Thesis Title Student Section Supervisor Defence Date
Section Supervisor
An Investigation on Galvanic Corrosion of Ni containing aluminium bronze welded by TIGbehnam sabbaghzadehM.Sc.Moayed2011-09-19
A study effect of fluxe quality on energy Consumption in electric arc furnacemeisam lotfiM.Sc.Zabett2012-04-17
Carbides spherodization in ultra high carbon steels with fine ferritic grainsMahdi MuhammadpourM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2012-07-08
Investigation on the effect of hot rolling with heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ91 magnesium alloyMahmoud Reza Ghandehari FerdowsiM.Sc.Mazinani2012-09-19
Recovery of Zinc and Manganese Dioxide from Spent Alkaline Batteries through Hdrometallurgical proccesingHOSSEIN SHALCHIANM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2012-09-21
Recovery of Iron from low grade iron ore through coal based direct reduction followed by magnetic separationNaghdali Alavi fardM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2012-09-22
Investigation on the influence of quality and quantity of carbon materials on power consumption in elctric arc furnace of Khorasan Steel Industrial ComplexAMIR SHAHPASANDIM.Sc.Zabett2012-09-22
Improved Bainitic microstructures production in ultra high carbon steelsmojtaba kooshkbaghiM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2012-09-24
Application of Nano-coating on Al using Friction Stir Pressing (FSP)Nasrollah KiajamaliM.Sc.Sajjadi2012-10-02
Study of creep behavior of notched specimens in Ni-base superalloy IN738LCmasood eslami masroorM.Sc.Sajjadi2012-10-03
Effects of Sintering and Impurities on Kinetics of Reduction of Hematite with volatiles of CoalHossein Yavari MehrabaniM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2012-10-06
Cold and warm plastic deformation effect and subsequent aging treatment on corrosion properties of 17-4 PH stainless steel in chloride containig solutionDavood NakhaieM.Sc.Moayed2012-10-06
Study of kinetic of gama prime particle coarsening in IN792 Ni-base superalloyatikeh kazemiM.Sc.Sajjadi2012-10-06
Feasibility Study of mechanochemical synthesis of nanostructured molybdenum carbide using MoS2/CaO/C system in the presence of metallic aluminumnasrin fekriM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2012-11-07
Production of an ultrafine grain copper using MAFYusufAli NegahdariM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2012-11-21
Mechanochemical Synthesis of Nanostructured WC in the presence of Alkali Salts using WO3/Zn/C Systemfatemeh babania bazgiriM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2013-01-22
The effect of / ratio on critical pitting temperature (CPT) of 2205 stainless steelMASOUMEH NAGHIZADEHM.Sc.Moayed2013-02-02
Surface modification of nano particles in order to increasing dispersion uniformity in polymer coatingsPardis KhalilnezhadM.Sc.Sajjadi2013-02-03
Metal/Oxide nanocomposite thin film on metallic substrates through solution combustion synthesisEhsan MohammadiM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2013-02-03
Investigation on the sheet deformation behaviour using Eddy Current techniquemostafa seyfpourM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2013-02-03
The effect addition of NO3- in chloride containing solution on critical pitting temperature (CPT) of 2205 stainless steelMasoud ZakeriM.Sc.Moayed2013-02-03
Fabrication of Magnetic Nanofluid using Synthesized Nano Fe3O4 PowderFaridreza AttarzadehM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2013-02-03
Pitting corrosion of 17-4 PH stainless steel in S2O3 aquaus environmentmozhgan abooei mehrizyM.Sc.Moayed2013-02-03
Preparation and chracterisation of dye-sensitized solar cells using TiO2 nano-powderfereshteh momeniM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2013-02-03
An investigation on the effect of nano agent on micro structure and mechanical properties of aluminum foamakram salehiM.Sc.Babakhani2013-03-06
Production of Nanocrystalline Stainless Steel by a Multi-stage Thermomechanical ProcessRoohallah Surki AliabadM.Sc.Mazinani2013-03-10
FGM Fabrication of Al/Al2O3 Nano-composite and investigation on their microstructure and fracture toughnessmohammad reza keshmiriM.Sc.Sajjadi2013-03-13
Coating of Metallic Substrates via Combustion synthesis ReactionSaeed MohammadkhaniM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2013-05-15
Synthesis of nanocomposite by means of ball milling stainless steel X20Cr13 scales with Al powderSAEED BONDARM.Sc.Zabett2013-07-01
The study of influence of solidification cooling rate on heat treatment cycle of unalloyed malleable cast iron productionjavad helali fardM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2013-09-21
Fracture behavior investigation on tin matrix composite with alumina nano particle reinforcement use of essential work of fracturehossein hamediM.Sc.Zebarjad2013-09-21
The effect of S-2 and S2O3-2 on critical pitting temperature of 2205 stainless steelAli KosariM.Sc.Moayed2013-09-21
Recovery of Valuable Metallic components from Spent Chargable Lithium BatteriesAli RafsanjaniM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2013-09-26
A study on strengthening mechanism of Tin matrix nanocomposite reinforced by SiC nanoparticlesHamid Reza Erfanian Nazif ToosiM.Sc.Zebarjad2013-09-26
influance evaluation of nano SiC particles on Aluminum matrix foam strengthingmarziye momeniyanM.Sc.Zebarjad2013-09-26
Study of superplastic like deformation of a Zr based bulk metallic glass using impression creep techniqueMorteza AdinehM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2013-10-07
wear resistant cotings on steel substrate with reactive cored electrode via welidng techniquesMohammad PirniaM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2013-12-22
the effect of grain size and morphology on the microsegregation of Al alloysmehdi dehnaviM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2013-12-25
Fabrication of CNTs using mechanical milling in the presence of an exothermic reactionebrahim zohour vahid karimiPhDVahdati Khaki2014-01-06
Mechanochemical synthesis of aluminum nitride by milling melamine and its derivatives with aluminum and studding the thermal stability of the productsSeyyed Amin RounaghiPhDKiani Rashid2014-01-07
Introducing new technique for critical pitting temperature measurment based on impedance spectroscopy in 10% ferric chlrode solutionMehrdad Zia HoseinpoorM.Sc.Moayed2014-01-12
Effect of type and amount of additives on reducibility of iron ore pellet using coal volatiles as reductantHossein Azad JabellooM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2014-01-25
Effect of microalloying on the microstructure and hot working behavior of Mg-6Al-1Zn-RE alloysatefe negahban boronM.Sc.Ebrahimi2014-01-25
Effect of rheocasting and thixoforming on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al 2024Behnam RahimimonjeziM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2014-01-26
Improving corrosion resistance of cadmium plated steel by non-chromate convesrion coatingamene abbasi aghuyM.Sc.Moayed2014-01-29
monitoring microstructural changes in spherodizing process using Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) analysisfaeezh jarrahiM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2014-02-01
Effect of Sr and Ca on hot deformation behavior of Mg-8Al- X%Ca/X%Sr alloyfatemeh marzangooshiM.Sc.Ebrahimi2014-02-01
Pitting corrosion investigation of 17-4 PH stainless steel in chloride containing thiosulphate solutionmalihe ebrahimzadehM.Sc.Moayed2014-02-02
An Investigation the micro structure and mechanical properties of Al-CNT composite particles produced by SPS methoddavoud khademiM.Sc.Babakhani2014-02-04
Detection and measurment of corrosion in tubes by the eddy current methodMILAD HOJATIM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2014-02-08
Oxidation resistant inhancment of CK45 at elevated temperaturesHamed Danesh AhmadiM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2014-02-08
Formation of Nano coating on Al plate by LASER cladinghamed parvanehM.Sc.Sajjadi2014-02-09
Effect of rare earth additions on microstructure and hot deformation behavior of Mg-Al-Zn alloymahzad zohoori taliM.Sc.Ebrahimi2014-02-09
Formation of Multi-Layer structure of Al-Al2O3 by accumulative Roll-bondingsaeed biabangard baraniM.Sc.Sajjadi2014-02-10
An invetigation on synergistic effect of zinc phosphate pigment and organuic inhibitor in an organic coating based on polyesterziba mirzakhanzadehM.Sc.Moayed2014-02-10
An investigation on the mechanism of organic inhibitor adsorption on cold deformed mild steelFaeze BarzegarM.Sc.Moayed2014-02-10
