Iron Sheets through Decarburization in CaCO3 PackMostafa Mirjalili,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2018-10
Corrosion behavior and optimization of air‐entrained reinforced concrete, incorporating microsilicaAli Davoodi2018-10
Evaluating oxidation behavior of amorphous aluminum phosphate coating Fatemehsadat Sayyedan2018-10
Exploring the reinforcing effect of TiC and CNT in dual-reinforced Al-matrix compositesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2018-10
Genetic prediction of cement mortar mechanical properties with different cement strength class after freezing and thawing cyclesGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2018-10
High mechanical efficiency, microstructure evaluation and texture of rheo-casted and extruded AZ80-Ca alloy reinforced with processed Al2O3/GNPs hybrid reinforcementGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2018-10
Improving corrosion resistance of steel rebars in concrete with marble and granite waste dust as partial cement replacementAli Davoodi2018-10
Mechanism of nanostructured florapatite formation from CaO, CaF2 and P2O5 precursors by mechanochemical synthesisJalil Vahdati Khaki2018-10
Microstructure evolution of a recycled Al–Fe–Si–Cu alloy processed by tube channel pressingMohammad Hassan Farshidi2018-10
Modelling the yield point phenomena during deformation at elevated temperatures: case study on Inconel 600GHolam Reza Ebrahimi2018-10
Synthesis and characterization of sol-gel derived non-stoichiometric aluminum phosphate coating Fatemehsadat Sayyedan2018-10
Inhibitive effect of Clopidogrel as a green corrosion inhibitor for mild steel; statistical modeling and quantum Monte Carlo simulation studiesAli Davoodi2018-11
Single-phase magnetite with high saturation magnetization synthesized via modified solution combustion synthesis procedureSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2018-11
Solution phase surface functionalization of PbS nanoparticles with organic ligands for single-step deposition of p-type layer of quantum dot solar cellsSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2018-11
The effect of gelatin as a chelating agent on the synthesis and characterization of LiMn2O4 nanopowders prepared via sol–gel methodAli Davoodi2018-11
Three-dimensional porous Ni-CNT composite nanocones as high performance electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reactionGhasem Barati Darband2018-11
Zinc–Nickel Alloy Electrodeposition: Characterization, Properties, Multilayers and CompositesGhasem Barati Darband2018-11
Effect of thermomechanical processing on hydrogen permeation in API X70 pipeline steelMohammad Hadi Moayed2018-12
Improving Hydro-formability of a Ferritic Stainless Steel Tube Through Severe Plastic DeformationMohammad Hassan Farshidi2018-12
Microstructural and Diametral Tensile Strength of Zirconia-Mullite CompositesAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Sahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2018-12
Recycled Cobalt from Spent Li-ion Batteries as a Superhydrophobic Coating for Corrosion Protection of Plain Carbon SteelHossein Shalchian,Jalil Vahdati Khaki,Abolfazl Babakhani,Ali Davoodi2018-12
Addition of Swarf to Produce a Semi-Solid Slurry during High Pressure Die-Casting of AS9U3 Aluminum AlloyMohsen Haddad Sabzevar2019-1
Characterization of the Native Passive Film on Ferrite and Austenite Phases of Sensitized 2205 Duplex Stainless SteelAli Davoodi2019-1
Dynamic recrystallization in Monel400 Ni-Cu alloy: Mechanism and role of twinningGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2019-1
Effect of graphene nanoplatelets content on the microstructural and mechanical properties of AZ80 magnesium alloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2019-1
Effect of silicon and manganese on the kinetics and morphology of the intermetallic layer growth during hot-dip aluminizingMostafa Mirjalili2019-1
Electrodeposition of Ni–Co–Fe mixed sulfide ultrathin nanosheets on Ni nanocones: a low-cost, durable and high performance catalyst for electrochemical water splittingGhasem Barati Darband2019-1
Mechanical and durability behaviour of concrete with granite waste dust as partial cement replacement under adverse exposure conditionsAli Davoodi2019-1
Mechanochemical reaction of Al and melamine: a potential approach towards the in situ synthesis of aluminum nitride–carbon nanotube nanocompositesAli Reza Kiani Rashid2019-1
Ni-W nanostructure well-marked by Ni selective etching for enhanced hydrogen evolution reactionGhasem Barati Darband2019-1
Rapid consolidation of Al2O3-TiO2-Co nanocermets via spark plasma sintering of Co-coated ceramic particlesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Sahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2019-1
The Contrast between the Pitting Corrosion of 316 SS in NaCl and NaBr Solutions: Part I. Evolution of Metastable Pitting and Stable PittingMohammad Hadi Moayed,Mostafa Mirjalili2019-1
The Contrast between the Pitting Corrosion of 316 SS in NaCl and NaBr Solutions: Part II. Morphology, Chemistry, and Stabilization of the PitsMohammad Hadi Moayed,Mostafa Mirjalili2019-1
Three-dimensional Ni-Co alloy hierarchical nanostructure as efficient non-noble-metal electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reactionGhasem Barati Darband2019-1
Application of statistical analysis to evaluate the corrosion resistance of steel rebars embedded in concrete with marble and granite waste dustAli Davoodi2019-2
Characterization of Zn–Mn Phosphate Coating Deposited by Cathodic Electrochemical MethodGhasem Barati Darband2019-2
Investigation on the homogenization treatment and element segregation on the microstructure of a γ/γ′-cobalt-based superalloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2019-2
New insights into the effects of surface nanocrystallization on the oxidation of 321 austenitic stainless steel in a humid oxygen environment at 1000 °CAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Abolfazl Babakhani2019-2
Synthesis of nano HA/btcp mesoporous particles using a simple modification in granulation methodSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Mohammad Hadi Moayed2019-3
Equal channel angular pressing of spheroidal graphite cast ironMohammad Hassan Farshidi,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid2019-3
Influences of mechanical activation and heating rate on reaction processes in combustion synthesis of NiAl-Al2O3 compositesJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mehrdad Kashefi Torbati2019-3
LiMn2O4nanopowders synthesized via gelatin-assisted sol–gel method: Optimization of pH and calcination temperatureAli Davoodi2019-3
Mechanistic Investigation on the Effect of Molybdate on the Critical Pitting Temperature of 2205 Duplex Stainless SteelMohammad Hadi Moayed2019-3
Relationship between mechanical properties, microstructure and texture evaluations during hot deformation of AZ63 magnesium alloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2019-3
Texture evolution of a dilute aluminum alloy subjected to tube channel pressingMohammad Hassan Farshidi2019-3
The effect of phase transformation route on the intergranular corrosion susceptibility of 2205 duplex stainless steelMohammad Hadi Moayed2019-3
A discussion on the formation mechanism of tungsten carbides during mechanical milling of CaWO4MgC mixturesAbolfazl Babakhani,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2019-4
A study on the effect of carbon nanotube surface modification on mechanical and thermal properties of CNT/HDPE nanocompositeSamaneh Sahebian2019-4
Flow Stress Modeling in a γ-γ/ Cobalt Base Superalloy by Using the Hyperbolic Sine Equation and ANN MethodGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2019-4
Modeling and Optimization of Creep Behavior of Ni-Based Superalloys GTD-111 and IN-738LC Using Central Composite DesignSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2019-4
