Thesis Title Student Section Supervisor Defined date of defense
Section Supervisor
Production of magnetic PE/CNT nanocomposites and investigation its thermodynamic and mechancal propertiessamaneh sahebian saghiP.H.D.Zebarjad0000-00-00
Effect of die temperatuer on micro structure and mechanical properties of PM partsmehdi abbasiM.Sc.Babakhani2012-09-22
Effects of type and amount of impurities on reducability of Chadormaloo iron oxide concentrate during Midrex processmohamad sadegh rezaiiM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2011-04-11
effect of welding parameters on the microstructure and inclusion formation in microalloyed steelsHASSAN GHOLAMIM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2010-12-06
Effect of temperature and strain rate on microstructure of Mg-Al alloys using hot extrustionAhmad Najjar TorshiziM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2012-01-16
investigation of thermal behavior, stability and viscosity of nanofluid contan modified carbon nano tubes with TiO2 nanoparticlessedigheh abbasiP.H.D.Zebarjad2012-09-26
Synthesis of ZnO nano particles using Angooran Concentratemohammad hadi tamjidiM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2013-02-11
A production of Aluminum foams via Sodium Nitrate agent and an investigation of electromagnetic shielding of themAhmad MoloodiP.H.D.Babakhani2013-02-02
Measurement of fracture energy during uniaxial tensile test for dual-phase steel using Essential Work of Fracture (EWF) aproachZahra AsadiM.Sc.Mazinani2010-12-06
The investigations on elevated temperature oxidation mechanisms of high porous metals and metallic foamsehsan jafariM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2013-02-25
Fabrication and chracterization of solar absorber using anodizing techniquemohammad ansariniaM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2014-08-27
Study of precippitation of a super saturated Al alloy during MAFmehdi hadianM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2013-02-11
Investigation the Thermal Behavior of Ti-based Bulk metallic glasses alloys with composition of Ti41.5 Zr2.5 Hf5 Cu42.5-x Ni7.5 Si1 SnxSaber HaratianM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2013-02-25
To study the properties of hard coating fabricated on the surface of carbon steel using Fe-Ti-Al systemsaeed ahadishahriM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2014-02-03
Hardening and softening of commercially pure copper by multiaxial forgingSeyyed Mohammad Hossein Hosseini RadM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2014-02-03
Investigation of microstructure variation on ....ahmadamin khalilitabasP.H.D.Kiani Rashid2014-06-21
Effect of tool geometry on the microstructure and mechanical properties in friction stir welding of severely deformed Al sheetsjavad heidarpoorM.Sc.Beidokhti2015-06-01
investigation on magnetic separation of nano magnetic particle from aqueous solutionReza Izadi VasfiM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2015-06-01
Using reductive atmosphere to synthesise gel-casted alumina-nickle compositezahra hosseiniM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2015-06-01
Production of AZ Magnesium alloy with bimodal grain structure via severe plasatic deformation in multi-axial forginghanieh ghalibaf tousiM.Sc.Mazinani2015-06-01
Effect of Oxidation/Reduction by coal of ilmenite on eliminatuion of iron content through leaching in sulphuric acidbehzad jalaliM.Sc.Zabett2015-05-31
Coating of nickel base foams by heat resistant materialsJalal Mir abbassiP.H.D.Kiani Rashid2015-10-27
The influence of pores steel products produced by powder metallurgy on isothermal phase transformationsseyd hossein mosavifarM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2016-08-15
Improvement of energy absorption capability of aluminum tubes through imposing severe plastic deformationmohamad ghaemiM.Sc.Farshidi2016-08-15
Investigation on the erosion-corrosion resistance of carbon steel in the sulfur containing environmentSajjad Hassanzadeh Seyyed AbadM.Sc.Beidokhti2016-08-15
Investigation on the microstructure of clad stellite layers on the stainless steel substrateAlireza GhassemiM.Sc.Beidokhti2016-08-15
Thermal prop[erties of bulk amorphous magnesium base alloyarmin bavafaM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2016-08-15
Study of the effects of glass fibre surface treatment on mechanical properties of polyester matrix compositesmonavvar hamidiM.Sc.Zabett2016-08-15
Effect of Calcium Carbonate on Kinetics of Hematite reduction by Hoganas MethodMehrdad heidarzadehP.H.D.Zabett2016-10-26
Investigation of the effects of casting parameters and chemical composition of thermoelectric nano material of PbTe type p on its thermoelectric propertiesSaid JamaatiM.Sc.Sajjadi2017-06-06