Formation of Ni- SiC-Al2O3 cermet using ceramic particles coated by Nidanial firouzbakhtM.Sc.Sajjadi2014-02-10
Mechanochemical Purification of Molybenum trioxidenavid bondarM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2014-02-10
detection of hidden corrosion in multilayerd structures using pulsed eddy current techniqueSadegh Moslemi MehniM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2014-02-10
An investigation of the mechanism of metastable pit occurence on 2205 SS at temperature below and above its crtitical pitting temperaturemahboobe gholamiM.Sc.Moayed2014-02-15
Strenghening of weld zone via in situ synthesis of hard phases through FSSW processshahab e ddin shahsavar fardM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2014-02-16
The role of thin metallic coverage on cast iron formability improvmentsseyed Kamran Kaboli MallakM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2014-02-16
effect of mechanical deformation on the thermal stability of cobalt-based amorphous alloyPeyman Niazi RazaviM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2014-03-12
Investigation of physical, mechanical and structure of Nano-Composite foam of Cu/Cr2O3MINA SABZEVARIM.Sc.Sajjadi2014-03-13
optimization of chemical composition for producing pellet with proper reducibility in Golgohar Co of Sirjan via Taghuchi methodhadi mahmodabadiM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2014-05-17
Mechanochemical synthesis of nanostructured tungsten compounds from ammonium paratungstate (APT)Maryam Sadat MarashiPhDVahdati Khaki2014-05-31
Production of aluminum alloy with super plastic ability by multi-axial forginghamid reza ghorbanzadehM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2014-06-03
Characterization of hot deformation behavior of Mg-X%Zn alloys by using processing Maproghaye faraziM.Sc.Ebrahimi2014-07-06
The effect of cooling rate on the microsegregation of Al-base alloysMohammad Hasan Avazkonandeh GharavolPhDHaddad Sabzevar2014-07-07
بررسی رفتار تغییرفرم دمای بالا ی نانو کامپوزیت های A6061-Al2O3 تولید شده با فرایند ریخته گری گردابیHamidreza EzatpourPhDSajjadi2014-07-26
The study of preferred nucleation sites at short time of isothermal transformations on ferritic and pearlitic formation zones in ductile cast iron with various compositionsShadi Ramezanzadeh noghondarM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2014-07-26
synthesis and morphology investigation of FAp/TiO2/CNT doped with antibactrial agent used in Ti-based dental implantsnasrin sasaniPhDZebarjad2014-09-10
The investigations on elevated temperature oxidation of aluminum castings with steels coresMinoo TavakoliM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2014-09-13
The production of lead-free solder alloys and their physical and mechanical properties compare with the common commercial soldersAlireza BaeiM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2014-09-15
Quantitative evaluation of martensitic transformation in austenitic stainless steels during deformation using non-destructive testing techniqueEsmaeel Ahmadzade BeirakiM.Sc.Mazinani2014-09-16
Non destructive quality control of heat treated aluminium parts using electromagnetic probAli AbbasianM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2014-09-20
Production of Light Weight Cast Iron with Nodules of GraphiteMohammad reza HassaniM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2014-09-21
Production (fabrication) and investigation mechanical properties of aluminum-graphite particle composite with uniform distribution of particles using mechanical stirring and sps (Spark Plasma SinteringHossein Pakdell NoghabiM.Sc.Babakhani2014-09-21
Pitting corrosion investigation of 17-4 PH stainless steel in different concentration of chloride and passivating inhibitor ionsMahla SeyediM.Sc.Moayed2014-09-22
An investigation on corrosion resistance of ...Mostafa MohtashamipourM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2014-09-22
An investigation on the effect of solution annealing temperature on pitting corrosion of AISI 403 martensitic stainless steelnooshin banihasanM.Sc.Moayed2014-09-22
An investigation on the effect of tempering temperature on pitting corrosion of AISI 403 martensitic stainless steelIman TajiM.Sc.Moayed2014-09-22
Production of thin-wall sandwich structure with Composite Nanostructure interfaceMohammad Mahdi BalouchianM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2014-09-22
The production of ultra-high-carbon steels by powder metallurgyomid rostamiM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2014-09-22
Fabrication of Ferromolybdenum using molybdenite concentrate through combustion synthesis in the presence of aluminum and limeMorteza MirjaliliM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2014-09-22
Fabrication of ZnO nanorod throuhgh Hydrothermal routeKHATEREH EDALATIM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2014-09-22
Mechanochemical synthesis of nanostructured W/Al2O3 composite powderMehrdad Malekei farM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2014-09-22
synthesis of thermo-electric material by mechanical alloyingMOHAMMAD REZA BAGHAEIM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2014-09-22
Mechanochemical leaching of copper sulphide concentrate in sulphuric acidFarhad KhorramshahiMohammadAbadM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2014-09-22
Fabrication of nano structured Al2O3/Fe composite.......mohamad sarbazvatanM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2014-10-20
Surface preparation of SiC nano-particles and fabrication of Al/SiCp Gradiant nanocomposite (FGM)mohammad ali haghiM.Sc.Sajjadi2014-11-22
Simulation of tensile behavior of ferritic-pearlitic steels using micromechanical equationsfereshteh alamyM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2014-11-30
in situ measurment of corrosion of low carbon steel using electrochemical and eddy current techniquesReza Johari TeymooriM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2015-01-05
Effect of welding parameters on the mechanical properties of titanium alloy weld metalsKamyar AbbasiM.Sc.Sajjadi2015-01-19
Fatigue behavior investigation of GRP composites produced by hand lay Up and VIP methodsmehran toghraeeM.Sc.Zabett2015-01-19
synthesis of functionally graded pourou coatings on Ti-based dental implants surface through sol-gelVahideh Sadat EbrahimiM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2015-01-28
Finding a correlation between metastable pitting frequency and bicarbonate ion concentration on pitting corrosion of 17-4 PH stainless steelGolnaz TehranchiM.Sc.Moayed2015-01-28
investigation on magnetic behaviour of plain carbon steel as a function of applied stress using barkhausen noiseParisa MoeinpourM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2015-01-28
Evaluation of internal stress field in dual-phase steels with different microstructures using non-destructive testingEdris KhorashadizadehM.Sc.Mazinani2015-01-28
manufacturing of Nanocomposite Ti/TiC Foam by powder metallurgy using Titanium hydride and investigation of its microstructure and mecanical propertiesensiye edalati khodabandehM.Sc.Sajjadi2015-01-28
Study of the effects of manufacturing parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-composites reinforced by titanium boride and carbideSaeid GHESMATITABRIZIPhDSajjadi2015-03-08
Mechanochemical Coating of steel substrate by TiC through mechanically induced self-propagating reaction (MSR)elmira kabiri balajadehM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2015-03-14
Application of nondestructive eddy current teqnique to detect and evaluate sentisation and intergarnular corrosion in austenitic stainless steelyegane kelidariM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2015-04-21
Fabrication of Ceramic/Metall composites through slip castingsima mollaeiM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2015-05-25
The role of volailes in direct reduction of iron oxides by coalHossein HemmatiPhDVahdati Khaki2015-06-07
synthesis of nanostructure composite of NiAl/Al2O3 via combustion synthesis and evaluation of thermal propertiesMaryam BeyhaghiPhDKiani Rashid2015-06-08
The effect of crevice geometry on crevice corrosion of 316L Stainless Steelelahe shojaeeM.Sc.Moayed2015-06-27
The influence of mild steel grain size on an ingornaic corrosion inhibitor adsorption mechnism in acidic mediamajid bakhshiM.Sc.Moayed2015-06-28
Production of dual-phase steel with fine martensite islands by multi-axial forging (MAF)hassan najafiM.Sc.Mazinani2015-06-30
Formation of nanocomposite layer containing SiC on steel using FSPMostafa Fotoohi nezhad khalesM.Sc.Sajjadi2015-07-11