Multi-successive-step pH sensitive procedure: Survey of dominant formation mechanism of therapeutic SPIONsMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2019-4
Sintering of a nano-crystalline tungsten heavy alloy powderJalil Vahdati Khaki2019-4
Two-step heating transient liquid phase bonding of Inconel 738LCBehrooz Beidokhti2019-4
Evaluation of the electrocatalytic activity and stability of graphene oxide nanosheets coated by Co/Ni elements toward hydrogen evolution reactionGhasem Barati Darband2019-5
Pinless tool for FSSW of AA 6061-T6 aluminum alloyBehrooz Beidokhti,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2019-5
Plasma electrolytic oxidation of Mg–Ti couple metals fabricated by friction stir welding: characterization and corrosion studiesGhasem Barati Darband2019-5
Simulation and characterization of hydrogen evolution reaction on porous Ni Cu electrode using surface response methodologyGhasem Barati Darband2019-5
The influence of the crevice induced IR drop on polarization measurement of localized corrosion behavior of 316L stainless steelMostafa Mirjalili,Mohammad Hadi Moayed2019-5
Using an Artificial Neural Network for Nondestructive Evaluation of the Heat Treating Processes for D2 Tool SteelsMehrdad Kashefi Torbati2019-5
A Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis process for the fabrication of Fe(Cr)–Al2O3 nanocompositeJalil Vahdati Khaki2019-6
On the material characteristics of a high carbon cast austenitic stainless steel after solution annealing followed by quenching in a CNT nanofluidAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Abolfazl Babakhani,Ali Davoodi2019-6
Synergistic effect of a crystal modifier and screw dislocation step defects on the formation mechanism of nickel micro-nanoconeAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Ali Davoodi2019-6
A simple thermodynamics model for estimation and comparison the concentration of oxygen vacancies generated in oxide powders synthesized via the solution combustion methodSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2019-7
Characteristics evaluation of SiC/Si nanocomposites produced by spark plasma sinteringSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2019-7
Electrodeposited Ni Co P hierarchical nanostructure as a cost-effective and durable electrocatalyst with superior activity for bifunctional water splittingGhasem Barati Darband2019-7
Experimental and computational chemistry studies of two imidazole-based compounds as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in HCl solutionAli Davoodi2019-7
Fabrication of dissimilar Fe-Cu-C powder metallurgy compact/steel joint using the optimized resistance spot weldingBehrooz Beidokhti2019-7
Facile electrodeposition of ternary Ni-Fe-Co alloy nanostructure as a binder free, cost-effective and durable electrocatalyst for high-performance overall water splittingGhasem Barati Darband2019-7
Microscale investigation of the correlation between microstructure and galvanic corrosion of low alloy steel A508 and its welded 309/308L stainless steel overlayerAli Davoodi2019-7
Synergetic effect of GNPs and MgOs on the mechanical properties of Mg–Sr–Ca alloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2019-7
Improving the mechanical properties and biocorrosion resistance of extruded Mg-Zn-Ca-Mn alloy through hot deformationGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2019-8
On structure and oxidation behaviour of non-stoichiometric amorphous aluminium phosphate coating Fatemehsadat Sayyedan2019-8
Thermal Cyclic Fatigue Behavior of Nanostructured YSZ/NiCrAlY Compositionally Graded Thermal Barrier CoatingsSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2019-8
A novel approach to the uniformly distributed carbon nanotubes with intact structure in aluminum matrix compositeSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2019-9
Hot deformation behavior and DRX mechanism in a γ-γ/ cobalt-based superalloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2019-9
Oxidation behavior of a nanostructured compositionally graded layer (CGL) thermal barrier coating (TBC) deposited on IN-738LCSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2019-9
Surface modification of Ni foam by the dendrite Ni-Cu electrode for hydrogen evolution reaction in an alkaline solutionGhasem Barati Darband2019-9
The effects of fillers on properties of automotive nanocomposite clear coats: Type, content and surface functionalizationSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2019-9
Thermal stability of CaCO3/polyethylene (PE) nanocompositesSamaneh Sahebian2019-9
Transient liquid phase bonding in the Cu-Sn systemAli Reza Kiani Rashid2019-9
A novel approach to prevent decarburisation through electroless platingBehrooz Beidokhti2019-10
High antibacterial and photocatalytic activity of solution combustion synthesized Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nanoparticles: Effect of fuel to oxidizer ratio and complex fuelsSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2019-10
High-velocity perforation behaviour of sandwich panels with Al/SiCp composite foam coreAbolfazl Babakhani2019-10
Ni–Cr matrix composites reinforced with nano- and micron-sized surface-modified zirconia: Synthesis, microstructure and mechanical propertiesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2019-10
Predicting the relative density and hardness of 3YPSZ/316L composites using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and support vector regression modelsSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2019-10
Quantitative evaluation of ambient O2 interference during solution combustion synthesis process:considering iron nitrate – fuel systemSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2019-10
Recent advances in methods and technologies for enhancing bubble detachment during electrochemical water splittingGhasem Barati Darband2019-10
Synthesis of mesoporous nickel iron oxide as a new anode material for high performance lithium ion batteriesElham Kamali Heidari,Ata Kamyabi-Gol2019-10
A novel single pass severe plastic deformation method using combination of planar twist extrusion and conventional extrusionGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2019-11
Compatibility of fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces and addition of inhibitors in designing corrosion prevention strategies for electrodeposited nickel in saline solutionsMehrdad Kashefi Torbati,Ali Davoodi2019-11
Functionalization and Surface Modifications of Bioactive Glasses (BGs): Tailoring of the Biological Response Working on the Outermost Surface LayerSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2019-11
On the role of structural variables in magnetic properties of Co(1-x)NixFe2O4 nanoferritesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2019-11
The structure effect of carbonaceous reinforcement on the microstructural characterization and mechanical behavior of AZ80 magnesium alloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2019-11
Air exposure oxidation and photooxidation of solution-phase treated PbS quantum dot thin films and solar cellsSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2019-12
Characterization of the passive layer on ferrite and austenite phases of super duplex stainless steelAli Davoodi2019-12
Electrodeposition of cedar leaf-like graphene Oxide@Ni–Cu@Ni foam electrode as a highly efficient and ultra-stable catalyst for hydrogen evolution reactionGhasem Barati Darband2019-12
Fabrication of micro–nano-roughened surface with superhydrophobic character on an aluminium alloy surface by a facile chemical etching processAli Davoodi2019-12
Recovery of molybdenum from leach solution using polyelectrolyte extractionHossein Shalchian2019-12
Review of superoleophobic surfaces: Evaluation, fabrication methods, and industrial applicationsGhasem Barati Darband2019-12
Characterizations of dissimilar S32205/316L welds using austenitic, super-austenitic and super-duplex filler metalsBehrooz Beidokhti2020-1