Alumina extraction from kaoliniteNima hamidipourM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2017-06-06
Simulation of deformation behavior during tube hydro-forming using finite element methodmohammadali dashtiM.Sc.Farshidi2018-02-05
Investigation the effect of Ti on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu powder metalurgy parts,production by SPS mettod.Sayed Hassan MoosaviM.Sc.Babakhani2018-07-10
Application of Metal Magnetic Memory (MMM) technique in detection of stress concentration zones in welded steelsalireza javdani fardM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2018-07-10
Selective absorption of Metal ions from aqueous Solutions using magnetic hydroxyapatite synthesized through mechanochemical routezahra khaleghiM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2018-07-10
High strength bainitic structure production in high silicon cast ironsrasul nematyarM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2019-03-04
Phase transformation in ultra-high carbon, high chromium steels by thermal analyses and microstructural studyFarima Hesari motlaghM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2019-03-04
Study of ultra fine grain microstructure of commercially pure copper produced by multiple compressions in a channel die using ECCIamir molayariM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2018-07-10
Investigation on the bonding mechanism and microstructural changes during two-step TLP joining of dissimilar IN925/Mar-M509 superalloysmahsa nazeranP.H.D.Beidokhti2019-03-13
Effect of Direct electrical current on solidification structure of Al--x-Si -0Peyman Niazi RazaviP.H.D.Haddad Sabzevar2019-09-18
Interlayer effect on Joining of Al and Mg Alloys using Friction Stir WeldingRoya Derakhshan hafshejaniM.Sc.Sajjadi2019-12-16
Hydro metallurgical recovery of TiO2 from red mud .Hossein MonjeziM.Sc.Babakhani2019-12-02
superplasticity behavior in AM30 Magnesium alloy after Multi-Directional ForgingAbolfazl SanchuliP.H.D.Rezaee Bazzaz2020-11-10
Investigation of characteristics of Aluminum alloys 7xxx for substitution of Alpha-yellow brass in production of electrical connectorsHamed Fazael HoseiniM.Sc.Farshidi2020-10-12
The effect of atomsphere and temperature of synthesis process on the efficiency of the decoration process of metallic nano particles on the carbon by solution combustion synthesis processpouria pishavarM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2021-02-01
Antibacterial behavior of Nanostructured ZnO/CuO/Clay fabricated by Solution Combustion Synthesis Methodsetareh khosrovanP.H.D.Vahdati Khaki2021-01-07
Study of superplasticity in Aluminum alloy 7005 after severe cold rollingZahra HashemiM.Sc.Farshidi2022-04-04
Investigation of hot deformation parameters of alpha-beta titanium alloy to achieve fine spherical alpha microstructuremahnaz jafariP.H.D.Ebrahimi2021-05-30
Effect of tungsten carbide and stress reliefing process on microstructure and mechanical properties of Stellite cladded layer on SS316L using laser methodmina molaei nadikiM.Sc.Beidokhti2020-11-30
Effect of shielding gas and laser welding parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of Stellite cladded SS 316LMohadese HossainiM.Sc.Beidokhti2020-11-30
Investigation on microstructure and mechanical properties of laser cladded Inconel 625 on directionally solidified nickel superalloy substrateMohammadreza AmelzadehP.H.D.Beidokhti2021-03-16
Solution combustion synthesis of CuO/MnO2 mixed oxide : the effect of processing parameters on the final propertiesLaya AgahM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2021-10-11
Investigation of Microstructure and Mechanical properties of Ti-xMo-yAg Implant produced by SPS methodZahra Ghorbani SafdarabadiM.Sc.Babakhani2022-01-24
Simulation of the effect of die geometry on the strain distribution imposed by tube channel extruison using finite element methodMousa HatamiM.Sc.Farshidi2022-04-04
Investigating the dissolution process of chalcopyrite in deep eutectic solventsseyed mojtaba ghadamgahiP.H.D.Babakhani2022-09-21
INVESTIGATION OF FATIQUE BEHAVIOR OF EPOXY/ CARBON FIBER COMPOSITE using wind turbin bladesAfsane HosseinzadeM.Sc.Sahebian2022-04-18
Synthesis of Phosphide Compounds on Co-S Nanowires for Use in Hydrogen Production and SupercapacitorEhsan AllahyariP.H.D.Barati Darband2022-08-29
Synthesis and characterization and corrosion behavior evaluation of plasma-electrolytic oxidation coating containing alendronate sodium on titanium substrateHosein AlizadehM.Sc.Mohammadi Zahrani2022-10-24
Investigating the effect of superhydrophobic surfaces synthesis route on the corrosion resistance of Titanium alloyMahdi Nasiri KalatebaliM.Sc.Mohammadi Zahrani2023-01-23