Spheroidization of cementite in a plain carbon steel with severe deformation in multi-axial forging (MAF)hamid reza baleshabadiM.Sc.Mazinani2015-07-13
manufacturing of Nanocomposite Al/Al2O3 Foam by powder metallurgy using Titanium hydride, Zirconium hydride and Calcium carbonate and investigation of its microstructure and mecanical propertiesFarzaneh Vahidi MayameyM.Sc.Sajjadi2015-07-15
investigation of alloy elements effect on weld ability of Cu-Al C95700UNSmohammadreza mirzadeh rahniM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2015-09-15
Investigation and Simulation the Micromechanical Fracture of Reinforcement Particles in Compositesseyed morteza kobari ghotbiM.Sc.Mazinani2015-09-19
Effects of surface modification of Carbon nano tube on the mechanical properties of Al/CNT nanocompositemahsa nazeranM.Sc.Sajjadi2015-09-22
detection of carburized depth in steel using nondestructive electromagnetic teqniqueSara FalahatM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2015-09-22
Tribological Behavior Investigations of Nano- crystalline and Amorphous Co-Ni Coatingsmohammad ghasemiM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2015-10-25
An investigation and modelling of energy absorption in sandwich panels with closed cell aluminum foam coremasoud golestanipourPhDBabakhani2015-10-28
Feasibility study of steel production via decarburization of pig iron thin sheetsfazlollah zamanianM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2015-11-18
Fabrication of Fe-TiC-Al2O3 composite on surface of steel via combination of combustion synthesis and GTAW ProcessesMahmood SharifitabarPhDVahdati Khaki2015-12-01
Parametric Study on Fabrication of Sponge Iron Through Coal-based Hoganas Processmorteza mokhtariM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2015-12-20
Investigation of microstructure, physical and mechanical properties of Nano-Hard Metals produced using Spark-Plasma Sintering (SPS)seyedeh elnaz afkhamiM.Sc.Sajjadi2016-01-03
Microstructure Nondestructive Chracterization of H13 Tool Steel Using Eddy Current and Barkhausen TechniquesSaeid KahrobaeePhDKashefi Torbati2016-01-14
The effect of Friction stir welding parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar metal joints (aluminum/steel)navid arabnezhadM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2016-01-17
Effects of sintering parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of Co-Al2O3-TiO2 cermets produced using SPSazar esmaeilzaeiM.Sc.Sajjadi2016-01-19
Indentation Creep behaviour of AZ Magnesium Alloy with RE Elementssimin hatamiM.Sc.Mazinani2016-01-20
تاثیر مدت زمان ایجینگ دمای 550 درجه سانتیگراد بر رفتار خوردگی حفره ای فولاد زنگ نزن رسوب سخت شونده 17-4 پی اچ کار سرد شدهreza panbehkarM.Sc.Moayed2016-01-20
production of 304L austenitic stainless steel with bimodal grain structure through cold rolling and subsequent annealing processTahmine GhaderiM.Sc.Mazinani2016-01-27
size and stability control of magnetic دnanoparticles for biological applicationmohammad rezaieM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2016-01-27
Effect of content, size and distribution of porosity on the microstructure and compression behavior of cast iron foamHamid SazegaranPhDKiani Rashid2016-02-03
Effect of Bonding Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Transient Liquid Phase (TLP) Bonding of Nickel-Based GTD111 and Cobalt-Based FSX414 SuperalloysSepide Hadibeik NeishabooriM.Sc.Beidokhti2016-03-14
Phase Transformation Characterization and Strength Determination of Transient Liquid Phase (TLP) in Cu-Sn Systembehnam hosseinzaeiM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2016-04-18
The effect of Friction Stir Welding parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar metal joints (Aluminium-Titanium)Ali MellatkhahM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2016-07-11
Microstructural evolution of microalloyed steel during deformation and subsequent intercritical annealing treatmentzahra ramezaniM.Sc.Mazinani2016-07-31
Synthsis and Investigation on Production Mechanism of Ni-Al2O3 nanocomposite prepared by Solution CombustionHadi NasiriPhDVahdati Khaki2016-09-13
The effect of thermomechanical processes on the shape memory behavior and microstructural evolution of Ti-rich NiTi shape memory alloyGhazal TadayyonPhDZebarjad2016-09-14
The effect of FSSW parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminum jointsSaeed Rohani YazdiM.Sc.Beidokhti2016-09-18
Investigation the effect of grafitization cycle on microstructure and mechanical properties of ...reza pourrezaM.Sc.Babakhani2016-09-18
Effect of solidification rate of pig iron on the kinetics of decarburization in the solid-state steel making processEbrahim Sharif sanaviM.Sc.Mirjalili2016-09-19
on the structure and thermal stability of weld joint of Ti-based bulk metallic glass welded by Friction stir spot weldingzahra jamilishirvanPhDHaddad Sabzevar2016-09-21
Effect of Taype and Mouth of Fuel on the NiO-ZnO-〖Fe〗_2 O_3 Ferrite by Solution Combustion Synthesis Methodnafise aziziM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2016-10-03
copper extraction from sarcheshme concentrate via ..........majid rahmaniM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2016-10-17
Investigation of hardfacing layer on chromium steel using reactive electrode weldingseyed ali seyedmohamadiM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2016-10-17
The investigations on influenced parameters in diffusional bounding of ultra high carbon and low carbon steels compositessima soleimaniM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2016-11-16
Carbothermic Reduction of Electric Arc Furnace Dust in the Presence of Ferrosiliconseyed mohsen moosavi nejadPhDZabett2016-11-19
The Chemical Synthesis of Ferrites Nanoparticles for Targeted Drug Delivery and Magnetic Hyperthermia Simultaneously Applications, and the Evaluation of their Magnetic and biocompatibility PropertiesMohammad Reza GhazanfariPhDKashefi Torbati2016-12-04
Pure calcium molibdate production from Sarcheshme molibdenite concentrate using pyro-hydro-metallurgyALI FAROKHIM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2016-12-27
Fabrication of functional graded 3Y-PSZ/316L materials and investigation the mechanical and microstructural properties of compositesEmad JajarmiPhDSajjadi2017-01-22
High Oxidation Temperature Behavior of Ultra High Cabon Steels in Compare with Low Carbon SteelsMajid Shah SanaeiM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2017-01-31
Applying gradient thermal barrier coatings on IN738 superalloy and investigation of Oxidation Behavior, mechanical properties and microstructure of the coatings at high temperaturesyeganeh hasan zadehM.Sc.Babakhani2017-02-12
Effect of iron oxide on the properties of welding cellulose electrodesgholam reza taghizadeh kamaliM.Sc.Beidokhti2017-02-13
Effect of milling parameters and paste composition on the efficiency of the lead-acid battery plateshamed soleymaniM.Sc.Mirjalili2017-02-14
The Effect of Chloride, Bromide and Iodide Anions on the Pit Chemistry and its Correlation with the Pitting Potential of 316 Austenitic Stainless SteelSohrab PahlavanM.Sc.Moayed2017-02-15
Perparation of apatite glass-ceramic coating on Ti6Al4V substrate by sol-gel methodsara shoorvaziM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2017-02-18
Investigation of Elemental Sulfur Corrosion on Milde Steel in Chloride Containing Solutionasieh erfanian sobatkhaniM.Sc.Moayed2017-02-18
An investigating into the aging behavior of Pb-Ca-Sn alloysdavood afshar bahrababM.Sc.Mazinani2017-02-18
stablizing magnetic nanofluids for biological applicationmozhgan mousakhaniM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2017-03-01
An investigation on adsorption mechanism of organic corrosion inhibitor on mild steel in acidic environment under influence of electrolyte impingementmohsen mohammadianM.Sc.Moayed2017-03-06
Investigation of surface modification mechanism over microstructure and mechanical properties of Al/CNT composites produced through spark plasma sintering (SPS) method and evaluation of their characteristicsFarhad SabaPhDSajjadi2017-05-22
Evaluation of the Deformation Behavior of Dual-Phase Steel with Various Size of Strengthening Particles Using a Microstructure-Based Modelmeymanat sadat mohsenzadehPhDMazinani2017-07-04
Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of GTD-111 nickel based superalloy bonded by transient liquid phase (TLP) processdanesh amiriM.Sc.Sajjadi2017-08-28
Study of Electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of Epoxy/Carbon Nano tubes Composites reinforcement with Finemet Amorphous Alloysoheil jamaliM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2017-09-13