Coating Ti6Al4V substrate with the triple-layer glass-ceramic compositions using sol–gel method; the critical effect of the composition of the layers on the mechanical and in vitro biological performanceSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid2020-1
Science and Engineering of Superhydrophobic Surfaces: Review of Corrosion Resistance, Chemical and Mechanical StabilityGhasem Barati Darband2020-1
Texture evolution of commercially pure copper processed by multiple compressions in a channel dieAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2020-1
The Influence of Microstructural Characteristics on Austenite Formation Kinetics in a Plain Carbon SteelMohammad Mazinani2020-1
High temperature oxidation behaviour of AISI 321 stainless steel with an ultrafine-grained surface at 800 °C in Ar–20 vol.% O2Ali Reza Kiani Rashid,Abolfazl Babakhani2020-2
How nanoparticles and submicron particles adsorb inside coating during plasma electrolytic oxidation of magnesium?Ghasem Barati Darband2020-2
Improving the microstructural and mechanical properties of in-situ zirconia-mullite composites by optimizing the simultaneous effect of mechanical activation and additivesSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid2020-2
Pulse electrodeposition of nickel selenide nanostructure as a binder-free and high-efficient catalyst for both electrocatalytic hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions in alkaline solutionGhasem Barati Darband2020-2
Surface modification of orthopedic implants by optimized fluorine-substituted hydroxyapatite coating: Enhancing corrosion behavior and cell functionEhsan Mohammadi Zahrani2020-2
Cost-effective Strategies for Depletion of Endogenous Extracellular Vesicles from Fetal Bovine SerumFatemeh Khakrah2020-3
Direct electrodeposition of platinum nanoparticles@graphene oxide@nickel-copper@nickel foam electrode as a durable and cost-effective catalyst with remarkable performance for electrochemical hydrogen evolution reactionGhasem Barati Darband2020-3
Effect of Microstructure on Stress Dependence of Transformation Induced Plasticity in TRIP800 Low-Alloy Multiphase SteelsAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz,Mohammad Mazinani2020-3
Electrocrystallization of Ni nanocones from chloride-based bath using crystal modifier by electrochemical methodsGhasem Barati Darband2020-3
Electrodeposition of self-supported Ni-Mo-P film on Ni foam as an affordable and high-performance electrocatalyst toward hydrogen evolution reactionGhasem Barati Darband2020-3
Long-term creep behaviour of E-glass/epoxy composite: time-temperature superposition principleAhad Zabett,Samaneh Sahebian2020-3
Microstructure and mechanical characterizations of graphene nanoplatelets-reinforced Mg–Sr–Ca alloy as a novel composite in structural and biomedical applicationsGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2020-3
Quantitative Evaluation of Deformation Induced Martensite in Austenitic Stainless Steel Using Magnetic NDE TechniquesMehrdad Kashefi Torbati,Mohammad Mazinani2020-3
Strontium- and Cobalt-Doped Multicomponent Mesoporous Bioactive Glasses (MBGs) for Potential Use in Bone Tissue Engineering ApplicationsSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2020-3
Surface modification of mild steel before acrylic resin coating by hybrid ZnO/GO nanostructures to improve the corrosion protectionAli Davoodi2020-3
Effect of Substrate Grain Size on Structural and Corrosion Properties of Electrodeposited Nickel Layer Protected with Self-Assembled Film of Stearic AcidAli Davoodi2020-4
Insight into enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity of Fe3O4–SiO2–TiO2 core-multishell nanoparticles on the elimination of Escherichia coliMehrdad Kashefi Torbati,Mostafa Mirjalili2020-4
Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics investigation of different zones at the joining area of a bulk metallic glass welded by friction stir spot welding (FSSW)Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2020-4
Mechanism of Reduction of Hematite-Magnetite Hollow Cylindrical Pellet by Graphite-Calcium Carbonate MixtureAhad Zabett,Mostafa Mirjalili2020-5
On the adsorption kinetics and mechanism of enhanced photocatalytic activity of Fe3O4‐SiO2‐TiO2 core‐multishell nanoparticles against E. coliMehrdad Kashefi Torbati,Mostafa Mirjalili2020-6
Silicon-doped calcium phosphates; the critical effect of synthesis routes on the biological performanceSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2020-6
Modified auto-combustion synthesis of mixed-oxides TiO2/NiO nanoparticles: Physical properties and photocatalytic performanceSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2020-7
Multipass Friction Stir Processing of Steel/SiC Nanocomposite: Assessment of Microstructure and Tribological PropertiesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Ata Kamyabi-Gol2020-7
On the formation and properties of chromium carbide and vanadium carbide coatings produced on W1 tool steel through thermal reactive diffusion (TRD)Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Mostafa Mirjalili2020-7
Photocatalytic and Antibacterial Activity of Silver/Titanium Dioxide/Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Coated on Cotton FabricsSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Samaneh Sahebian,Elham Kamali Heidari2020-7
The significant role of the glycine‐nitrate ratio on the physicochemical properties of CoxZn1−xO nanoparticlesSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2020-7
A proposed model for spark plasma sintering of SiC-Si nanocomposite with different SiC particle sizesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2020-8
Accelerated crystallization of CuAlO2 delafossite phase by controlling thermal regime during solution combustion synthesisSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2020-8
Access to nanocrystalline, uniform, and fine-grained Ni-P coating with improved anticorrosive action through the growth of ZnO nanostructures before the plating processAli Davoodi2020-8
Corrosion Performance of Steel Rebars in the Roof of a 65-Year-Old Underground Reinforced Concrete Water-Storage TankAli Davoodi2020-8
Eddy current technique as a nondestructive method for evaluating the degree of sensitization of 304 stainless steelMehrdad Kashefi Torbati,Mostafa Mirjalili2020-8
Study on hot deformation behavior of AISI 414 martensitic stainless steel using 3D processing mapGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2020-8
The effects of an inorganic corrosion inhibitor on the electrochemical behavior of superhydrophobic micro-nano structured Ni films in 3.5% NaCl solutionAli Davoodi,Ehsan Mohammadi Zahrani2020-8
Comparison of characteristics of Bi2Te3 and Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 thermoelectric materials synthesized by hydrothermal processSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2020-9
Effects of toughened polyester on fatigue behavior of glass fiber reinforced polyester composite for wind turbine bladeSamaneh Sahebian,Ahad Zabett2020-9
Pitting Corrosion of 17-4PH Stainless Steel: Impingement of a Fluid Jet vs. Erosion–Corrosion in the Presence of the Solid ParticlesMohammad Hadi Moayed2020-9
Pre- and post-TLP bond solution treatments: Effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of GTD-111 superalloyAta Kamyabi-Gol2020-9
Creep properties of Ni-based superalloy GTD-111 joints produced by transient liquid phase method using BNi-3 fillerSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2020-10
Effect of SiC particles on hot deformation behavior of closed-cell Al/SiCp composite foamsGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2020-10
Premature Failure of Grade-316Ti Stainless Steel Tubing in a Boiler Feed-Water Heat Exchanger in a Steel ComplexEhsan Mohammadi Zahrani2020-10