Corrosion behavior of magnesium alloy by hybrid LDH/PEO coating in the plasma-electrolytic oxidation processNeda NikbinM.Sc.Mohammadi Zahrani2023-01-30
The effect of high entropy alloy particles on the mechanical behavior of aluminum matrix composites produced by accumulative roll bonding methodmahdi hamounpeymaP.H.D.Haddad Sabzevar2023-02-20
Investigation of the microstructure and corrosion resistance of laser cladded 2507 supper Duplex Steel coating on 4130 low alloy steel .Ali JafarimoghaddamP.H.D.Babakhani2023-02-21
Fabrication of High Density Poly Ethylen/carbon Black/Magnetite Composite with Segregated Structure and Investigation of its electrical Conductivity and Electro-Magnetic Shielding propertiesFATEMEH NAJARNIAP.H.D.Vahdati Khaki2023-02-20
Pulse reverse electrodeposition of Co-Fe-S on Ni-Co ad catalyst for electrochemical hydrogen productionSajjad SatkinM.Sc.Barati Darband2022-03-14
The effect of alloy elements and thermomechanical history on phase transformation and mechanical properties of x70 steelSeyed Kamyab ZolnoriM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2023-01-30
The effect of hot deformation parameters on the microstructural evolution of x70 steelMahdiyeh AsadiM.Sc.Ebrahimi2021-11-22
electrodeposition of gradient nanocomposite coating of nickel-tungsten alloy reinforced with alumina and MoS2 particles and investigation of wear and corrosion propertiesHamed SoleymaniP.H.D.Babakhani2023-09-26
An investigation on the microstructure and texture evolutions of the commercially pure titanium grade 2 during equal channel angular pressing and subsequent annealingRezvan Saeidi RashkoliaeiM.Sc.Farshidi2023-07-24
Electrodeposition of hierarchical nickel-copper-iron coating on plain carbon steel substrate and study of hydrophobicity and corrosion behaviorFiroozeh PourmahdiM.Sc.Mohammadi Zahrani2023-10-30
Effect of Mg addition on the corrosion resistance of hot-dip galvanized Zn-Al coating on carbon steelMohammad Mahdi HadianM.Sc.Babakhani2023-11-27
Investigation on microstructure and wear resistance of high entropy alloy cladding layer on carbon steel substrate using welding processMahdi SharifiM.Sc.Beidokhti2023-11-27
Effect of hot rolling parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of the X70 micro alloys steelSeyede Hosna GhafarikiaM.Sc.Ebrahimi2022-12-12
The effect of graphene addition to Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 and Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 in order to improve thermoelectric propertiesFatemeh RahmaniM.Sc.Sajjadi2023-11-27
The effect of anodizing treatment on the corrosion behavior of AZ91-SiC composite prepared by semi-solid casting methodSepehr SaffaranM.Sc.Mohammadi Zahrani2023-12-18
The effect of laser welding variables on the microstructure of the overlaps joint of thick plates of austenitic stainless steel and low carbon steelMohamad GolgoliM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2023-12-18
Effect of wobble laser modes on recrystallization of hydroxyapatite on Ti-6Al-4V substrate in simulated body fluidNeda Hadian KaffashM.Sc.Beidokhti2023-12-18
The effects of thermal annealing on the crystallization and mechanical behaviors of additive manufactured Polylactic acid -PLA- based on the 3D-printing parametersSeyed Mohammad Reza MaydanshahiM.Sc.Beidokhti2023-11-27
Synthesis of layered-double hydroxide structure on Ni-based substrate to improve electrochemical supercapacitor propertiesAmirreza Sabouri FakhrabadiM.Sc.Sajjadi2024-01-15
Investigation on microstructure and corrosion resistance of Inconel 625 laser cladded layer on 304L substrateZeynab AbbaszadehM.Sc.Beidokhti2023-03-13
Investigation on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ni-Ti 2-layered coating on stainless steel substrate using welding processMassoumeh MontakhabM.Sc.Beidokhti2023-05-01
Investigating electromagnetic wave absorption -shielding- and mechanical properties of polystyrene/carbon nanotube/nickel segregate composites prepared by latex methodMostafa MahdaviM.Sc.Sahebian2024-01-08
Effect of process parameters on microstructure and solidification morphology of Stellite during laser additive manufacturingAlireza ZarifiyanM.Sc.Beidokhti2023-12-18
The effect of Deformation parameters and Heat Treatment on Microstructure and mechanical properties of Tungsten Heavy AlloySaleh Karimi TakalouM.Sc.Ebrahimi2024-02-19
The influence of initial microstructure on the kinetic of vanadium carbide formation on 1545 tool steel using thermo-reactive diffusion treatmentMina BaghishaniM.Sc.Sajjadi2024-03-11
synthesis of ZnS/NiS/kaolin nanocomposite via solution combustion method and its photocatalytic propertiesHossein Karimi MoeinM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2024-04-15
effect of electric current on nickel-based superalloy as an alternative to conventional heat treatmentSamira GolmakaniM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2024-05-27