The effect of chemical component on mechanical behavior of dental compositeszahra kahrobaeeM.Sc.Mazinani2017-09-17
Single step synthesis of Cu/ZnO powder mixture via solution combustion synthesisseyed mohammad mahdi seyedalizade zahmatkeshM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2017-09-17
Synthesis of Co(1-X)Ni(X)Fe2O4 Nanoparticles by microemulsion route and investigation of effect of size, morphology and composition on magnetic propertiesfarnaz ebrahimiM.Sc.Sajjadi2017-09-18
Relationship between transition potential and pitting potential on a 2205 duplex stainless steel at the presence of molybdate using pencil electrodeRazieh TavassolianM.Sc.Moayed2017-09-19
Microstructure investigation and the mechanical properties of Cu/Ni3Al-Al2O3 composite produced by mechanical alloying, sintering and hot pressingsadegh dareyniM.Sc.Babakhani2017-09-19
(Investigation of the residual strength in Glass fiber reinforced Polymeric composite manufactured by vacuum infusion process (Vmojtaba esfidaniM.Sc.Zabett2017-09-20
Effect of gradient structureon the microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties of WC-Co nano hardmetal fabricated using spark plasma sintering method (SPS)Seyed Ehsan GhoreyshiM.Sc.Sajjadi2017-09-20
Investigation on the effect of molybdate ion on critical pitting temperature of AISI 316 stainless steels with study on its effect on chemical composition of pit solution using pencil electrodeMahbobeh PanezhadM.Sc.Moayed2017-09-20
the effect of Si on the growth kinetics of intermetallic layer in hot-dipped aluminide processing of mild steelsmojtaba jafariM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2017-09-20
Comparison of fatigue behavior of polyester/glass fiber composite and epoxy/glass fiber compositeali bakaeianM.Sc.Zabett2017-09-20
Investigating of the effects of micro-nano alumina reinforcing particles on mechanical properties and microstructure of Al/Mg layered compositeMaryam AbbasiPhDSajjadi2017-09-23
Study of the effects of glass fibre surface treatment on mechanical properties of epoxy matrix compositesShirin PourhosseiniM.Sc.Zabett2017-09-25
Investigation on the effect of Molybdate on the Repassivation Potential of ۳۱۶ Ausentic Stainless Steel and its Correlation with the Change the Pit dissolution ResistanceReyhaneh ZakeralhoseiniM.Sc.Moayed2017-09-27
Investigation of the synchronous effect of microwave radiation and mechanical activation on the dissolution of molybdenite in sulfuric acidMohammad MoodiM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2017-10-04
Estimated hardening depth for AISI 8620 steel and determination of carbon content in surface using a non-destructive eddy current methodelaheh salarM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2017-10-10
Investigating the Effect of Mechanical Activation and Alumina Presence on the Structural Changes and Leaching Kinetics of Sarcheshmeh Molybdenite ConcentrateHossein ShalchianPhDVahdati Khaki2017-12-30
Finite element simulation of mechanical behavior of TRIP800 steels using an advanced microstructure based modelFereshteh HosseinabadiPhDMazinani2018-01-09
Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys and Investigation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Bondingmehdi hamoon paymaM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2018-01-13
Preparation of (Cu-Al2O3) Nanocomposite by Hydro Metallurgy Technique and Fabrication by SPS Methodmohammad gordanM.Sc.Babakhani2018-01-29
Behavior evaluation of high temperature oxidation 304 austenitic stainless steel and 4140 low alloy steel in coupled conditionsSeyyed Rasoul AlaviM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2018-02-06
Producing 3D images of metallic carbides in the microstructure of cold work tool steel AISI D3Vahid SalariM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2018-02-07
Fabrication and investigation of corrosion behavior of nickel-based super hydrophobic metal surfaces using electrodeposition methodEhsan RahimiM.Sc.Davoodi2018-02-10
Characterization of the morphology and optical properties of ZnO containing pigments synthesized by solution combustion methodhamed kazemiM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2018-02-17
The effect of tool geometry on microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir welding of aluminium and steelFazel AlaviM.Sc.Beidokhti2018-02-17
Production of metallic iron powder by using hematite mineral through Höganäs process and investigation of parameters affecting reduction degree and metallization degree of productmohammadreza hosseinpourM.Sc.Babakhani2018-02-17
creep behavior of E-glass/epoxy composite used in wind turbine bladenadia nosratiM.Sc.Zabett2018-02-19
Study of Joining Mechanism of Aluminum-Polyethylene Using FSSWmehrdad mahmoudiM.Sc.Beidokhti2018-02-19
Study influence liquid rubber additives into resin on the fatigue behavior of fiber glass reinforced polyester Composite for wind turbine blademohammad amin mousaviM.Sc.Zabett2018-04-16
Investigation of superplastic behavior of AA2124 aluminum alloy processed by multi-axial forging by shear punchEbrahim Honarpishe laghlaghM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2018-04-18
Investigation of strain effect on microstructural changes and hardness of ductile cast ironJafar Bahadori FallahM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2018-05-16
Synthesis and investigation the magnetic and optical hyperthermia features of Co-ferrite nanoparticles surface activated with palladiumSeyyede Fatemeh ShamsPhDKashefi Torbati2018-06-03
Investigation of Conditions for Creation a Microstructure With Bimodal Grain Size Distribution In AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Under Hot Multiaxial Forging Process (MAF)mahnaz jafariM.Sc.Mazinani2018-06-09
Prouduction of brass-alumina nano-structure composite by combustion synthesis technique using ZnO-CuO-Al-C systemhasan marousiM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2018-06-11
Strontium carbonate synthesis from celestine by Pyro-hydrometallurgy techniquezahra razaiyM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2018-06-20
Effect of microstructure on hydrogen permeation parameters in X70 microalloyed steelmasoomeh tavakolikhorasaniM.Sc.Moayed2018-06-30
The Effect of Chemical Composition of Repair Welding Layers on ‎Microstructure and Hardness of AISI H13 Tool Steelsaeed niktinatM.Sc.Beidokhti2018-07-08
A comparative study of stress corrosion cracking of X70 and X80 alloys by using the slow strain rate testEhsan AllahyariM.Sc.Davoodi2018-09-17
Synthesis and Surface Modification of PbS Nanoparticles for Fabrication of Quantum Dot Solar CellsHossein Beygi NasrabadiPhDSajjadi2018-09-18
AN Investigation IN TO THE Effect OF hot Compression Process AND Subsequent Heat Treatment ON Microstructure AND Flow Behavior OF ZK40 AlloyNiloufar KheirkhahanM.Sc.Mazinani2018-09-22
Fabrication ODS Ni-ZrO2 nanocomposite with electroless nickle coating on zirconia particles by spark plasma sintering (SPS) method and investigation mechanical and microstructure propertiesZahra FatahiM.Sc.Sajjadi2018-09-22
In Situ Synthesis of Cu/Fe3O4 Nanocomposite by Mechanochemical Techniquemasoumeh baratiM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2018-09-22
Pitting corrosion of 304 and 403 stainless steels in NaI solutionmohammad zohoorianM.Sc.Mirjalili2018-09-27
Effect of fuel type and procedure parameters on morophology and chemical composition of solution combustion synthesized magnetite nanopowdershesam aaliM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2018-09-29
Investigation of the dependence of the magnetic-hysteresis loop characteristics in grain size for the non-destructive characterization of the microstructure of steel partsamirhossein memarzadehM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2018-10-07
An Investigation on the Mechanism and Reaction Sequence of CaWO4-Mg and CaWO4-Mg-C Mixtures during Mechanical Millinghossein yavari mehrabaniPhDBabakhani2018-10-13
Synthesis of Ag-TiO2-ZnO nanocoating using different processes on fabrics and study of their antibacterial and photocatalytic propertiesMohammad AnsariM.Sc.Sajjadi2018-10-17
Effects of thickness and micro structural characteristics on thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te3 component (n type) fabricated using mechanical alloying (MA) and spark plasma sintering method (SPS)Nafise Bolghan abadiM.Sc.Sajjadi2018-10-22
Direct Fabrication of Ferromolybdenum using Molybdenite (MoS2) via Combustion Synthesis Process (S.H.S)MH golmakaniPhDVahdati Khaki2018-10-27
Application of micromagnetic techniques to investigate the temper embrittlement in steelelahe borhani haji abadM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2018-10-27