Design of a low density refractory high entropy alloy in non-equiatomic W–Mo–Cr–Ti–Al systemAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2020-11
Effect of Boron on the Microstructure Evolution and Dynamic Recrystallization Kinetics of ALLVAC718Plus SuperalloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2020-11
Electrochemical and statistical analyses of the combined effect of air-entraining admixture and micro-silica on corrosion of reinforced concreteAli Davoodi2020-11
Heat transfer enhancement of conventional aluminum heat sinks with an innovative, cost-effective, and simple chemical roughening methodMohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Ali Davoodi2020-12
Pulse Electrodeposition of a Superhydrophilic and Binder-Free Ni–Fe–P Nanostructure as Highly Active and Durable Electrocatalyst for Both Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution ReactionsGhasem Barati Darband2020-12
Role of silica mid-layer in thermal and chemical stability of hierarchical Fe3O4-SiO2-TiO2 nanoparticles for improvement of lead adsorption: Kinetics, thermodynamic and deep XPS investigationMehrdad Kashefi Torbati,Mostafa Mirjalili2020-12
Single-stage production of glass sealed PEO composite coating on AZ31BGhasem Barati Darband2020-12
Synergistic effect of hybrid size ZrO2 and electroless nickel decoration on the mechanical and high temperature oxidation properties of NiCr–ZrO2 compositesSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid2020-12
An analytical study on nucleation and growth mechanism of nanostructured Ni-Se coating by the chronoamperometry and pulse potential techniquesGhasem Barati Darband2021-1
Comprehensive study on hydrogen induced cracking of electrical resistance welded API X52 pipeline steelBehrooz Beidokhti,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid2021-1
Microstructure refinement, mechanical and biocorrosion properties of Mg–Zn–Ca–Mn alloy improved by a new severe plastic deformation processGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2021-1
One-step synthesis of single-phase (Co, Mg, Ni, Cu, Zn) O High entropy oxide nanoparticles through SCS procedure: Thermodynamics and experimental evaluationSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2021-1
Solution combustion synthesis (SCS) of theranostic ions doped biphasic calcium phosphates; kinetic of ions release in simulated body fluid (SBF) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generationSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2021-1
The influence of new severe plastic deformation on microstructure, mechanical, and corrosion properties of Mg-0.8Mn-0.5Ca alloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2021-1
Effect of Fluid Flow on the Corrosion Performance of as-Cast and Heat-Treated Nickel Aluminum Bronze Alloy (UNS C95800) in Saline SolutionAli Davoodi2021-2
Electrodeposition of Ni–Fe micro/nano urchin-like structure as an efficient electrocatalyst for overall water splittingGhasem Barati Darband2021-2
Enhancing surface properties of (Fe,Cr)Al – Al2O3 nanocomposite by oxygen ion implantation Fatemehsadat Sayyedan2021-2
Effects of Synthesis Parameters and Thickness on Thermoelectric Properties of Bi2Te3 Fabricated Using Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma SinteringSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2021-3
The extraordinary effect of very low content of hybrid carbonaceous reinforcement on the microstructural and mechanical properties of 7075 aluminum alloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2021-3
Comparison of thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te3 and Bi2Se0·3Te2.7 thin film materials synthesized by hydrothermal process and thermal evaporationSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2021-4
Hydrazine-assisted electrochemical hydrogen production by efficient and self-supported electrodeposited Ni-Cu-P@Ni-Cu nano-micro dendrite catalystGhasem Barati Darband2021-4
Microstructure and thermoelectric performance evaluation of p-type (Bi, Sb)2Te3 materials synthesized using mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering processSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2021-4
Microstructure Evolution of the Stainless Steel 316L Subjected to Different Routes of Equal Channel Angular PressingMohammad Hassan Farshidi,Mohammad Hadi Moayed2021-4
Evaluation of PEO Nanocomposite Coating on AZ31 Magnesium AlloyGhasem Barati Darband2021-5
Highly improved biological and mechanical features of bioglass-ceramic/ gelatin composite scaffolds using a novel silica coverageSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Samaneh Sahebian2021-5
Hot corrosion of Inconel 625 wrought alloy and weld overlay on carbon steel by gas metal arc welding in 47 PbSO4-23 ZnO-13 Pb3O4-7 PbCl2-5 CdO-5 Fe2O3 molten salt mixtureEhsan Mohammadi Zahrani2021-5
Improved osteogenesis and angiogenesis of theranostic ions doped calcium phosphates (CaPs) by a simple surface treatment process: A state-of-the-art studySahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2021-5
Optimization and characterization of pulse electrodeposited nickel selenide nanostructure as a bifunctional electrocatalyst by response surface methodologyGhasem Barati Darband2021-5
Proposed stability product criterion for open hemispherical metastable pits formed in the crevices of different aspect ratios (l/d) on 316L stainless steel in 3.5% NaCl solutionMohammad Hadi Moayed,Mostafa Mirjalili2021-5
بررسی فرایند رسوب‌گذاری گاما پرایم تحت تاثیر کرنش در سوپر آلیاژ پایه نیکل Nimonic80AGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2021-5
Architectural design of MWCNT reinforced AlSi10Mg matrix composites with comprehensive mechanical propertiesMohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2021-6
Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles and Mesoporous Bioactive Glasses for Wound Management: From Skin Regeneration to Cancer TherapySahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2021-6
Uniform nucleation of zincate layer through the optimized etching process to prevent failure in electroless plating on 2024 aluminum alloyAli Davoodi2021-6
A new method to determine the synergistic effects of area ratio and microstructure on the galvanic corrosion of LAS A508/309 L/308 L SS dissimilar metals weldAli Davoodi2021-7
Hot Deformation Behavior and Development of Constitutive Equations on a Novel γ-γ/ Ni-base Superalloy: AD730GHolam Reza Ebrahimi2021-7
Improving the physicochemical properties of NaCl-assisted solution combustion synthesized iron oxide nanoparticles by controlling the thermodynamics of the processSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2021-7
Influence of eutectic phase precipitation on cracking susceptibility during forging of a martensitic stainless steel for turbine shaft applicationsGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2021-7
Strength improvement in friction stir spot joining of polyethylene and aluminumBehrooz Beidokhti,Samaneh Sahebian2021-7
Facile electrochemical synthesis of Ni-Co-B film on Cu sheet for dual-electrocatalysis of hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactionsGhasem Barati Darband2021-9
New insights into microstructural changes during transient liquid phase bonding of GTD-111 superalloySeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2021-9
Physical-based methodology for prediction of weld bead characteristics in the Laser Edge Welding processBehrooz Beidokhti2021-9
The effects and improvements of GNPs+CNTs on the mechanical properties and microstructure of AZ80 matrix compositeGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2021-9
“Sticky” carbon coating enables high-area-capacity lithium storage of silicon-graphitic carbon hybridAli Davoodi2021-10
Effect of hydrogen peroxide on bovine serum albumin adsorption on Ti6Al4V alloy: A scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy studyAli Davoodi2021-10