regeneration of used new generation lithium batteries LiNixFeyAlzO2 -NFA- using solution combustion synthesis -SCS- methodSajad MoatarM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2024-03-11
Effect of surface protective coatings by polimers material on thermal stability of magnesium powders(Passivation)Amirhossein TakalouM.Sc.Babakhani2024-04-15
Effect of processing parameters of tungsten-copper composites by mechanical alloying method on density and microstructure and mechanical behaviorReza SalehiradM.Sc.Ebrahimi2024-03-11
Investigation of microstructure and creep behavior of AZ61-(SiC-CNT) hybrid nanocomposite produced by powder metallurgyFatemeh SadeghiM.Sc.Sajjadi2024-03-11
Influence of the effective parameters in the anodization process of titanium -grade 2- on TiO2 nanotubes -TNT- morphologyNazanin YazdanparastM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2024-09-16
Investigating the use of zinc PCM material in metal molds and its effect on the microstructure of AZ31 alloy during the casting processSeyed Hamidreza SeyediM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2024-05-27
Effect of Cu/W Ratio onThermal Expansion Coefficient and Mechanical Strength of Tungsten-Copper alloysMehran MadanizadehM.Sc.Ebrahimi2024-08-19
Effect of processing parameters of tungsten-copper composites by Cu-melt infiltration on density and microstructure and mechanical behaviorSina DarwishM.Sc.Ebrahimi2024-03-11
Effect of composition and microstructure on the mechanical behavior of tungsten heavy alloy at high strain ratesMohsen RaziP.H.D.Ebrahimi2024-09-07
Investigating changes in the density of polyethylene in the formation of polyethylene CNT segregated structure in order to increase the level of electromagnetic interference shieldingMelika NazermoghadamM.Sc.Sahebian2024-09-16
Electrodeposition of Phosphide-Based Compounds in the Presence of Hydrogen Bubbles for the Water Splitting Reaction -DHBT-Ali TalebiM.Sc.Barati Darband2023-12-18
Effect of laser scanning on microstructure and corrosion resistance of 316L stainless steelErfan AmyariM.Sc.Mohammadi Zahrani2024-09-16
Investigation the effect of upper layer thickness of YSZ Gradient Thermal Barrier Coating Created by APS Method on Oxidation resistance and cohesion strength.Fatemeh ArjmandM.Sc.Babakhani2024-09-16
Fabrication and characterization of carbon nanotube-reinforced composite as a sensorZeinab MirzaeiM.Sc.Sahebian2024-01-08
Microstructure and thermal stability of comercially pure copeer and AZ31 alloy processeed by severe plastic deformationNajmeh BanaiiM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2024-09-16
Hydrogen permeation behavior and mechanism of single and multi-layered graphene coatings on improvement of hydrogen embrittlement of steelAmir RafighM.Sc.Babakhani2024-09-16
Studying the thermoelectric behavior of the hybrid composite with the segregate structure of polyethylene reinforced with graphene and polyanilineMohammad HosseinzadehM.Sc.Sahebian2024-09-16
Feasibility of using recovered ferrochromium/ferrovanadium powders in the formation of multi-layered chromium carbide/vanadium carbide composite via thermo-reactive diffusion by pack cementationFatemeh AbbaszadehM.Sc.Sajjadi2024-09-16
An investigation on the formation of multi-layered chromium carbide/niobium carbide composite via thermo-reactive diffusion by pack cementationNegar Asgharzadeh YazdiM.Sc.Sajjadi2024-09-16
Study of compressive strength and creep behaviour of AlTiMoMnCu high entropy alloySeyed Mohammad Emad SadriniyaM.Sc.Sajjadi2024-09-16
Synthesis and study of properties and formation mechanism of hydrophobic and self-cleaning ceramic nanocomposite coating on silicate-based substrateHossein Pakdell NoghabiP.H.D.Sajjadi2024-10-05
Evaluation of the electrodeposition mechanism of nickel-boron-phosphorus nanostructure coating on nickel foam substrate as an electrocatalyst in water splittingHassan NooriP.H.D.Barati Darband2024-10-05
The effect of HA and wollastonite ratio on the biological properties of porous containing scaffoldsRoshan Vahabzadeh BilondiM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2024-09-16
The effect of particle size distribution, calcination temperature and ratio of raw materials on the mechanical and chemical properties of CaP cementsSeyedefateme MosavinasabM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2024-09-16
Pulse-electrodeposition of nickel-molybdenum and subsequent chemical etching for electrochemical hydrogen production applicationAlireza TousiM.Sc.Barati Darband2024-05-27
Synthesis of porous nanostructured electrocatalyst of Ni-Co-Cu by electrochemical dealloying technique for hydrogen evolution reactionYalda AshouriM.Sc.Mirjalili2024-07-08