Effect of Bismuth on the microstructure of cast magnesium alloy AZhamid moshaverM.Sc.Mazinani2018-12-01
Production, heat treatment and mechanical Properties and microstructural Properties of Bronze Aluminum – Alumina Composite (C95800-Al2O3)shahin jourabchiM.Sc.Babakhani2018-12-03
Synthesis of ODS nano-composite (Ni-ZrO2) with gradient composition (FGM) by spark plasma sintering and study of corrosion and high temperature oxidation propertiesleila momeni kangarshahiM.Sc.Sajjadi2018-12-05
Investigating the efect of sintering mettod on warm diformationAl/Sicp nanao composit.fatemeh barzanM.Sc.Babakhani2018-12-11
High Temperature Oxidation of 321 Austenitic Stainless Steel with an Ultrafine-grained SurfaceSadegh PourAliPhDKiani Rashid2018-12-13
Optimizing the mechanical properties of SAPH440 dual phase steel using Taguchi robust design methodbehnaz zibaeeM.Sc.Kamyabi-Gol2018-12-15
The Investigations on Ultra High Carbon Steel Graphitization for Obtaining Optimal Microstructure and Improvement in Mechanical Propertiesnajmeh hosseiniM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2018-12-17
Study of adding different amounts of nuclei in crystallization process and growth in Alumino silicate glassnajmeh rastgooM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2019-01-06
Effect of particle size reduction to nanoscale by increasing the milling time and using the additives on mullite and zirconia crystallizationPooneh Barfi sistaniM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2019-01-08
Comparison of the machinabilities of ultra high carbon- high chrome steel and CK45 steelmohammad tajabadiM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2019-01-15
An investigation into the yield point phenomenon in a carbon steel with spheroidized cementiteroghaeh mortezaeiM.Sc.Mazinani2019-02-04
Refinement of water laden with heavy metals by coal ashhanie saryanM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2019-02-04
Investigation the effect of route equal channel angular pressing process on the microstructure and mechanical properties of stainless steel 316mojtaba askarikhanabadiM.Sc.Farshidi2019-02-06
Investigation on the effect of Molybdate on the Repassivation Potential of 304 Ausentic Stainless Steel and its Correlation with the Change the Pit dissolution ResistanceAmir RokniM.Sc.Moayed2019-02-13
The Effect of Substrate Carbon on Kinetic and Structure of Coated Layer, Obtained by TRD Technique.Mohammad Javad Nazari SabetM.Sc.Mirjalili2019-02-16
The Use Of a Non-Destructive Metal Magnetic Memory Method in Determining Areas with reduced local thicknessraheleh kimiabakhshM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2019-02-17
Aluminum-steel diffusion bonding by using a low melting temperature interlayermona abedinpourM.Sc.Mirjalili2019-02-17
Synthesis of Fe18Cr8Ni steel alloy by carbo-aluminothermic reduction of metallic oxidesMahmood AbbasiyanM.Sc.Mirjalili2019-06-11
Alumina Recovery from coal waste by pyro-hydrometallurgyabolqhasem sahebiM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2019-06-22
An investigation on the effect of combined heat treatment and severe rolling on the microstructure and hardness of aluminum 7005 alloyreza bakhshiM.Sc.Farshidi2019-06-22
Investigation of the Pitting Corrosion of 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel in Chloride Bearing Media which Contain Sodium Hypochlorite BiocideKamal AshooriM.Sc.Moayed2019-06-24
Investigation of the Inhibition Mechanism of Borate in the Pitting Corrosion of 304 Austenitic Stainless Steelmohammad maroosiM.Sc.Moayed2019-06-24
Investigation of relationship between stress and magnetic field leakage using metal magnetic memory methodakbar solatifardM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2019-06-26
The galvanic corrosion behavior of Monel 400 welded to copper by GTAWmahla talariM.Sc.Moayed2019-07-02
Possibility to Desulfurization of Coal by Alkaline Oxidesali pasbanM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2019-07-03
Investigation of the effect of different amounts of zinc oxide on the mechanical properties of mullite-zirconia compositesvahid khosrojerdiM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2019-07-15
Determination of retained austenite at the surface of carburized 8620 steels after quenching by using magnetic hysteresis techniquesalman ghashangM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2019-07-27
Synthesis and Characterization of Electrospun CNF-NiO NanocompositesRobabe AbdiniaM.Sc.Kamali Heidari2019-08-03
Investigation of YSZ nano particles on microstructure, high temperature oxidation and thermal cyclic fatigue behavior of gradient layer TBC produced by APSarezoo sezavarPhDSajjadi2019-09-01
Identification grinding burns in steel parts by non-destructive magnetic hysteresis loop methodHossein Norouzi SahraeiM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2019-09-07
Investigation of Thermal Behavior of (Ti41Zr25Be28Fe6)93Cu7 Bulk Metallic Glass During Isothermal CrystallizationAkram AbbasniabazehM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2019-09-17
Investigating of aluminum alloys A380 semi-solid casting by adding swarf and study of semi solid formation mechanismhooman hadianPhDHaddad Sabzevar2019-09-17
Corrosion Performance of Pb-Ca-Sn anode in Pb-lead acid battery by adding Strontium and Bariumreza daryaM.Sc.Davoodi2019-09-21
Investigation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar titanium-zirconia jointsmohsen asghariM.Sc.Beidokhti2019-09-21
Synthesis of Magnetic Metastable Iron Carbide Nanoparticles (Fe5C2 & Fe7C3) via a Thermal Decomposition MethodFATEMEH NAJARNIAM.Sc.Sajjadi2019-09-22
The Effect of Morphology of Reinforcing Particles on the Mechanical Properties of Gelatin-Calcium Phosphate Composite Scaffoldsfaezeh darvishian haghighiM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2019-10-23
Synthesis and Evaluation of Magnetic Properties of Nickel Foam decorated with Fe3O4 nanoplatesfatmeh bojabadiM.Sc.Sahebian2019-11-02
Investigation of the effect reinforcing particle type on improving wear resistance of low alloy steel W500 by coated by GTAW weldingkhadije zeinaliM.Sc.Beidokhti2019-12-02
Investigation effect of superhydrophobic surfaces fabrication process on the performance of organic and mineral corrosion inhibitorsamir hossein noorbakhsh nezhadM.Sc.Davoodi2019-12-22
Designing and simulation of cathodic protection based on impressed current and sacrificial anodes of external storage tanks bottom of refinery complexmohammad houshmandM.Sc.Davoodi2019-12-22
Investigation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Copper-Alumina Bonding by Brazing Methodsaeed borhaniM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2020-01-20
ٍEffect of Martensite Percentage on The Strain Rate Sensitivity Index In Dual Phase SteelMehran SalehifarM.Sc.Farshidi2020-01-21
Formation of CuAlO2 via solution combustion synthsiselham garmroodinezhadM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2020-01-26
The Effect of Aluminizing process on the Carburization Resistance of Stainless Steelakram molaeeM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2020-01-27
The Effects of manufacturing parameters on properties and characteristics of Sb2Te3 (p-type) nano-thermoelectric material fabricated by mechanical milling and spark plasma sintering (SPS)Hamta MansouriM.Sc.Sajjadi2020-02-08
The influence of Al4C3 produced on carbon nanotube on the mechanical properties of Al/CNTs nanocompositesimin heydariM.Sc.Sajjadi2020-02-12
Improvement of relative elongation of aluminum alloy 5086 by applying variable strain rateatefeh saeedM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2020-02-15
Exprimental Determination of forming limited diagram of a produced dual-phase steel and a recieved low carbon steel utilized for dual-phase steel production and comparing these figures with numerically predicted oneMelika Shahbazi MoghaddamM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2020-02-17
Influence of the amount and size of SiC reinforcement particles on the hot deformation behavior of AZ91-SiC nanocompositepegah attarianM.Sc.Sajjadi2020-02-17
Investigation of Microstructure and Thermoelectric Properties on Tin Telluride Nano Material Produced by Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma SinteringAmin Mojarrad BahreM.Sc.Babakhani2020-02-18
Assessment of oxidation behavior of AZ91 / SiC nanocomposite reinforced with different SiC valuesNooshin AsadollahiM.Sc.Sajjadi2020-02-19
The effect of SiC particle size and amount on creep behavior of AZ91-SiC nanocompositebahare bahramizadehM.Sc.Babakhani2020-02-19