Exploring mechano-bactericidal nature of Psalmocharias cicadas wings: an analytical nanotopology investigation based on atomic force microscopy characterizationAli Davoodi2021-10
Influence of Strain Rate on the Interactions Between Precipitation and Recrystallization during Hot Deformation of Ni-Based Superalloy Nimonic 80AGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2021-10
Optimization of nickel selenide for hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions by response surface methodologyGhasem Barati Darband2021-10
Strengthening of aluminium alloy 7005 through imposition of severe plastic deformation supplemented by different ageing treatmentsMohammad Hassan Farshidi,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2021-10
Study of Texture Weakening of Commercially Pure Copper Processed by Multiple Compressions in a Channel DieAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2021-10
The Effect of ZnO on the Physicochemical and Mechanical Properties of Aluminosilicate Dental CementsMohammad Mazinani,Sahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2021-10
The enhanced mechanical properties and strain-hardening capability of CNT/Al composites achieved by heterogeneous micro-laminated architectureSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2021-10
روش ها،عوامل و کاربردهای تعیین اندازه ذراتFatemeh Khakrah2021-10
ساخت عملگر نرم نوین با طول عمر بالا با استفاده از سیلیکون الاستومر و اتانولSamaneh Sahebian2021-10
Effect of Hydrothermal Synthesis Temperature on the Microstructural and Thermoelectric Characteristics of Thermally Deposited Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 Thin FilmsSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2021-11
Effect of Molybdate on the Stability of Pit Growth in Duplex Stainless Steel 2205Mohammad Hadi Moayed,Mostafa Mirjalili2021-11
Encapsulation of Cerium Nitrate within Poly(urea-formaldehyde) Microcapsules for the Development of Self-Healing Epoxy-Based CoatingAli Davoodi2021-11
Investigation of the Microstructure Dependence of Critical Pitting Temperature and Pitting Potential in a 2205 Duplex Stainless SteelMohammad Hadi Moayed,Mostafa Mirjalili2021-11
Low percolation behavior of HDPE/CNT nanocomposites for EMI shielding application: Random distribution to segregated structureSamaneh Sahebian,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2021-11
Tribological properties of duplex coatings of chromium-vanadium carbide produced by thermo-reactive diffusion (TRD)Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Mostafa Mirjalili2021-11
Hot Corrosion Behavior of Micro- and Nanostructured Thermal Barrier Coatings: Conventional Bilayer and Compositionally Graded Layer YSZSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2021-12
Insight into the Elemental Sulfur Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Chloride Bearing Media Using Electrochemical and Non-electrochemical TechniquesMohammad Hadi Moayed,Mostafa Mirjalili2021-12
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Spark Plasma Sintered Amorphous AlPO4 Ceramics Fatemehsadat Sayyedan2021-12
A new approach in the one-step synthesis of α-MnO2via a modified solution combustion procedureMostafa Mirjalili,Jalil Vahdati Khaki,Sahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2022-1
Calcium phosphate bioceramics for improved angiogenesisSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2022-1
Development of a low-cost activated mesoporous bauxite for the reclamation of used transformer oilAli Davoodi2022-1
In silico study and experimental evaluation of the solution combustion synthesized manganese oxide (MnO2) nanoparticlesJalil Vahdati Khaki,Sahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2022-1
Mn-incorporated nickel selenide: an ultra-active bifunctional electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution and urea oxidation reactionsGhasem Barati Darband2022-1
Preparation of Porous Alumina/Nano-Nickel Composite by Gel Casting and Carbothermic ReductionSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2022-1
Standard heat treatment effects on TLP bonded IN-738LC superalloy using BNi-9 filler: An approach to make an ideal jointAta Kamyabi-Gol,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2022-1
Superaerophobic/superhydrophilic surfaces as advanced electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction: a comprehensive reviewGhasem Barati Darband2022-1
Tuning surface wettability of aluminum surface and its correlation with short and long term corrosion resistance in saline solutionsEhsan Mohammadi Zahrani,Ali Davoodi2022-1
Effect of tempering heat treatment on mechanical properties of a medium silicon low alloy ferrite–martensite DP steelSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2022-2
Electrodeposition of nanoporous nickel selenide on graphite rod as a bifunctional electrocatalyst for hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactionsGhasem Barati Darband2022-2
Stress Dependency of Creep Response for Glass/Epoxy Composite at Nonlinear and Linear Viscoelastic BehaviorAhad Zabett,Samaneh Sahebian2022-2
Thermal decomposition kinetic study of Fe5C2 nanoparticlesSamaneh Sahebian2022-2
A study of hot compression behavior of an as-cast FeCrCuNi2Mn2 high-entropy alloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2022-3
Highly Active and Durable NiCoSeP Nanostructured Electrocatalyst for Large-Current-Density Hydrogen ProductionGhasem Barati Darband2022-3
Interference of oxygen during the solution combustion synthesis process of ZnO particles: Experimental and data modeling approachesJalil Vahdati Khaki,Sahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2022-3
Electrochemical Studies of the Effect of Preannealing Temperature and Aging Time on the Degree of Sensitization in 2205 Duplex Stainless SteelMohammad Hadi Moayed2022-4
Erosion-corrosion of electrodeposited superhydrophobic Ni-Al2O3 nanocomposite coatings under jet saline-sand slurry impingementEhsan Mohammadi Zahrani2022-4
Non-equiatomic W10Mo27Cr21Ti22Al20 high-entropy alloy produced by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering: Phase evolution and mechanical propertiesAli Reza Kiani Rashid,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2022-4
Study of dry sliding wear behaviour of Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr alloy Fatemehsadat Sayyedan2022-4
A comprehensive review on the effects of doping process on the thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te3 based alloysSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2022-5
افزایش قابل ملاحظه خواص مکانیکی فولاد کم آلیاژ سیلیسیم متوسط 35CHGSA در شرایط عملیات حرارتی کوئنچ و پارتیشن‌بندی در مقایسه با حالت کوئنچ و تمپر متداولSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2022-5
Crystallization behavior and density functional theory study of solution combustion synthesized silicon doped calcium phosphatesSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2022-5
Iron (Fe)-doped mesoporous 45S5 bioactive glasses: Implications for cancer therapySahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2022-6
Anti-coking and anti-carburizing behavior of amorphous AlPO4 coating Fatemehsadat Sayyedan2022-7
Binder-free P-doped Ni-Se nanostructure electrode toward highly active and stable hydrogen production in wide pH range and seawaterGhasem Barati Darband2022-7
Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles for Improved Cancer TheranosticsSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2022-7
Configurational entropy as a simple input data for glass science and engineeringSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2022-8
Emerging Organic Surface Chemistry for Si Anodes in Lithium‐Ion Batteries: Advances, Prospects, and BeyondAli Davoodi2022-8
Microstructural evolution and wear properties of chromium carbide coating formed by thermo-reactive diffusion (TRD) process on a cold-work tool steelSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2022-8
Trimodal hierarchical structure in the carbonaceous hybrid (GNPs+CNTs) reinforced CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy to promote strength-ductility synergyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2022-8
Dynamic recrystallization behavior of the equiatomic FeCoCrNi high-entropy alloy during high temperature deformationGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2022-9
Effect of bismuth on microstructure, mechanical properties and fracture behavior of AZ magnesium alloysMohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Mohammad Mazinani2022-9
Energy-Saving Electrochemical Hydrogen Production on Dynamic Hydrogen Bubble-Template Electrodeposited Ni-Cu-Mn Nano-Micro DendriteGhasem Barati Darband2022-9
Modified Sol–Gel Synthesis of Mesoporous Borate Bioactive Glasses for Potential Use in Wound HealingSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2022-9
Preparation and Characterization of Platelet Lysate (Pl)-Loaded Electrospun Nanofibers for Epidermal Wound HealingSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2022-9
Quantitative analysis of diffusion kinetics of intermetallic formation in Ni–Ti systemMostafa Mirjalili2022-9
Highly efficient plasmonic wood/Ag/Pd photoabsorber in interfacial solar steam generationSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2022-10
In situ electrochemical recomposition of decomposed redox-active species in aqueous organic flow batteriesAli Davoodi2022-10
Effect of hybrid carbonaceous reinforcement on structure, mechanical and wear properties of spark plasma sintered CrCoFeMnNi HEA/GNP+CNT compositeGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2022-11
Electrospun NiMoO4-encapsulated carbon nanofibers electrodes for advanced supercapacitorsElham Kamali Heidari,Ata Kamyabi-Gol,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2022-11
Manufacturing of high strength thin-walled aluminum 6063 tubes through severe plastic deformation combined with peak-aging treatmentMohammad Hassan Farshidi2022-11
Quantitative kinetic analysis of γ′ precipitate evolution in a Co–Al–W superalloy during aging heat treatmentGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2022-11
Recrystallization Kinetics of the ECAP processed stainless steel 316LMohammad Hassan Farshidi2022-11
سنتز و مشخصه یابی نانو ذرات مغناطیسی فریت کبالت به روش هم رسوبی شیمیاییSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Samaneh Sahebian2022-11
Accumulative extrusion bonding of Mg-Mn-Ca/FA+GNP hybrid biocomposite: On microstructure evaluation, mechanical and corrosion propertiesGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2022-12
Elaboration of entropy with glass composition: A molecular dynamics studySahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2022-12
Extraction and pre‐concentration of parabens in liquid pharmaceutical samples by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction based on deep eutectic solventsSamaneh Sahebian,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2022-12
Influence of functional carbon nanotube and multi‐cyclic shape memory performance on thermally triggered polyurethane nanocompositesSamaneh Sahebian2022-12
Surface Heparinization of a Magnesium-Based Alloy: A Comparison Study of Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) and Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) DendrimersAli Davoodi2022-12
The effect of annealing treatment on thermoelectric properties of nanostructured Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 thin films fabricated by ball milling and thermal evaporationSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2022-12
بررسی تاثیر دما و زمان لحیم کاری سخت بر اتصال ساندویچی فولاد زنگ نزنBehrooz Beidokhti2022-12
Enhancing hydrogen generation through urea electro-oxidation on a bimetallic and dual-anionic NiFeSP/NF nanostructured electrodeGhasem Barati Darband2023-1
Grain refinement, texture evolutions, and strengthening of a recycled aluminium alloy subjected to tube channel pressingMohammad Hassan Farshidi2023-1
Micro-Mechanical Analysis of Martensite and Ferrite Phases in a 35chgsa Medium-Silicon SteelSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2023-1
The effect of powder synthesis method on thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 thin filmsSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2023-1
Zinc- and Copper-Doped Mesoporous Borate Bioactive Glasses: Promising Additives for Potential Use in Skin Wound Healing ApplicationsSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2023-1
Effect of the metallization method on properties of hybrid zirconia/Ti–6Al–4V jointsBehrooz Beidokhti,Sahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2023-2
Electrodeposition of self-supported transition metal phosphides nanosheets as efficient hydrazine-assisted electrolytic hydrogen production catalystGhasem Barati Darband2023-2
Investigating the Microstructural, Mechanical, and Tribological Properties of NiCrBSi High-Velocity Oxygen Fuel and High-Pressure High-Velocity Oxygen Fuel Coatings Fatemehsadat Sayyedan2023-2
Synergistic effect of active-passive methods using fins surface roughness and fluid flow for improving cooling performance of heat sink heat pipesAli Davoodi2023-2
The effect of thermal evaporation parameters on thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 thin films produced from ball milled powderSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2023-2
A review on electroless Ni–P nanocomposite coatings: effect of hard, soft, and synergistic nanoparticlesGhasem Barati Darband2023-3
Abnormal Trend of Ferrite Hardening in a Medium-Si Ferrite-Martensite Dual Phase SteelSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2023-3
Development of self-healable acrylic water-based environmental-friendly coating as an alternative to chromates coatingsAli Davoodi2023-3
Recent progress in non-noble metal-based electrocatalysts for urea-assisted electrochemical hydrogen productionGhasem Barati Darband2023-3
Research on hot deformation behavior and constitutive model to predict flow stress of an annealed FeCrCuNi2Mn2 high-entropy alloyGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2023-3
Understanding Interfacial Reactions in Ti–Ni Diffusion CoupleMostafa Mirjalili2023-3
Electroless deposition of Ni-W-Mo-Co-P films as a binder-free, efficient and durable electrode for electrochemical hydrogen evolutionGhasem Barati Darband2023-4
An investigation on the effect of Al4C3 on microstructure and mechanical properties of carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum compositeSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Abolfazl Babakhani2023-5
Boosting the electrocatalytic activity of NiSe by introducing MnCo as an efficient heterostructured electrocatalyst for large-current-density alkaline seawater splittingGhasem Barati Darband2023-5
Effect of Carbon Partitioning on Abnormal Martensite Hardening in a Conventional Quench and Temper Medium Silicon Low Alloy Steel under Ferrite-Martensite Dual-Phase MicrostructureSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2023-5
Effect of two-step heating transient liquid phase bonding on microstructure and mechanical behaviour of IN-738LC gas turbine componentsBehrooz Beidokhti2023-5
Mechanical properties and fracture surface of Al-Al2O3 nano/micro-composites produced by accumulative roll bondingMohammad Mazinani,GHolam Reza Ebrahimi2023-5
Single-step solution combustion synthesis of porous 1393-B3 glass powders and structural characterization via solid-state NMR spectroscopyJalil Vahdati Khaki,Sahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2023-5
Synthesis and crystallization of (Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni)3O4 high entropy oxide: The role of fuel and fuel-to-oxidizer ratioJalil Vahdati Khaki,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Sahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2023-5