Selective adsorption metal cations from industrial water by using coal ashRiyam AlokbiM.Sc.Mirjalili2020-05-10
Investigating the effect of Sever plastic deformation operation ECAP on corrosion of aluminium 5052 alloySEYEDEH SAJEDEH POORMOOSAVIM.Sc.Moayed2020-05-21
Fabrication of functional graded SiC-Si nano particles with Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) and investigation the microstructure and mechanical propertiesAbtin HeydarianPhDSajjadi2020-09-15
Synthesis and characterization of magnetic nanophotocatalyst with core/shell structure for water treatment: Removal of pathogen and heavy metalnaeemeh esfandiariPhDKashefi Torbati2020-09-15
Investigation of corrosion behavior of magnesium-graphene-magnesia nanocomposite biomass alloy in simulated body fluidfateme poor eskandarioonM.Sc.Davoodi2020-09-19
Investigation of microstructural changes and mechanical properties of cold work tool steels after heat treatmentmohammad zareiM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2020-10-03
Investigation of methods to reducing iron losses in slag of steelmaking electric arc furnacesReza AlaeiM.Sc.Babakhani2020-10-06
Study of Electromagnetic Waves Absorption in Composites Reinforced by Iron-based Amorphous Particles and Carbon NanotubesSare MoazenM.Sc.Sahebian2020-10-11
Use of coal ash as a source of reinforcing particles in the production of aluminum-based composites by powder metallurgy and investigation of microstructural characteristics and mechanical propertiesMahdi MomeniM.Sc.Babakhani2020-10-13
Investigation of microstructural changes during creep in different brazed zones of GTD-111 Nickel-based superalloy by transient liquid phase method (TLP)javad asadiPhDSajjadi2020-12-02
Fabrication and characterization of thin-walled ultrafine-grained aluminum tubes through severe plastic deformationREZA EMAMIDOUSTABADM.Sc.Farshidi2021-01-18
Investigation of the Effect of doping of Theranostic Ions and Surface Functionalization on the Physical and Biological Properties of Solution Combustion Synthesized Calcium PhosphatesFarzad KermaniM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2021-01-25
Effect of porosity content of compressed aluminum powder on its thermal conductivitysomayeh moghimiM.Sc.Sajjadi2021-02-05
One-step Synthesis and Characterization of (Co, Mg, Ni, Cu, Zn) O High Entropy Oxide Particles through Solution Combustion Methodarghavan vojdani saghirM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2021-02-13
To Study the Kinetics of the Carbothermic Reduction of Hematite in Tunnel Kiln Processseyyed mohammad ali haghiPhDZabett2021-02-15
Investigation of anodizing behavior in heterogeneous bonding of aluminum alloys by fsw welding methodsaleh khadivi rofugarM.Sc.Davoodi2021-02-16
The effect of severe plastic deformation process on corrosion properties of aluminum Al- 1.7Fe- 0.9Si- 0.5Cuali gholamzadehM.Sc.Davoodi2021-02-18
Investigation of the synergistic effect of ceftriaxone and tragacanth extract on corrosion inhibition performance on plain carbon steelmohammadreza barroodiM.Sc.Davoodi2021-02-18
The effect of severe plastic deformation by ECAP technique on electrochemical behaviour of positive grid alloy in battery solutionAbolfazl AmiriM.Sc.Moayed2021-02-27
Preparation of Aluminum- matrix composite reinforced by Al-CNT nanocompositeseyedeh yasaman bolandiM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2021-03-11
Creating Roughness on the Surface of 6000 Series Aluminum Alloy by Chemical Etching Method and Investigating its Superhydrophobic Properties and Heat Transfermohammad reza attarM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2021-04-14
Using magnetic Barkhausen Noise-BN- nondestructive technique in microstructural characterization and mechanical properties prediction of 42CrMo4 steelvishtasb farsianM.Sc.Kashefi Torbati2021-04-17
Simulation of Texture Evolution in Multi Axial Compression Process in Plain Strain Modeyounes lagzianPhDRezaee Bazzaz2021-07-12
The corrosion behavior of Monel 400 In chloride environment Contains sulfide and sulfate ionsamir reza sharifianM.Sc.Moayed2021-07-25
The effect of adding carbon black and carbon nanotubes to polyethylene on the strength of its non-homogeneous joint to aluminum by Friction stir spot weldingToktam KianafsharM.Sc.Sahebian2021-07-25
Investigation of 316 stainless steel pitting corrosion in the presence of sodium phosphate inhibitorAlireza JeishiM.Sc.Moayed2021-07-26
An investigation on corrosion behaviour of Al alloy 6000 subjected to ECAP process associated to T8 heat treatmentEmad GhamariM.Sc.Moayed2021-08-08
Study on Friction Stir Additive Manufacturing of 316L Stainless Steel/AISI 4140 Alloy Steelarman ghajariM.Sc.Beidokhti2021-09-14
The effect of sodium phosphate corrosion inhibitor on pitting corrosion of 316 austenitic stainless steel in a solution containing NaOCl biocideAmir LalianpourM.Sc.Moayed2021-09-19
Investigation of the effect of Thermechanical work on the corrosion behavior of Monel 400 alloy in 3.5% NaCl environment.Ali MirzaeeM.Sc.Davoodi2021-09-20
Pitting corrosion investigation of 316 stainless steel fined grain by ECAPyounes jahantighiM.Sc.Moayed2021-09-21
Investigation of an organic corrosion inhibitor on corrosion behavior of mild steel in hydrochloric and sulfuric acidsina zahedifardM.Sc.Davoodi2021-09-21
Metal molybdenum extraction from Molybdenite concentrate of Sarcheshmeh complex by mechanochemical methodmilad omrani boronM.Sc.Mirjalili2021-10-06
Investigation of the effects of type, amount and size of particles used in the fabrication of stone cutting segments on their wear resistancefahimeh moradiM.Sc.Sajjadi2021-10-13
Using the mineral adsorbing substrates in order to eliminate the metal cations : Monte Calro simulation and Experimental verificationsiavash mozafari nezhadM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2021-10-16
Synthesis of TiO2-CuO by combustion method and investigation of optical properties of particlesnahid javadiM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2021-10-17
Investigation of the effect of steel balls on the microstructure and mechanical properties of non-alloy gray cast ironssetayesh zaermiriM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2021-10-18
Synthesis and characterization of Ni-NiO electrocatalyst for direct methanol fuel cellsmahla sarfaraz khabazM.Sc.Mirjalili2021-10-18
Investigation on dual-phase steel joining using friction stir spot welding(FSSW)hadi bangiM.Sc.Beidokhti2021-10-20
Effect of mechanical activation and initial carbon content on solid state carburization process of low carbon steelsMohammad HosseiniM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2021-10-21
Effect of burning temperature of coal and coal’s gangue on phase and chemical characters of ashkaveh eftekharniaM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2021-11-01
The effect of Bismuth on microstructure evolutions and mechanical properties of AZ31 alloy during the equal channel angular pressing processjavad yazdiM.Sc.Farshidi2021-11-01
Evaluation of parameters affecting the morphology and corrosion behavior of ferrous metal foam produced from hematite powder by freezing casting methodSaman RejaliM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2021-11-03
Fabrication and characterization of bioinspired soft composite actuator based on silicon-ethanol-grapheneAmir hossein EbrahimiM.Sc.Sahebian2021-11-15
Synthesis, characterization and thermal stability evaluation of nanostructured refractory high-entropy alloys of W-Mo-Cr-Ti-Al system by powder metallurgy methodHamed NaserzoshkiPhDKiani Rashid2021-11-28
Investigation of changes in physical properties and structural status of epoxy in glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite after fatigue loadingSeyed Alireza Moghadas MusavizadeM.Sc.Zabett2021-12-26
Selective adsorption of metal cations from aqueous solution using hydroxyapatiteesfandiar yekkalamM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2022-01-13
Effect of direct electric current on dendrite coherency point of Al-Si and Al-Cu hypoeutectic alloys SALEH SAFARZADEH M.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2022-02-19
An investigation on the formation mechanism of double-layered Chromium carbide-Vanadium carbide coating using metal oxides by TRD on a carbon tool steelmohammad reza najjari saadatabadiM.Sc.Sajjadi2022-03-02
The effect of hydrothermal processes parameters on the chemical compositions and morphology of MnOx particles in the presence of NaClkosar aminianM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2022-03-07
Synthesis of PVA fiber/ CoFe2O4/ Cu Gradient Composite and Evaluation of its Electromagnetic Wave Shielding PerformanceZahra YousefiM.Sc.Sajjadi2022-03-08
Characterization and Electrochemical Efficiency of Carbonfiber/Molybdenum Oxide Nanocomposites Synthesized by Electrospinning Used in Supercapacitorsalireza chajiM.Sc.Sajjadi2022-03-08
Synthesis and characterization of manganese oxides by solution combustion methodMahsa Mohammadi MoghaddamM.Sc.Mirjalili2022-03-09
Enhancing interfacial bonding and mechanical properties in carbon nanotube-reinforced aluminum matrix compositesBehzad NateqPhDHaddad Sabzevar2022-05-18
Investigation of formation mechanism and characterization of vanadium carbide -chromium carbide layered composite coating produced by thermal reaction method (TRD) on tool steelOMID GANJIPhDSajjadi2022-06-01
Synthesis of Cu-Ni alloy nanopowder by reduction of nitrates from aqueous solution in SCS processAmirali SafdariM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2022-06-28
The effect of bismouth content on the microstructure and creep behaviour of AZ31 alloybehnoush talebpourM.Sc.Sajjadi2022-07-19
The influence of porous steel products produced by powder metallurgy on isothermal phase transformationsmahdi yaghoubiM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2022-08-17
The Effects of Temperatures and Fuel Type on the Borate Glass Structure Synthesized by the Solution Combustion Methodmehrnoosh ghanadM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2022-09-05
Investigation the effect of entropy on the properties and glass transition temperature (Tg) in glasses using molecular dynamics simulation methodZAHRA MOLLAEEM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2022-09-11
Simulation of process parameters effects in spinningAhmad MousawiM.Sc.Farshidi2022-09-12
Effect of time and current on the dissimilar resistance spot joint of austenitic stainless steel/titanium using Ag-Cu interlayerDanial KazemiM.Sc.Beidokhti2022-09-14
Influence of brazing temperature and time on microstructure and mechanical properties of stainless steel sandwich jointsmasoumeh khayyatM.Sc.Beidokhti2022-09-19
Electrodeposition of nickel sulfide on porous copper substrate for electrocatalytic application in hydrogen evolution reaction of water splittingSeyed Erfan HassanizadehM.Sc.Mirjalili2022-09-19
Static Recrystallization Kinetics of the stainless steel 316L after severe plastic deformationAlireza AbooieM.Sc.Farshidi2022-09-20
Investigating the chemical and thermal stability of borate glasses and the effect of CuO and ZnO addition on the glass transition behaviornegar akramiiM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2022-09-22
Investigating the Effect of RSW electrodes Cu-Al2O3 and Cu-Cr-Zr on the electrode life and mechanical properties of galvanized steel welds DX54-DAlireza Javdani FardM.Sc.Beidokhti2022-09-22
investigation the hot deformation effect on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-Mo alloys produced by SPS methodMostafa Torabi Moghaddam M.Sc.Babakhani2022-09-22
Influence of TRD parameters on the formation and characteristics of chromium carbide/vanadium carbide composite coatings formed on D2 tool steelreza ebrahimiM.Sc.Sajjadi2022-09-22
Synthesis and characterization of tungsten and molybdenum oxides for electrochromic applicationsAnise Saberi TanasvanM.Sc.Sajjadi2022-09-22
Solution combustion synthesis of FeTiO3 powders and the effect of carbon on the synthesis process and physical properties of synthesized powdersSaman Soltani AlasvandM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2022-10-18
The effect of friction stir process on the corrosion behavior of commercial pure titanium in the human body simulated atmosphereehsan khajaviyanM.Sc.Farshidi2022-10-22
Effect of welding parameters on the corrosion behavior of the dissimilar joining of 316L and St37Seyed Mohammad Ali RazaviM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2022-10-22
Characterization and investigation of corrosion behavior of Plain Carbon Steel coated with alkyd resin-polyaniline-titanium oxide nanoparticles nanocompositefaeza tawfeqiM.Sc.Mohammadi Zahrani2022-10-22
The effect of temperature and pH on the Aluminosilicate ceramics crystallization made by sol-gel with the aim of applying particles prepared in the process of adsorption of heavy elementssalar moradiM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2022-12-06
Deformation of thin-walled aluminum tube under pressure process in the same angular channelfarshad dabaghi mahmooyiM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2022-12-08
The effect of initial microstructure on hot working behavior of D2 steel producing Esfarayen steel complex with aiming to identify the causes of failureMahboubeh RezaiyanM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2022-12-19
The effect of process variables on organic-aqueous phase separation in the Solvent extraction process of copperAbolfazl Khaleghi NejadM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2022-12-26
Microstructure and mechanical properties of spark plasma sintered Ti-Mo alloysAliAkbar RezaeianM.Sc.Babakhani2023-01-10
Microstructure evolution, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of similar and dissimilar welding joints of CORTEN-A weathering steel St12 low carbon steel by Gas-Metal Arc Welding technique with carbon dioxide shielding gasMehrdad VatandoostM.Sc.Mohammadi Zahrani2023-01-28
Effect of mechanical alloying and additive material on recovering of rare earth elements from fluorescent lampsElnaz GolestaniM.Sc.Babakhani2023-01-29
Investigating microstructure and hardness of 410 stainless steel during cold rolling and annealing afterwardMasoud MarandiM.Sc.Farshidi2023-01-30
Investigation on behavior of fumaric acid on corrosion properties of FSP zone of Mg alloyarash sedighiM.Sc.Beidokhti2023-02-13
Preparation of homogeneous zinc oxide by solution combustion synthesis method and mixing it with different oxides to make varistor and investigate its microstructural and electrical propertiesZainab Mudher Ameen ALasadiM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2023-02-15
Effect of temperature on corrosion properties of Ti-6Al-4V welds using GTAW methodmahdi farqadaniM.Sc.Beidokhti2023-02-19
The effect of the thickness and dimensions of the connection on the structural and mechanical properties of the sheet Plug welding Aluminum 5083 to extruded profiles 5083 and 6063 by GTAW methodsaeid shamsaeiM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2023-02-20
Characterization of Structure and Properties of ZnO/CoO/Al2O3 Nano-pigments, Synthesized by Solution Combustion MethodParisa GeransayehM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2023-02-22
Investigation on a Hybrid Polyethylene-Aluminum Joint Using Friction Stir Spot Welding and Cyanoacrylate LayerShokoofeh MehriM.Sc.Beidokhti2023-02-25
Prediction of stress-strain curve of 5086 alloy using Support vector machine (SVM)Behnam ValipourM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2023-02-25
Connecting the diamond to the steel body of the disc saw blade by soldering method and investigating the microstructure and mechanical propertiesreza ghorbaniM.Sc.Haddad Sabzevar2023-02-26
Solution combustion synthesis of nanoparticles of copper and copper oxides to investigate the morphology and antibacterial behaviorseyedeh vesal helaliM.Sc.Mirjalili2023-02-26
The effect of cryogenic heat treatment variables and hot work on the morphology of carbides and wear properties of tool steel D3reyhaneh ganjiM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2023-03-13
Recovery of rare earth elements(Y& Sc ) from red mud by hydrometallurgical leaching processMohsen Hajizadeh NavakhM.Sc.Babakhani2023-04-15
Effect of tool rotational speed and FSP pass number on microstructural and hardness of CP Timaryam ali sami albandarM.Sc.Beidokhti2023-04-18
Electrodeposition and Characterization and Investigation of Corrosion Behavior of Nanostructured Nickel-Copper CoatingAbolfazl ShakeriM.Sc.Mohammadi Zahrani2023-05-13
investigation of microstructure, mechanical and corrosion properties of powder metallurgy aluminum bronze nano composite parts, reinforcement by alumina particlesRazieh RezaeiradM.Sc.Babakhani2023-05-24
The effect of hot ECAP process on the corrosion behavior of pure commercial grade two titanium in 3.5% NaCl solutionSajedeh MirM.Sc.Farshidi2023-06-18
Microstructure evolution and hardness variations during Equal Channel Angular Pressing of Aluminium alloy 7075Ehsan AlizadehM.Sc.Farshidi2023-07-02
Investigating changes in hardness and microstructure of aluminum alloy 2024 after heat treatment and over aging by applying pressure in the same angular channelelahe rameshM.Sc.Farshidi2023-09-10
Synthesis and characterization of Ni-Cr-Mo coating produced by SHS-GTAW methodMostafa TahariPhDVahdati Khaki2023-09-12