Electrochemical properties of NiO–Ni electrocatalyst synthesized via solution combustion for methanol oxidation in alkaline mediaMostafa Mirjalili,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2023-6
Synthesis and post-heat treatment of complex compositions in Cu-Ti-O system: Phase investigation and optical propertiesSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2023-6
The effect of fabrication method on thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 thin filmsSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2023-6
A Suitable Porous Micro/Nanostructured Cu and Cu–Ni Film: Evaluation of Electrodeposition Behavior, Electrocatalytic Activity, and Surface Characterization of Porous FilmMostafa Mirjalili,Mohammad Hadi Moayed,Ghasem Barati Darband2023-7
Corrosion resistance of amorphous AlPO4 coating in salty atmospheres Fatemehsadat Sayyedan2023-7
Cu-Mn mixed-component oxide nanoparticles synthesized via the one-step solution combustion method with enhanced water evaporation efficiencySahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2023-7
Microwave-Assisted Combustion Synthesis of Ni–Cr–Mo Superalloy Using Mixed Oxides: Mechanism and Thermodynamics AspectsJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mostafa Mirjalili2023-7
Nanomechanical assessment of tribological behavior of TiN/TiCN multi-layer hard coatings deposited by physical vapor depositionAbolfazl Babakhani,Mehrdad Kashefi Torbati2023-7
The role of ZnO as an additive on the mechanical properties of zirconia-mullite compositesSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid2023-7
Ultra-fast electrochemical preparation of Ni-Cu-Fe nano-micro dendrite as a highly active and stable electrocatalyst for overall water splittingGhasem Barati Darband2023-7
Bi-functional Ni-Co-P/rGO/NF flower-like structure as an electrocatalyst for hydrogen production assisted by urea oxidation reactionGhasem Barati Darband2023-8
Design and characterization of electro-active soft actuator based on phase transition of microencapsulated silicon-ethanol compositeSamaneh Sahebian2023-8
High Potential Inhibition of the 17-4 PH Stainless Steel in the Presence of Nitrate and Evolution of Metastable PittingMohammad Hadi Moayed,Mostafa Mirjalili2023-8
Improving Thermal Management of CPU by Surface Roughening of Heat SinksAli Davoodi2023-8
Microstructure evolution, hot deformation behaviour and processing map of Inconel X-750 superalloy in sub-solvus and super-solvus temperature rangesGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2023-8
Punching shear failure behavior of fine-grained ZK60 Mg alloy processed by a novel forward shear normal extrusion process at room and elevated temperaturesGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2023-8
Evaluation of dissimilar 7075 aluminum/AISI 304 stainless steel joints using friction stir weldingBehrooz Beidokhti,Ali Davoodi2023-9
Hydrothermal synthesis of highly aligned Fe3O4 nanosplates on nickel foamSamaneh Sahebian2023-9
Interfacial structure-property relationship in a carbon nanotube-reinforced aluminum alloy matrix composite fabricated by an advanced methodMohsen Haddad Sabzevar,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2023-9
Microstructural Properties and in vitro Dissolution of Microporous Bioactive 13-93B3 Glass Powders Synthesized via Solution Combustion SynthesisJalil Vahdati Khaki,Sahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2023-9
Pulse-reverse electrodeposited reduced graphene oxide electrode decorated by Ni-P porous nano-layer as a high performance electrocatalyst for H2 production assisted by hydrazine electrooxidationGhasem Barati Darband2023-9
Effect of pre-rolling aging treatment on evolutions of the microstructure and the texture of aluminium alloy 7005 subjected to heavy cold rollingMohammad Hassan Farshidi2023-10
Electroless deposition of Ni-W-P films as binder-free, efficient and durable electrode for electrochemical hydrogen evolutionGhasem Barati Darband2023-10
Electrosynthesis of Superhydrophilic Nickel Nanosheets on a Three-Dimensional Microporous Template: Applicability toward MORMostafa Mirjalili,Jalil Vahdati Khaki,Ghasem Barati Darband2023-10
Hot compressive deformation behavior of Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V titanium alloy at elevated temperatures: Focus on flow behavior, constitutive modeling, and processing mapsGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2023-10
Investigation of Microstructure and Wear Properties of Stellite 6 Laser Additive Manufactured Layers on Martensitic Stainless Steel SubstrateBehrooz Beidokhti2023-10
Aluminum phosphate-based coatings: a novel approach to next generation of protective and thermal barrier coatings Fatemehsadat Sayyedan2023-11
Fabrication and characterization of cobalt- and copper-doped mesoporous borate bioactive glasses for potential applications in tissue engineeringSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2023-12
Microstructure evolution of Ni-Cr-Mo superalloy fabricated by microwave-assisted combustion synthesisJalil Vahdati Khaki,Mostafa Mirjalili2023-12
Molybdenum-doped Ni–S nanostructure towards energy saving for hydrogen production coupling urea oxidation reactionGhasem Barati Darband2023-12
Development of a phase-change material-based soft actuator for soft robotic gripper functionality: In-depth analysis of material composition, ethanol microbubble distribution and lifting capabilitiesSamaneh Sahebian2024-1
Durable Pulse-Electrodeposited Ni–Fe–S Nanosheets Supported on a Ni–S Three Dimensional Pattern as Robust Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution and Urea Oxidation ReactionsGhasem Barati Darband2024-1
In situ electrochemical synthesis of superhydrophilic NiCoMn trimetallic-alloy nanosheets via the dynamic hydrogen bubble template method for developing high current density hydrogen production electrocatalystsGhasem Barati Darband2024-1
In situ synthesis and electrochemical corrosion behavior of plasma electrolytic oxidation coating containing an osteoporosis drug on AZ31 magnesium alloyMaryam Rahmti,Ehsan Mohammadi Zahrani2024-1
Interfacial engineering of Ni–Co–Mn@Ni nanosheet–nanocone arrays as high performance non-noble metal electrocatalysts for hydrogen generationGhasem Barati Darband2024-1
Investigation of Micromechanical Properties of Martensite and Ferrite Microphases in a 35CHGSA Medium‐Si Low‐Alloy SteelSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2024-1
Modulation of active surface sites on Ni–Fe–S by the dynamic hydrogen bubble template method for energy-saving hydrogen productionGhasem Barati Darband2024-1
Sustainable and energy-saving hydrogen production via binder-free and in situ electrodeposited Ni–Mn–S nanowires on Ni–Cu 3-D substratesGhasem Barati Darband2024-1
Aluminosilicate bioglass-ceramics: investigation of the crystallization trend through kinetic calculation and experimental studySahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar2024-2
In Situ Assembly of a Superaerophobic CoMn/CuNiP Heterostructure as a Trifunctional Electrocatalyst for Ampere-Level Current Density Urea-Assisted Hydrogen ProductionGhasem Barati Darband2024-2
On the Morphology Variation of Graphite in Ductile Cast Iron through Severe Plastic DeformationAli Reza Kiani Rashid2024-2
Ultra-fast electrodeposition of dynamic hydrogen bubble template nickel sulfide on a porous copper layer as an electrocatalyst toward hydrogen evolution reactionMostafa Mirjalili,Mohammad Hadi Moayed,Ghasem Barati Darband2024-2
Water splitting by CoFeLDH@NiFeS nanoelectrocatalyst assisted urea electrooxidation reactionGhasem Barati Darband2024-2
A study on disinfection and adhesion behaviour between bacteria and photocatalytic nanostructures by extended DLVOMostafa Mirjalili2024-3
Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and wear properties of laser additively manufactured 316 L stainless steel/Co-Cr-W alloy part using directed energy deposition methodBehrooz Beidokhti2024-3