Recovery of lithium and cobalt compounds from lithium-ion batteries by hydrometallurgical methodMaryam KhaliliM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2023-09-17
Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of Bioactive Glass-Hydroxyapatite Composite in Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) EnviromentDavood Zahiri RadM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2023-09-17
Effect of temperature and time on strength and microstructure of multi-layer diffusion bonded stainless steelMahyar MehranM.Sc.Beidokhti2023-09-19
Electrodeposition of Nickel Micro-Nanostructures and Evaluation of Electrocatalytic Activity Toward Methanol Oxidation Reaction (MOR)HamidReza AzimaeeM.Sc.Mirjalili2023-09-21
Investigating Microstructural, Mechanical and Thermal Fatigue Properties of Mullite Gradient Thermal Insulation Coatings by APS Method on Aluminum AlloyMasoomeh BondarM.Sc.Sajjadi2023-09-23
Application of YSZ Gradient Thermal Barrier Coating Created by APS Method on Aluminum Alloy and Investigation of Microstructural, Mechanical, Thermal Fatigue and Oxidation PropertiesMahtab Soroush MoghaddamM.Sc.Sajjadi2023-09-25
decoration ofatiyeh neyshabouri mohammadabdiM.Sc.Sahebian2023-09-25
Study of the effects of mullite and YSZ hybrid coatings in different thicknesses produced by APS on IN-738LC substrateHesamaldin AzizzadehM.Sc.Sajjadi2023-09-26
the effect of temperature and pressure of comperession moulding on formation of segregated structure of HDPE /carbon blackAli ShajariM.Sc.Sahebian2023-09-30
Producing Copper Nanoparticles Directly from Copper Oxide Mineral via Solution Combustion SynthesisSobhan AlamdariM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2023-10-05
Kinetic study of multi-layer Cr carbide/V carbide composite coatings produced by thermo-reactive diffusion in pack cementation.Mina DadkhahM.Sc.Sajjadi2023-10-12
Evaluation of the level of protection against electromagnetism of composite with isolated structure of energy density polyethylene and carbon nanotubereihaneh rezaniaM.Sc.Sahebian2023-10-14
The effect of non-isothermal deformation on microstructure and Alpha phase globularization Ti-6Al-4V alloys /Fahimeh Sistani najafabadiM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2023-10-30
Study effect of LDPE presence in grainbundaries on HDPE/CB composite with segregated structure on mechanical properties and electrical conductivitySeyedmehran TeimoorytofalM.Sc.Sahebian2023-12-04
Investigating the microstructure and hardness of stainless steel 409 after process Equal Channel Angular PressingNeda ShahsavariM.Sc.Farshidi2023-12-05
electrodeposition of Ni-Fe-Mn-S as electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reactionSohrab AzimiM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2023-12-13
The effect of type of additives on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 58S bioglass calcium phosphate biocompositesMasoud AziziM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2023-12-30
Electrochemical synthesis of Co-Mn-LDH on Co-Se nanostructure for accelerating the overall urea oxidation reaction.Mohadeseh AfsharpourM.Sc.Barati Darband2024-01-14
Synthesis of nanostructured high entropy (Fe, Mn, Ni, Co, Cr)3O4 oxide by solution combustion synthesis and the investigation of its high temperature behaviourazar esmaeilzaeiPhDVahdati Khaki2024-01-27
Investigating the microstructure and mechanical properties of thin-walled copper tube processed by ECAP methodIman Safarnezhad MoghaniM.Sc.Rezaee Bazzaz2024-02-04
Mechanisms investigation of globularization of Ti-811 during Static heat treatment and after deformationsamira jafariM.Sc.Ebrahimi2024-02-17
Electrodeposition of WO3 and the effect of different dopants on its electrochromic propertiesParisa Kazemi ZadeM.Sc.Mirjalili2024-02-17
fabrication of walking robot with a hybrid composite of silicon/ ethanol/electrospun carbon nanofiber for use in mobile robotshasti setayeshM.Sc.Sahebian2024-02-18
Investigating the morphology and volume percentage of graphite on the mechanical properties of silver-graphite composites produced by powder metallurgyAmirhossein MehrbaniM.Sc.Babakhani2024-02-19
Influence of hot deformation on mechanical properties and microstructure of low-carbon vanadium microalloyed steelMohammad javad Berenj koob ToosiM.Sc.Ebrahimi2024-02-19
To investigate the carbothermic reduction of iron concentrate / pellet fine / iron oxide scale in a similar way to Hoganus processmohammad sadegh abbas pourM.Sc.Zabett2024-02-19
Investigation of mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy compositeMaryam Sadat Rezaei JamnaniM.Sc.Sahebian2024-02-19
Investigation of Microstructure and Wear Behavior of Ti/TiN/TiCN Coatings on H13 Steel Using PVD TechniqueSeyyed Esmaeil ShakibPhDBabakhani2024-05-01
Investigation on surface modification of current collector in lithium-ion batteriesReza MostaaniM.Sc.Beidokhti2024-05-05
Electrodeposition of nanostructured composite of WO3-CNT for using in supercapacitorsMahdiye JahaniM.Sc.Mirjalili2024-05-07
Electrodeposition of electrocatalyst of Ni-Se on a three-dimensional porous substrate for water splitting processNafiseh Sadat ModghanPhDMirjalili2024-07-20
Residual Strength Prediction Using Modal Analysis in E-Glass Fiber Reinforced Cross ply (0,90)7 Epoxy Composite\Pouya ValizadehPhDZabett2024-08-10
Microstructure and Corrosion Resistance of WE43 Magnesium Alloy After Casting and ExtrudeMohammadreza TajariM.Sc.Mohammadi Zahrani2024-09-14
Electrocatalytic properties of dealloyed nanostructured Ni-Cu for Hydrogen evolution reactionNarjes RamezanianM.Sc.Mirjalili2024-09-16
Corrosion behavior of Corten A Steels welded with shielded metal and gas metal arc welding using carbon dioxide shielding gasMohammad SafariM.Sc.Mohammadi Zahrani2024-09-16
The effect of hot working on bainitic phase transformation of high strength low alloy steelSajjad Monem LushabM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2024-09-17
The effect of friction stir processing and plasma electrolytic oxidation on the corrosion resistance of commercially pure titaniumZeinab AskarabadiM.Sc.Mohammadi Zahrani2024-09-17
Effect of heat treatment processes on mechanical behavior tungsten alloyAli HarimiM.Sc.Ebrahimi2024-09-18
The study of microstructures and mechanical properties of thin-walled gray cast iron containing aluminum and siliconAnahita ReshvaniM.Sc.Kiani Rashid2024-09-21
Effect of thermomechanical process on the microstructural and texture evolution of X70 steel and hydrogen diffusivitySeyed Hossein Hosseini MortazaviPhDMirjalili2024-09-21
Electrochemical synthesize of Co-Mn-Ni nanosheets on Ni nano-microcones and their application in electrochemical hydrogen productionSeyed Mostafa NazemiM.Sc.Barati Darband2024-09-21
Synthesis and thin film deposion of Sb2Te3 thermoelectric material using thermal evaporation as layered structure and study of its thermoelectric propertiesFatemeh naderverdyM.Sc.Sajjadi2024-09-21
Synthesis of CuO / ZnO / MnO2 Oxide Mixture by Solution Combustion Method: Effect of Process Parameters on Physical Properties and Nickel Removal from Industrial WastewatersAlireza Bijani AvalM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2024-09-21
Investigating the performance of Si/CNT nanocomposite with the presence of solid- liquid PCM in soft actuatorsMahboubeh Ghasemzadeh NamaghiM.Sc.Sahebian2024-09-30
effect of synthesis parameters on optical properties of ZnTiO3 and MnTiO3 perovskite nanocomposite synthesis by solution combustionMohaddeseh ShahlaM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2024-11-11
Design and investigation of irregular and FGM aluminum open cell foams with the aim of increasing erosion resistance and sound absorption in the presence of solid particlesAkram SalehiPhDKiani Rashid2025-01-06
Electrodeposition of nickel sulfide and selenide compounds as electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reactionNegin Hassanzadeh KhabbazM.Sc.Barati Darband2025-01-15
electrochemical deposition of CoCuP@Ni-Se and investigation its properties in electrochemical supercapacitorAmirhossein Teimouri GhalehbalaM.Sc.Barati Darband2025-01-26
In-situ Fabrication of Borate Glass/Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposites by Bio-Chemical and Bio-mechanical CharacterizationNeda SamiM.Sc.Mollazadeh Beidokhti2025-01-26
mechanical and chemical properties of Ti-4Al-5V/Ti/BG FGM synthesized by SPS methodAlireza SharifiM.Sc.Vahdati Khaki2025-02-01
Investigation of microstructure and fractional softening in Two-stage hot deformation of micro-alloyed steel containing vanadium-nitrogenMilad EhsanzadehM.Sc.Ebrahimi2025-02-17