Effect of processing parameters on the morphology of α-phase in Ti-6Al-4V alloy during the two-step hot deformationGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2024-3
Electrodeposition of Fe-Co-Ni coating by cyclic voltammetry for efficient hydrogen productionGhasem Barati Darband2024-4
Electrospun nanofibers combined with Fe-doped mesoporous bioactive glass nanoparticles induce in vitro melanoma cell deathSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2024-4
Mullite/YSZ hybrid thermal barrier coatings plasma sprayed on IN-738LC: Microstructure, phase analysis and oxidation resistanceSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2024-4
Recent advances in phosphide-based nanostructures by electrodeposition for hydrogen evolution reactionGhasem Barati Darband2024-4
Dynamic behavior modelling of the silicone-ethanol actuator based on principal dynamic modes of the Laguerre modelSamaneh Sahebian2024-5
Electrochemical efficiency of carbon nanofiber/molybdenum oxide nanocomposites synthesized by electrospinning used in supercapacitors and oxygen evolution reactionSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi,Ghasem Barati Darband2024-5
Hot Deformation Behavior and Processing Map of Ti Bearing 2304 Dual-Phase Stainless SteelGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2024-5
A review on electrodeposited metallic Ni-based alloy nanostructure for electrochemical hydrogen evolution reactionGhasem Barati Darband2024-6
Deep eutectic electrodeposition for energy storage and conversion systems. A comprehensive reviewGhasem Barati Darband2024-6
Experimental and theoretical study of hierarchical NiCo-TiO2 nanocomposite superhydrophobic surface for improving corrosion resistanceGhasem Barati Darband2024-6
Microstructure characterization and dynamic recrystallization behavior of Ni–Cu alloy during hot deformationGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2024-6
Tailoring the Active Sites of Nanosheet NiSe/NiSe2 Catalyst by Pulse Electrodeposition on the 3D Microporous Ni-Cu/NF Substrate for both Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution ReactionsMostafa Mirjalili,Mohammad Hadi Moayed,Ghasem Barati Darband2024-6
A comparative study on the electrocatalytic OER activity of mesoporous high-entropy oxide and medium-entropy oxide nanoparticles through SCS methodSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2024-7
Hot working behaviour of Ti–8Al–1Mo–1V alloy through the hot compression testGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2024-7
Investigating the relationship between natural frequency and residual strength and stiffness of cross‐ply laminate under cyclic loadingAhad Zabett2024-7
Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of Mg/CoCrFeNiMoTi high entropy alloy composites produced via FSPGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2024-7
Hollow-like three-dimensional structure of methyl orange-delaminated Ti3C2 MXene nanocomposite for high-performance electrochemical sensing of tryptophanGhasem Barati Darband2024-8
Investigation on Microstructure and Residual Stress Distribution in Dissimilar AA3105/AA2024 Friction Stir JointsBehrooz Beidokhti,Ali Davoodi2024-8
Nanomechanics of Mg-Gd-Y-Nd-Zn alloy with LPSO and MgRE phasesGHolam Reza Ebrahimi2024-8
The Solution Combustion Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticles Using Allium schoenoprasum (Chives) as a Green FuelJalil Vahdati Khaki,Sahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti2024-8
Sol-gel-synthesized bioglass-ceramics: physical, mechanical, and biological propertiesSahar Mollazadeh Beidokhti,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid2024-9
The effect of thickness on microstructural and thermoelectric properties of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 thin filmsSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2024-9
A Comparison Study on the Recovery of REEs from Red Mud by Sulfation Roasting–Water Leaching and Citric Acid LeachingHossein Shalchian,Abolfazl Babakhani2024-10
An Investigation on unstable flow during hot deformation of Inconel X750 superalloy using 3D processing map and shear band formation criterionSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2024-10
Revisiting the Effect of Casting Thickness and Austempering Temperature of Gray IronAbolfazl Babakhani,Ali Reza Kiani Rashid2024-10
Science and Engineering of Superaerophobic Surfaces for Electrochemical Gas—Evolving Reactions: A Review of Recent Advances and PerspectiveGhasem Barati Darband2024-10
Studying impact of cobalt content on electrocatalytic activity of Cu-Co-P coating with dendrite-like architectures for hydrogen productionGhasem Barati Darband2024-10
Enhancement of the electrocatalytic activity of NiMnSe by CuP as heterostructure electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline mediaGhasem Barati Darband2024-11
Selective Leaching of Lithium and Beyond: Sustainable Eggshell-Mediated Recovery from Spent Li-Ion BatteriesAli Reza Kiani Rashid2024-11
Effect of fatigue loading on physical and structural properties of epoxy in glass fiber reinforced polymer: An analysisAhad Zabett,Samaneh Sahebian2024-12
Effect of Mechanical Activation and Excess Graphite on the Formation of SrCO3 from Celestite Via Black-Ash MethodMostafa Mirjalili,Jalil Vahdati Khaki2024-12
Solution combustion synthesis of copper oxide nanoparticles for antibacterial applicationsMostafa Mirjalili,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2024-12
Behavior Identification of Silicone‐Ethanol Soft Actuator Based on Statistical AnalysisSamaneh Sahebian2025-1
Effect of grain refinement on the mechanical and corrosion behavior of ECAP-processed Sn-5Sb alloy studied by positron annihilation lifetime and Doppler broadening spectroscopy2025-1
Elucidating the Electrochemical Corrosion of a Water Pump Impeller in an Industrial Cooling System with Zero Liquid DischargeEhsan Mohammadi Zahrani2025-1
Engineering superhydrophilic Ni-Se-P on Ni-Co nanosheets-nanocones arrays for enhanced hydrogen production assisted by hydrazine oxidation reactionGhasem Barati Darband2025-1
Hot deformation behavior and dynamic recrystallization kinetics of Nimonic 901 superalloy2025-1
Solvometallurgical Properties of Choline Chloride-Based Deep Eutectic Solvents for Copper Extraction from Chalcopyrite: Optimization and AnalysisAbolfazl Babakhani,Ghasem Barati Darband,Hossein Shalchian2025-1
A review on the performance and lifetime improvement of thermal barrier coatingsArezoo Sezavar seyedijandaghi,Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi2025-2
An Extensive Study on the Hydrogen Permeation Characteristics of API 5L X70 Steel Affected by Microstructure and Texture Evoluted by Severe Cold RollingMostafa Mirjalili,Mohammad Hadi Moayed,Ghasem Barati Darband,GHolam Reza Ebrahimi2025-2
Effect of keyhole and lack-of-fusion pores on the anisotropic microstructure and mechanical properties of PBF-LB/M-produced CuCrZr alloy2025-2
Effect of Pre-Heat Treatment and Processing Regime on the Behavior of Aluminum Alloy 2024 During Equal Channel Angular PressingMohammad Hassan Farshidi,Abolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2025-2
Electrodeposited binder-free oxy-hydroxide nanostructures as promising electrocatalyst for hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactionsGhasem Barati Darband2025-2
Estimating Creep Behavior of a Superplastic Alloy Using the Phenomenological Continuum Damage TheoryAbolfazl Rezaee Bazzaz2025-2
Removal of volatile species from electric arc furnace dust by evaporation and condensation under reduced pressureAhad Zabett2025-2
XCT-assisted micromechanical modeling of the effect of pores on the plastic deformation and mechanical characteristics of PBF-LB/M-produced copper alloys2025-2
Enhancing mechanical properties of Cu-Zr metallic glasses via aluminum addition: Structural heterogeneity insight Fatemehsadat Sayyedan2025-3